Definicion De Dibujo Abstracto Wikipedia

Cooper Union, East Village, Manhattan - fatos primeiro apresenta 15 maiores erros que mudou a história número um do Muro de Berlim a razão o Muro de Berlim caiu é o leste Político alemão de Luther Przewalski não pronunciou um discurso corretamente em 1989 ele realizou uma conferência de imprensa para que ele pudesse repassar algumas pequenas revisões para o código de viagem do jeito que ele redigiu seu discurso deu ao público a ideia de que a viagem restrições foram removidas completamente quando um repórter na multidão ouviu isso ele perguntou quando as mudanças estavam indo para faça efeito sem saber que as pessoas não entendeu o que ele disse que ele disse -los que as mudanças entrariam em vigor imediatamente quando a imprensa publicou a história viajantes invadiram a fronteira e exigiu passagem através de permitir que um tumulto completo ocorra autoridades decidiram ir em frente e deixar a parede cair número 2 a falta chave fez com que o Titanic afundasse se ele não foi por falta de uma chave do Titanic pode nunca ter afundado muito antes do navio afundou o segundo oficial do navio david blair foi substituído por Charles Lightoller que era mais experiente quando Blair deixou seu posto apesar de ter se esquecido de dar rolo leve ou a chave do armário onde os binóculos foram mantidos no noite o navio afundou fred foi o vigia ele alegou que, se ele teria tinha binóculos ele teria visto o iceberg mais cedo e eles poderiam ter tido a direção dos navios mudou no tempo número três, o clima de Marte ausente orbitador a equipe que construiu o clima de Marte orbitador em 1999 foi chamado o Lockheed Equipe de Martin quando eles estavam construindo o propulsores que não usaram a métrica sistema em vez disso eles usaram o imperial sistema e eles deixaram de lado a NASA sabe que o erro de cálculo foi assim sério que o orbitador saiu do curso foi tão fora do curso, de fato, que a NASA desistiu e eles listaram o orbitador como assumido perdido e eles usaram a métrica sistema ou se eles mencionaram à NASA que eles usou o sistema imperial então o orbitador provavelmente ainda seria usado hoje e a NASA não teria saído milhões de dólares para o número fracasso da Baía dos Porcos em 1961 governo planejou uma invasão de Cuba chamado a Baía dos Porcos o ataque foi deveria ser um ataque duplo com terra tropas e apoio aéreo trabalhando juntos quando o Pentágono planejou o ataque eles esqueceram de levar em consideração as diferenças de tempo entre Nicarágua e Cuba por causa deste grave erro os caças chegaram na área e hora atrasada as tropas terrestres não podiam lidar com a batalha por conta própria e falhou este foi um dos mais erros embaraçosos e mortais cometidos por o Pentágono e os Estados Unidos governo número cinco a 1977 New York City motins em julho de 1977 relâmpago atingiu o New York con Edison facilidade que controlou a potência para toda a cidade a fim de obter o poder restaurado um dos operadores teve que virar vários interruptores eles também tiveram que ser ligado uma certa ordem infelizmente o operador perdeu um dos os interruptores e Con Ed ficaram offline completamente por mais de 25 horas porque isso aconteceu em julho, que é um dos os meses mais quentes do ano pessoas não tinha ar condicionado entre isso e o fato de que não havia poder para isso longa cidade de Nova York tornou-se muito lugar perigoso para ser durante aqueles vinte e cinco horas houve saques vandalismo e incêndio ocorrendo em todo a cidade um estudo do Congresso foi realizado após o incidente e descobriu que havia terminado 300 milhões de dólares em danos acima de apenas aqueles 25 horas número seis a batalha de Trenton durante o americano Guerra Revolucionária George Washington cruzou para a fragata Delaware no meio do inverno para que eles pudessem derrotar os soldados hessianos que estavam segurando a cidade de Trenton um leal agricultor viu o que estava acontecendo e ele queria avisar o comandante hessiano assim ele escreveu-lhe uma nota Infelizmente, o Johann Gottlieb Rahl never read the note when he was killed during the battle the unopened letter from the farmer was still found in his pocket and he taken the time to read the note things would have been a lot different number seven the Coconut Grove fire the Coconut Grove was a very popular nightclub in Boston in 1942 the club was packed one of the Busboys needed to find an electrical outlet in the dark so he lit a match to help guide his way unfortunately that match started a fire that spun out of control within minutes when the doors were installed during the building of the club the builders put them on the wrong side because of this they swung inward rather than outward since there were no fire codes back then there was just no way out of the club when the patrons rushed the door they couldn't get it open because of the stampede of people pushing into the door they blocked their own escape from the club and most of them died had the builders put the hinges on the other side of the door so the doors would open outward there would be a great chance that most of those patrons if not all of them would have made it out alive number 8 the explosion of the de Havilland