Quais Sao Os Exames De Colesterol

State University of New York at Fredonia - Você está pronto para um novo jogo? Acredito está fazendo isso, mas ainda não tenho certeza tudo bem, então eu só vou configurar o outro não sabe do que está falando sobre eu deveria estar fazendo a música agora ou não agora vamos fazê-lo agora, na verdade, muito barulhento eles estão fedendo você estar de volta em um segundo diga olá a todos, se alguém olha lá olá alô aleatório homem misterioso feliz Olá Jamie ok o que é isso hein Eu posso ser o caçador o caipira o que é o que devo Faz posso pressionar algo não, não está bem o que é esta bem-vindo ao garfo um jogo simétrico julgamento entre até quatro de sobrevivência e um assassino assassino como uma sobrevivência que você fez objetivo é escapar para tentar viver outro dia. O que? isso não parece promissor! sair por agora hoje oi a todos que eu jogo RP Sr. aleatório. senhora chamativo tudo bem, estamos ainda meio que está sendo configurado porque é o seu sempre diz lento atualizá-lo novamente o que você faz ele não sabe o que ela está fazendo agora se alguém sabe como jogar este jogo eu espero que eu receba ei vocês todos jogos espero que eu acertou como você sabe que diz que ama isso jogo que você pode querer nos ajudar porque nós vamos ser nerds nisso de novo nós também não sabemos se deveríamos tenha o jogo ativado ou desativado, digamos você só precisa nos informar sobre o momento eu vou tocar um pouco de música e então vamos ver como vai, você pode colocá-los online eu sou um falador de laboratório que é como você morre, então ainda vamos descobrir isso um e descobrir o que isso significa tão ano de todo mundo incrível Eu diria como está o fim de semana de todo mundo até agora você já está no jogo que foi velozes você fez um tutorial não fede calças tudo bem, então um par de anúncios enquanto espero pelo fedido qualquer coisa antes de tudo quero agradecer todos pela ajuda com a discórdia servidor parece que está começando a construir uma pequena comunidade agora, por favor junte-se que se você ainda não sabe há algumas pessoas que já estão em e acho que aleatório provavelmente vai para continuar anunciando em todo o transmitir de qualquer maneira, ele certamente ajudou com no momento então esse é o segundo agora sim isso é bom jogo RP é isso era outro pedido de assinante não posso lembre-se de quem sugeriu isso jogo, mas eu vou tentar oh como Jesse H está aqui Logan Hansen está aqui como vocês dois estão bem agora o que é isso vou dizer sim anúncio somos todos animado no momento espero que você possa ouvi-lo em nossas vozes isso é mais para os australianos ninguém mais, mas o nosso time de futebol fez a grande final eu vou jogar a seguir semana eles estão todos animados para que nós assisti o jogo na sexta-feira incrível todo mundo espero que vá para o Richmond Tigres sim, ele diz fede fede diz nada agora se alguém jogar o jogo fique à vontade para nos dar alguns conselhos, porque nós realmente não sabemos o que estamos fazendo Obrigado Logan sim, finalmente atingimos o Marca 2k com os assinantes, demorou um pouco tempo para chegar lá, mas espero seremos capazes de crescer com isso sendo um um pouco folgado de publicidade sim sim, é chamado morto pela luz do dia RP jogos já 2k sim nós acabamos de fazer diz que meio que fez um pouco de publicidade esta semana para tentar nos levar para o 2k, mas youtubers mudou sua contagem de assinantes agora, para que você não possa ver a contagem exata mais há um pouco de um alvoroço por isso eles forjaram e fez de qualquer maneira então é isso que se trata YouTube Então, como está todo mundo o que você é tudo além de ficar entediado por nós o que você está dizendo que fede esperamos chegar ao 3k agora apenas naquela noite o que notamos é para a maior parte atraímos muitos pessoas realmente boas, então gostaríamos de você tudo para se conhecer também você conhece os canais um do outro se você ainda não tiver apenas o lembrete se você quiser confira seu canal, deixe um comentar em um de nossos vídeos porque nós não faça isso do estranho ao vivo apenas porque leva muito tempo Jogos RP que estamos jogando em um celular telefone, então eu não sei que você pode obter morto pela luz diária em outros dispositivos I acho que pode estar no ps4 ou PC também mas acabamos de obtê-lo o aplicativo do telefone móvel e acabou de digitar morto à luz do dia, então espero que ajude ele agora Hogan diz que ele muda sua Nomes de canais do YouTube, às vezes, ele muda isso o tempo todo eu não consigo acompanhar com o capitão do céu Jenny Logan mantém indo eu sei que é no iOS, temos IRS então deveria estar lá você acabou de digitar, mas eu sou um DBD distante fazer a diferença porque eu precisava de um pouco as pessoas estavam usando isso como uma tag, mas eu sou quase positivo eu acabei de morto por luz do dia e surgiu imediatamente oh ok relâmpagos aqui também outra pessoa que tem ajudado a discórdia e ele diz que ama sua jogo então novamente dicas muito apreciadas qualquer coisa que você possa fazer para nos ensinar como jogar nós amamos isso agora e sim fazemos Logan eu tenho e eu descobrimos que tivemos um problema ao adicionar telas para nossos fluxos porque eu atualizou o iPhone eu acho que é o motivo pelo qual não podemos adicionar telas no momento, então se você acabar recebendo um excesso de iPhone max apenas ser ciente de que grava em outro relação de aspecto não é o 16,9 que eles dizer que eles precisam agora, deixe-nos saber se os sons do jogo estão altos ou muito altos ou se a música é muito alta, ele está ignorando o meu - por que você está ignorando minhas mensagens se você está falando sobre discórdia, estamos fazendo este fluxo agora deus é do gato litigar e para trás entre oo discórdia e o fluxo, então eu vou estar conversando com você no stream em vez disso e já temos nosso primeiro DLG para vida sempre conseguimos isso de vez amor quando temos as orgias d aqui lá praticamente todos os dias oldies ninguém fedido preparando o jantar tudo bem então calças já fede é ficando um pouco frustrado dizer brilhante relâmpago se você pode nos dar um pouco um pouco de assistência aqui muito apreciado olhar para ele Boyd LG lá todo o gênio L no momento isso é tudo que você tem é dizer agora relâmpago diz fácil e você tem para dar um grito especial a Bryant relâmpago, não só por nos ajudar com a discórdia, mas eu lembro de todos vocês dizem nos ajudou em um jogo anterior estava dando nós todos os tipos de dicas sim, eu não posso lembre-se que cara precisa de um deles, ele pode ter sido o que sugeriu morto pela luz do dia por tudo o que sei então aqui está a primeira dica tudo bem primeiro quando a coisa amarela aparece - você está certo, isso é uma verificação de habilidade aviso ok fedido quando entra no design clique nele para clicar no conjunto de habilidades coisa que você tem que vai impedir o gerador de explodir você está mexendo com o gerador oh sim Caim eu sou eu sou vai continuar a ignorar o seu mensagens se eles estão neste cabo, então eu não posso continuar pulando pra frente e pra trás entre discórdia e o fluxo tão apenas esteja ciente de que isso é engraçado, então o que todos vocês têm para mim manter me entretido aqui enquanto eu tento calças fedorentas para falar que ela é difícil obtê-lo e conversar quando ela está se concentrando sobre a tensão no jogo e randoms já disse dizer que eu acho que ele quer dizer Canadá diga o Canadá e eu vou subjugar você agora falta de uma verificação de habilidade diminui a velocidade e alerta o assassino para a sua posição multiplayer vencedor você ouviu isso sim e então ele também diz também todos os sobrevivente tem suas próprias habilidades agora em seu peitoral Janell David está aqui Olá, ei, como vai você, oh e maminha remédios aqui em um idioma diferente para apenas tenha paciência comigo por um momento enquanto eu fazer isso eu tenho que descobrir o que linguagem é a primeira, por isso é árabe apenas suportar comigo quase lá oh onde está que eu deveria ter feito isso bem apenas tenha paciência comigo, eu deveria ter tido isso configuração antes que seja um pouco lento e tente em árabe olha que não deu certo vamos ver se isso trabalho Tudo bem, desculpe, espero que você veja vê que a iluminação brilhante diz que ele usa Claudette para que você possa se curar sem ter que usar um medikit sim medikit fedido por que você é viciado em vovó - essa é uma pergunta para você o que você está falando de Cannes Cannes perguntando por que você é viciado em vovó - não, eu não sou você é viciado nisso eu sou apenas tentando enviar outra mensagem para amigo que fala árabe não tenho certeza se eles ainda estão lá porque é uma escravo um pouco para eu fazer isso tudo bem então esse é fedido, mas se você quer escapar, sugiro qualquer um ou meg Thomas eu não assino a nossa canais do clã diz aleatória ele está falando para Kane lá sim, o batimento cardíaco avisa sobre o presença do assassino dizer quando você vê o assassino de batimentos cardíacos está perto de cortar esse o assassino não pode te atacar porque é o treinamento pode agora fugir do BlackBerry oh ele atacou você oh ele é tem você como suas próprias habilidades bem, eu ervilhas receitas de cozinha aqui também bem-vindo ao fluxo eu sei que este é o primeira vez para você todo mundo faz um B bem-vindo, eu estive visitando o canal deles um pouco só para lembrá-lo e desculpe, eu vou estar me repetindo muito mas quando você quer que eu vá conferir seu canal durante um fluxo simplesmente não esqueça de deixar um comentário no vídeo para que eu possa ser um lembrete de fazer isso porque nós não fazemos isso no próprio chat ao vivo tudo bem que foi vu8 abies cozinha tudo bem Então, em um certo nível, tal coisa chamada vantagens ensináveis ​​desbloquear calças fedor