comet in the 1950s a state-of-the-art jetliner was designed called the de Havilland comet in 1954 two of the planes exploded in midair all 54 people on board died later when experts studied the wreck to determine the cause of the explosions they found that the problem lied with the planes window the windows on the plane were square and there were weak points in the corners when the planes were in the air they cracked under the pressure had the planes developers used round windows it would never have happened this is why now all modern airplanes have round windows number nine when 12 million people lost their phone service in 1991 phone customers in Washington Pittsburgh Baltimore San Francisco and Los Angeles lost their phone service it was estimated that 12 million people lost the service the reason the service went out was due to one tiny stupid mistake a bail employee was responsible for controlling the signals that regulated the phone traffic it was his job to type in a code instead of typing the letter D he typed the number six had the worker paid a bit more attention to what he was doing the phone service may not have gone down and millions of people may not have been so frustrated number 10 the stealth bomber crash in 2008 a stealth bomber was being serviced while it was stationed in Guam the technician failed to notice that there was moisture buildup on the air pressure sensor it was discovered that the air sensor was responsible for feeding data to the stealth bombers flight control system because the sensors were malfunctioning due to the moisture the bomber took off prematurely and it crashed fortunately the two pilots on board ejected from the plane in time and they landed on the ground safely unfortunately though it cost the US government a great deal of money 1.4 billion dollars to build the bomber and it was destroyed when it crashed when things like this happen it proves that people in positions like this should be very careful number eleven the Hiroshima bombing Russia sold Alaska to the United States for 7.2 million dollars unfortunately there was an error when the deal was being translated that's what caused the Hiroshima bombing number 12 the creation of the wicked Bible two printers named Robert Barker and Martin Lucas were printing the King James Bible in 163when they printed the seventh commandment that talks about adultery they forgot to add the word not making it sound like adultery was a good thing the verse read thou shalt commit adultery according to this version it was mandatory to commit adultery when King Charles the first found out about this error the printers were stripped of their business license they were fined also a year's wages and he ordered that all the copies of that Bible be burned when the wicked Bibles were destroyed only eleven of them survived number thirteen the largest man-made explosion on record in 1917 the SS IMO a Norwegian ship was forced to City and Halifax harbor in Nova Scotia Canada while they waited for a coal delivery the delivery was two days late by the time the coal arrived and the ship was able to leave the French ship called the ball blanc was headed through the channel both ships needed to navigate it to get out the ship's tried to pass one another without success and they ended up crashing into one another the Mont Blanc was carrying explosives at the time and when the ships collided they detonated the harbour and the surrounding city was devastated due to the explosion of the 15 biggest mistakes that changed history this incident is a bit different there were two mistakes that caused this to occur if the coal had been delivered on time the boat would never have been in the harbour and the collision would never have occurred also if just one of the ships had changed their course to travel around the other the collision never would have occurred number fourteen the Germans lost at Normandy in 1944 the Field Marshal named her when Rommel was in charge of defending Europe from the Allied invasion on the weekend of June 6th Rommel took the weekend off so that he could celebrate his wife's birthday that was the day that the Allies landed at Normandy this is what led to the largest defeat in World War two it's also known as d-day and Rommel decided to celebrate his wife's birthday on a different day history may have been changed greatly and our world could be completely different than it is today number 15 the destruction of the Soviet and one moon rocket in 1969 the Soviets launched the n1 rocket that was to be aimed at the moon one of the bolts was loose and it was sucked into a fuel pump this caused the rocket to explode about 20 seconds into the flight the fireball created during the explosion was one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in human history subscribe for more.

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São José de Ribamar:

Jessie Delgado, Kings: Ursulines. Brusque: Upstate Medical University; 2006.

Carol Love, Cattaraugus. Sapucaia do Sul: Bank Street College of Education (graduate school); 2007.

Elizabeth Sparks, Sylvan Court zip 10035. Guarapuava: Fordham University; 2013.

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