você roubou probabilidades de comida divertidas de brincar de vovó - isso é verdade, você continua tomando Pete Sim, você continua pegando meu telefone. entendi agora relâmpagos já dizendo rasgar ao morrer você pode rastejar e é claro que vamos, vamos máscaras - diminui a velocidade do assassino se você continuar mexendo você acabou de matar o assassino alguém está te ajudando bem, isso é bom e se você mexer o suficiente, pode escapar do seu alcance o mesmo sistema é usado para o estágio de sacrifício através de você agora você pode ser curado por outro companheiro de equipe temos um companheiro de equipe, isso significa ninguém este é apenas tutorial eu não acho que é a coisa da pessoa real, mas isso significa que podemos ter pessoas reais junte-se a nós mais tarde como Call of Jeannie sim, então você estava se livrando bate-papo global isso é verdade e posso dizer que escreveu para eles e eles disseram que eles vão implementar algo mais isso vai facilitar para pessoas a recrutar para o confronto de clãs e também conhecer novas pessoas que eu não realmente entender isso soa como bate-papo global mais uma vez, mas eles fizeram diga-me que é isso que eles estão indo para fazer isso, esteja ciente disso sem um item de cura dizer, mas mesmo assim se você não quer confiar na musa quarteto para usar o pacote chamado auto-cuidado Oh Olá em dez como você é bem-vindo ao fluxo Eu sei que esta é a primeira vez para você, então apenas um lembrete se você quiser que eu verifique fora do canal só não se esqueça de deixe um comentário em um dos nossos vídeos porque é assim que fazemos, não fazemos através da própria transmissão ao vivo tão bem-vindo o que eu ia dizer que eu sou falando tanto que estou perdendo meu trem de pensava assim em 10 de hoje todos é aqui que são todas ótimas pessoas conversar entre si o que aconteceu lá porque porque você está com medo ou é - seu coração está lhe dando muito de ótimas dicas sim, eu posso dizer o que é acontecendo agora stinkypants vai coloque alguns fones de ouvido para ver se ela pode realmente ouvir o jogo e ninguém realmente disse que se você pode nos ouvir, eu me importo se a música estiver muito alta ou seja o que for história é que eu suponho que todos vocês podem ouvir nós bem, eles estão fazendo bom dia a salvo bate-papo global freako hashtag esquisito nós tenho agora obrigado novamente fad fad verificando o cortada aleatória tudo bem primeiro assassino habilidades são sempre diferentes Caim você já estão ambos começando a assediar-nos com comida, mas conseguir isso, ele é muito alto, então meu muito alto agora bem que significa que você pode usar os dois fones de ouvido se você quer qual é o uso assédio da comida ou qualquer outra coisa, mas o problema é fedorento queria pegar um saco de batatas fritas então é isso vai ser muito barulhento hashtag moderna lmia ah que me lembra Kane onde fez seu irmão vai, ele tem que ficar por aqui nos fluxos, se ele quiser Estou mod cantou brilhante virar uma faca você ainda está no mesmo tutorial ah isso é uma coisa boa som de mim diz que você tem uma arma já sim, porque eu sou um hambone tem você tem um péssimo parece com o dele de má qualidade bata nele com esse botão de faca sim dizer você pode dizer a ele que ele tem que ficar no riacho para que você não apenas doá-lo quer ou não, nós na verdade tem sido eu sou o que depois disso algumas pessoas cantam novamente bem que eles parece muito bom em me dizer quando chegarmos as pessoas desonestas que eles vêm ver lá ele é Logan, você tem que ficar por perto, companheiro é assim que funciona como seu irmão ela está aqui do fim ao fim ele me assedia agora é dias antes do esticar seus traseiros significa fedor animado calças eu estou sendo assediado de todos cantos virar e diz brilhante iluminando o afk Não sei ao certo o que o AF K significa, apenas para seja legal, então eu deveria fazê-lo porque tecnicamente eu tinha bem, eu conheci Logan antes de me conhecer, tenho certeza porque como Logan tinha um canal no tempo com vídeos, mas Kane não e agora parece que você deve ser capaz de mas tendo dito que eu ajustei para baixo latência eu queria saber se eu deveria configurá-lo para latência média em algum momento ah por 10 é aqui como você está, como você está como está seu feriado tchau olha que eu estou começando a lembrar pessoas que ele não estava no último fluxo porque ele está ausente nos feriados venha trabalho escolar vem em primeiro lugar, somos como o menor prioridade quando se trata de como você passa seu fim de semana realmente e o que você acordou no seu barco de férias? espero que eu entendi direito, tenho certeza Eu tenho a pessoa certa com a certa detalhes corrigir a descrição verificar upload padrões exatamente existem zeppoles aqui bem impressionante fixar a descrição verificar os padrões de upload eu acho que significa para mim você está falando sobre o na verdade você vai ter que me dizer você é Adam do que está falando a descrição para oo transmissão ao vivo porque eu tenho um pressentimento não posso consertá-lo agora, uma vez que o fluxo iniciado e para ser honesto para ir de volta ao negócio da discórdia eu não sei por que não continua me deixando tê-lo como um convite permanente, diga cada vez que eu fizer diz que você conhece os convites não permanente, então eu defini-lo para permanente e muda novamente, diga novamente, eu acho que a maioria das pessoas no fluxo já estão na discórdia, mas se você não tiver, não esqueça de fazer isso, então onde estávamos Então, o que você quer dizer com ele, ele está brincando? brincando e ele sabe sim, isso é Provavelmente certo foi para Coffs Harbour estivemos em Coffs porto eu tenho um dos meus melhores amigos vive em Coffs Harbour é uma ótima lugar não é que você meio que não fez realmente gastar muito tempo lá mesmo eles passamos a noite lá fizemos eles não nós não entendemos isso não tão boa refeição que ela teve que não tão bom tempo enguia lá eu lembro que fomos ao restaurante errado eu disse que se ele precisa discordar várias vezes eu não vi isso mas sim e eles mantêm a manter a familiar discordante agora de volta ao ditado de Brady equipado embala cada matança tem três bicadas personagens eu sou capaz de nivelá-los up e aleatório é engraçado eles são todos muito engraçado e todos se dão bem muito bem, é ótimo dizer na verdade conhecer um ao outro eu sou como você fedorento você não conhece ninguém sabe nem precisa de um saco de rap certamente não me chame de arqui-inimigo o que você chama de macarrão falso Sim um impostor impostor impostor ok, mais uma vez eu tenho que explicar o Jake é fedido, mas é assim que eu trabalha gritamos por sorvete eu acho eles estão verificando alguns dos nossos velhos córregos porque acho que coloquei aqueles piadas em ambos é isso para Dispositivos Android sim ou não, eu não sei talvez alguém talvez a nossa lata brilhante responda a essa pergunta, mas eu sei que você pode obtê-lo em um iPhone, porque isso é o que fizemos é isso para você poder selecionar vantagens desse botão logo ao lado do triângulo vermelho sim pecs totalmente não roubar essa piada da ajuda do YouTube vídeos, então eu acho que é aí que ele veio de mas, novamente, eu apenas os roubo online também Eu não sou um aficionado dos one-liners basta fazer uma pesquisa rápida no Google para obter eles agora novamente com o por que temos o por que a galinha atravessou a rua brinca novamente para chegar ao outro lado eu pergunto o que isso significa Brian é uh sim, é no Android para diga que você pode fazer isso agora depende do seu país porque o jogo não está fora em todos os lugares oh, então este é um relativamente novo também não explique por que não pude selecioná-lo no arcade omelete, mas eu poderia selecioná-lo no YouTube, mas tenho a sensação de que é o versão para PlayStation ou PC talvez eles disseram que isso ainda é teste beta no início sim, isso é uma versão beta no momento C tenho que dizer obrigado por sugerir estes jogos se eles são novos e eles são popular meu golly golly temos alguns pontos de vista no início vovó 2 é assim temos muitos anos dentro de uma semana para nós de qualquer maneira somos um canal minúsculo, mas eu estava bastante chocado com quantos estes avó para Deus Eu também fiquei bastante chocado com a falta de usar para a equipe de ecologia um tempo que um parece não ter acelerado ainda como alguns dos outros o que você é fazendo lá fedido esperando pelo que bem, é assim que você começa a brincar as pessoas vivem whoa você pode ser convidado a convidar alguém que é muito mais difícil do que isso olha eles dizem Brian diz apenas suportar urso com isso você está fazendo uma pausa para choque de fluxos de clãs, estamos no momento Logan por algumas razões número um que eu estou na liga de lendas e o tempo de cada dia porque eu só consegue atacar oito vezes por dia e eles criaram o horário de início para serem muito ruim para esses fluxos eu meio que tenho para deixar todos os ataques até o último minuto a outra razão, nem talvez a principal razão é que tivemos tantos pedidos de jogos ultimamente que estou tentando passar por um alguns deles há uma lista bastante lá já e fede calças já está recheio na nossa cara, então apenas tenha em importa se há muita trituração ao longo disso é por causa de fedido voltaremos ao confronto de clãs córregos em algum momento, mas é apenas um questão de encaixá-los no outro coisa é que não parece estar recebendo os pontos de vista que o confronto mais antigo do Clan fluxos fez em comparação com agora eles parecem ser muito mais lento para decolar Eu não sou muito certo porque, porque eu teria pensei que o último teria feito tudo bem com as mega atualizações, mas ainda muito lento para acertar o 1k tudo bem, então eu sou provavelmente muito atrasado no bate-papo neste ponto aleatório que não faz sentido para mim eu essa é uma dessas mensagens codificadas ah algo é capital aa aaa bi de CJ um Edra eu não sei, eu não posso trabalhar isso um fora tudo bem então onde estamos sim KS ok se eu começar o jogo, você pode me enviar um convite sim, podemos brincar com você agora se você tiver o jogo, você vai tem que tomar alguma iluminação brilhante provavelmente tem que nos ensinar como chegar alguém para se juntar a nós, mas é ótimo quando temos pessoas no stream jogando com isso ao vivo como o Call of Duty 1 I realmente amo isso e mesmo novamente, fizemos no que era lendas móveis um também tínhamos pessoas que éramos brincando com bola jogada d lol isso é outro bem, espere, eu sou apenas vou adicionar isso à lista que eu sou desculpe, eu estou tão atrasado no chat eu vou pegar subs subs d legal de TK minúsculo dizer psique agora sim, eu acho que ainda é bastante pequeno comparado aos subs maiores bem senhor minecraft está aqui Olá como você é bem-vindo ao fluxo todo mundo faça o sr. minecraft bem-vindo eu acredito é a primeira vez que eles se juntam agora se você quiser que eu dê uma olhada no seu canal só não se esqueça de deixar um comentário um dos nossos vídeos porque esse é o única maneira de obter as notificações a discórdia como randoms publicidade não frascos de hidromassagem agora eu não tenho certeza do que isso significa que talvez isso tenha a ver com o jogo não é um jogo de terror multiplayer chip ela está comendo batatas fritas eu amo batatas fritas três dias sim ela é choque de fluxos de clãs ficam como três cem a mil anos sim, exceto para os nossos mais velhos, se você olhar para o os mais velhos têm muito uso, mas o os mais recentes são cerca de 1,2 K para aqueles que já existem há um alguns meses, mas o mais recente ainda não está aqui sim diga não tenho certeza do que está acontecendo lá eu realmente não entendo isso algoritmo Eu diria que mãe ASM mr. aqui você está fazendo um um seminário com você você ponta trituração eles estão fedendo, eu não sei, você tem ninguém acharia isso relaxante agora sr. Minecraft você tem um novo assinante lá você vai pegar subs por estrondo no fluxo é isso que nós gostaria de ver você entrar no show fluxos entrar nos chats ao vivo e você vai pegar subs de fazê-lo incrível básico baixar o jogo certo agora então sim, você pode definitivamente se juntar a nós Bo adoraríamos brincar com você o escondido sementes de névoa era área 51 certo eu faria gostaria de saber o que aconteceu com isso porque ainda não vi o YouTube Eu sei que aconteceu recentemente e eu estava muito interessado em ver se eles fizeram realmente fazer um ataque ou eles apenas tudo pronto fora e festejou porque era certamente fazendo notícias aqui também e tudo bem querida, se você nunca jogado antes de faca f dizemos que não saber como foi jogado, mas brilhante relâmpago é certamente jogou antes e está dando suas dicas durante o transmitir tão bem bases que eu já vi pessoas jogá-lo toca, então eu tenho uma idéia você tem que ativar geradores e coisas para escapar correto então o que aconteceu com a área de ataque 51 51 direita r109 bem-vindo eu sou um G G G sim Eppley é existe há muito tempo, eles são metade as pessoas no fluxo de dlg AG's o que fez você querer fazer o YouTube dizer Originalmente, foi por algumas razões o primeiro relacionado ao confronto de clãs nós realmente queria ajudar nosso próprio clã e qualquer outra pessoa que costumava me pedir aconselhamento global porque é muito difícil faça dessa maneira, enquanto se mostrarmos vídeos então você sabe que isso ia ajudar não apenas pessoas do nosso clã de pessoas fora também, no entanto, tem sido evoluindo e continuará evoluindo porque como você pode ver, não estamos fazendo isso o momento no momento é tudo sobre as transmissões ao vivo, porque estamos realmente tentando aumentar o tempo de exibição o que nos leva ao próximo ponto sim nós gostaríamos de ser monetizados é isso que estamos trabalhando no momento e eu sei que algumas pessoas estão me ouvindo repetir eu mesmo que há planos maiores que nós conversamos um pouco aqui e lá também para ir além do YouTube, mas O YouTube é como a plataforma onde queremos que você saiba que estou recebendo um um pouco sério neste momento porque aqui está a coisa e eu queria falar sobre isso e desculpe, eu só vou cair para trás no bate-papo novamente, mas quando você está lidando com mídias sociais e basicamente interagindo com pessoas de todo o mundo o mundo que você sabe isso é tudo o que é mostrando minha idade e provavelmente não fede calças tanto, mas você sabe que eu sou velho o suficiente para lembrar quando não há internet não há telefones celulares não iPads certamente nenhuma mídia social, então o mundo está mudando ainda mais rápido e você está ficando exposto a muitas coisas que você sabe muito do seu positivo e alguns do seu muito negativo, então o que queremos fazer a longo prazo é claro entreter e conhecer pessoas e você sabe espero ser um bom e positivo influenciar as pessoas porque muitos de vocês caras são jovens, certifique-se de fazer o nosso melhor para guiá-lo na direção certa com a nossa experiência no mundo, se puder chame assim porque me preocupa alguns dos atitudes que eu vi hoje são bastante preocupante e é decepcionante que não nem toda geração jovem eu vou fazer isso claro, mas certamente há certas coisas do mundo é um falha ou é algo que podemos ir através talvez eu Sarah eu vou parar com isso, mas lembre-me de falar um pouco mais sobre isso em um momento mas vou tentar alcançar o conversar então apenas tenha paciência comigo, então eu não estou vai fazer qualquer conversa eu só vou fazer enquanto eu vou ler as conversas assim o que você fez você quer fazer no YouTube feed Eu tenho uma notificação que dizia tempo esgotado disponível apenas perguntando como formigas e você conseguiu seu primeiro assinante lá vai você agora espere eu sou inscreveu-se em Logan, a menos que ele tenha um novo canal, tenho certeza que estou inscrito já zeppeli você tem uma nova olhada no assinante ele recebendo assinantes esquerda direita e configurar era apenas uma festa, temos um mercadoria alienígena vendido lá vai você oh eu pensei que eles estão realmente indo para os ataques área 51 realmente tenho 29 subs BAE você tem um assinante coisas incríveis cem subs no principal obrigado aleatório posso ser um mod eu pude eu não pude para perguntar em todos os fluxos por que você usa Dinheiro do YouTube eu vou chegar até você em um minuto como Eppley apenas tenha paciência comigo você usa dinheiro do YouTube? Sim, bem, é parte disso como você quer fazer quer tentar ganhar dinheiro com isso como bem como outras fontes de receita é algo que você deveria ser capaz de fazer sim, não há maneira de contornar que você está passando no MySpace I tem que onde você quer dizer que eu tenho 33 oi ele é pai fede pai tem o homem medo e Eu ela não fez ele jurar novamente fede calças oh bom que ela está dizendo que não fiz eu disse que é irritante às vezes escorrega fora, mas eles estão dizendo que você disse que o S palavra que você foi pego fazendo antes não tão ruim quanto o meu caminho do que o última transmissão, mas desculpe por isso pessoal eu realmente pediu a Stinky um fluxo tão Eu poderia soltar e, aparentemente, era ainda gravando o que não é bom mas ela está tentando afirmar que ela não disse nada hoje vamos lá ela está dizendo por favor seja tipo de isto ela já disse a ela antes de tentar e não fazer os palavrões que ele tem sido muito bom, ela jura como um marinheiro normalmente você não está fedendo sim, eu sou desculpe, eu só vou fazer um SMI porque novamente como fedido Oh já teve algo profundo isso manhã eu certamente não tenho ou isso tarde agora então tchau e deixe-nos saber quando você está no jogo e como podemos adicioná-lo também, então estes são simplesmente batatas fritas um pouco de sal mas acho que não tem muito para eles fedido pegá-los de graça não você fede sim, então eu espero que tenhamos perdido um par de pessoas do fluxo porque eu comecei para falar sobre esses aspectos sérios da como gostaríamos de usar o canal para criar um pouco de boa influência porque há muito bandido que tenho a dizer há muita influência ruim sobre YouTube também felizmente, é mais bom do que ruim mesmo para outras mídias sociais há são coisas que eu não necessariamente concordo porque acho que não não melhora o mundo de forma alguma dizer esperamos que o Departamento de Defesa seja isso eles estão lá hoje Eu compro com isso uma vez baixado porque eu pensei que estava pronto para ir e Eu tive sorte de ter verificado ontem que uma vez baixado e mesmo atualizado também quando me der licença quando eu abro o jogo e depois faço os dados remendos também e isso levou bastante tempo, então eu sou meio grato e eu verifiquei ontem caso contrário para o primeiro eu não sei quanto tempo talvez 10 20 minutos deste fluxo você apenas faria vi isso fazendo upload que desculpe baixar os patches de dados então eles apenas estariam cientes disso que pode demorar um pouco para você para o jogo, mas vamos ver como vai de qualquer maneira e parece chips mexicanos tivemos mexicano ontem não saiu alguma bicicleta no dia anterior com algum tortilla é assado ou leme quem é enchilada algo assim sim AMD e Intel são as CPUs do computador CPA também chamado de chips, então é aqui que eu chego educação de forma aleatória, porque eu sério, não sei o que está acontecendo quando se trata de tecnologia dizer sim, eu não sei eu não sei exatamente quanto tempo demorou baby, mas fiquei surpresa que ele fez isso porque eu ainda tinha um notificação dizendo que o jogo precisava para ser atualizado tão atualizado seu primeiro e depois disso eles disseram oh você tem que fazer alguns patches de dados certo k bem Eu teria pensado se você é baixá-lo pela primeira vez que tudo isso já estaria lá, então eu odeio almoço bem, por que isso é brilhante almoço relâmpago é uma boa refeição do dia supostamente o mais importante agora ainda mais importante que o café da manhã, mas eu deve admitir muitas vezes pular café da manhã e almoçar e apenas ter um grande jantar que provavelmente é por isso que eu sou tão gordo, você não diz que fede muito ocupado concentrando você tem duas pessoas que estão baixando o jogo no momento você sabe que seu objetivo é que existem você está morrendo, eu sei, mas eu simplesmente não posso fazer isso agora eles dizem bases ele pula tanto como bem, eu não consigo encontrar o jogo no aplicativo Loja está disponível no Canadá dizer isso deve ser realmente porque eles deixaram Australianos até tarde tudo de bom sim, porque aleatória dizendo que ele está tendo um um pouco de dificuldade baixá-lo no Canadá e ainda assim O dever estava disponível no Canadá, bem como Austrália Não tenho respostas para nenhum dos a propósito, agora eu não sei quem sugeriu o jogo, mas eu não tinha nenhum qualquer problema para baixá-lo dizendo que eu não pode não pode ajudá-lo com isso deixe-me fazê-lo bem direto longe eu só tenho lanches de vez em quando e novamente provavelmente não é uma coisa ruim se eles são lanches saudáveis ​​que estou esperando Sobrevivência Ark para baixar jogamos escuro sobrevivência do que eu o jogo dinossauro esse também é um ótimo jogo dicas nesse fluxo, bem como uma câmera I acho que era alguém chamado Purvis era dando dicas impressionantes para isso, porque nós estavam correndo como loucos não sabendo o que está acontecendo e acho que metade a razão pela qual obtemos os números para cima e para baixo nas correntes porque as pessoas estão tentando baixar todos esses jogos enquanto estamos transmitindo eu vou basta procurar um IPA, pois é um jogo grande está disponível nos EUA ai está veja que está bem, eu não entendo isso eles devem ter como o que quer que seja versão original é porque quando eu definir no fluxo disse que o jogo havia chegado em 2016, mas acho que não é um versão móvel do jogo que está sendo anunciado e definitivamente uma omelete nem sequer tinha como opção você não poderia ter morto à luz do dia lá então talvez isso adicione algo a ver com e brights de volta incrível o que fez nossa empregada diz que eu estou recebendo animado também estou assistindo no PC e baixar no iPad impressionante é isso que gostamos de ver ao contrário desses outros que tem que sair e baixar e voltar todo o nosso espaço que é bom comentários, então eu sou não reclamando Keith la aqui vamos nós tão brilhante dizendo é 2016 PC e tudo o que saiu, mas 2018 ou 19 móveis saiu eu acho que pode ser 2019 só porque ainda está em a fase beta da batida Peter ou beta você diz tomate eu digo tomate você diz potômetro sim, isso é certo com o seu sotaque ninguém pode entender de qualquer maneira não é isso em um Playstation - Não faço ideia de cana e obrigado novamente por anunciar a discórdia aleatório ele é incrível tanto brilhante relâmpagos e aleatórios contribuíram bastante para realmente pegar aquela fera apanhados e correndo havia bastante muito, muito, muito tranquilo inicialmente, mas ocupou muito do meu tempo esta manhã, quando eu estava tentando obter organizado para o fluxo que eu esperava faça um pouco de publicidade antes do transmitir, mas não teve tempo para fazer isso isso porque havia muita coisa acontecendo Acho fedor fascinante e discordante tem que verificar um dia você também precisa aprender a usá-lo melhor do que porque não tenho ideia de como usá-lo em um momento eu posso tão fedido assim eu tem que me perguntar que também aleatória é uma bom trabalho profundo bem feito o que você reparar uma máquina tudo o que eu vou dizer é usá-lo sabiamente as pessoas que eu estou confiando confiando em todos esses caras para monitorar e fique de olho no esquadrão d porque se eu não tenho idéia, eu diria mesmo que eles estavam me ensinando hoje eu não tinha idéia de como fazer qualquer coisa é bastante incrível nosso complexo é muito além o que eu posso fazer meus shows são bons chips é que uma marca é simplesmente eu tenho nunca ouvi falar de nachos antes e acho podemos obtê-los aqui, a menos que esteja em um loja de especialidade há algo como este Eu gosto do que você chama de chaleira chips como batatas fritas você tem os comuns como este so not the brand really it's just the mesmo yeah but 19 I am Ketel and what's the other brand like kettle deli rock now the way they cook their chips is different and we'll probably never get a sponsor from these guys cuz I'm about to say it I don't like Pringles I've never liked Pringles that's not being wronged there's something well the good thing is I can't eat too many of them because I just don't like them that much you have a little bit here and there is just something about Pringles chips that are I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high she seems surprised yeah can I draw on your eyebrows no no no I did have a look of surprise and look I've already made another enemy out of Kane yet again he says he loves Pringles Pringles are at the absolute bottom of the barrel for me I only like one flavor though the sour cream and onions the sour creams good Kane saying he loves pizza fright flavored Pringles here we go with the food talk again but I made something with the taste saved yeah our Bay's on my side he doesn't like printables either neither why and I agree it's something about the taste the gist I've had a few different flavors but then it's something about it you know what I really do love and base i from memory base from Australia say I don't know if you've seen it and I can't remember the brand stinky but the garlic chips I think they've gone they were my absolute favorite number one I can't find them anymore which is highly disappointing everything should have garlic flavor put garlic in this garlic in that it's all good you can tell I'm not a vampire random have seen that Jake it's them lighting now I'm opening it awesome but I know why people like sour cream and onion why yeah it's good stuff I don't mind sour cream and onion flavor just not on Pringles I'm so good at sleeping I can do with my eyes closed you got that one direito what I'm so good at sleeping I can do it with my eyes closed my boss told me to have a good day so I went home my boss told me to have a good day so I went home like these Jake's at the moment garlic pizza is nice he got that right bright lightening it's better than garlic bread when you have a garlic pizza I mean unfortunately there is a pizza place that closed down near us that had great garlic pizza it's gone why is Peter Pan always flying why he depends always flying I don't conhecer he never lands you know Neverland yeah he never lands sour cream and onion is epic I'm offended a guy I'll like we're getting arch nemesis what's the biggest problem with our channel they're not old friends they're all arch nemesis how much nemesis vid you came random their arch nemesis with each other and you you've probably got the most arch nemesis never saw your arch nemesis all over the place stink pants 1.4 yes so that was a patch that I was talking about by but I don't understand why it's not in when you download the game why do they then have to patch it if you've downloaded it that I don't understand but you're talking to someone that's not tech savvy do you guys like salt and B gonna get flavored chips yes we like the salt and vinegar I'm gonna go and listen to music oh no we're losing zeppeli already it sounds like that's a shame mmm we might need more tips bright a woman walks into a library and asks if two year they had any books about paranoia the woman walks into a library and says do you have any books about paranoia the librarian said they're right behind you they're right behind you I don't get it the other day my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick she still is oh my gosh she still isn't talking team huh where can I get some glow sticks I can give a distinct pants that's what I need to do around oh he's entertaining everyone with the ease Jetix why do blind people hate skydiving it scares the heck out of their dogs you get that dog when you look really closely all mirrors look like eyeballs if you look really closely oh you guys saw what I did there that's great well before I go do you like dill pickle chip I've never had a dill pickle to build Phil pickle chip sound interesting I'll try that out my friend says to me what rhymes with laranja I said no it doesn't one what rhymes with orange rhymes with orange what rhymes with orange no it doesn't what do you call a guy with a rubber tone Roberto Roberto there you go what did the pirate say when he turned 80 years old hey matey hey matey yeah she's too busy concentrating on the great game I know this is all hang on I know this is rude but Bob Brett's got more advice first when injured you need to click on the self-care logo to heal yourself stinky why wasn't the teddy bear hungry he was stuffed stink he's not listening to me at the moment she see busy concentrating on the game second you get a limited amount of items so use them wisely stink limited a man of items what I hope exactly didn't mean that randoms a great guy they're all great peoples eppley you're great too not too sure what's going on there don't know what random did random behaved 30 if you have a last person left find Stach to escape so if your last person left find the hatch what is hatch I'm guessing there's a hatch at the top of the building maybe I'm too sure I don't even know where you are fourth if you plan on outlasting everyone for the hatch use will overbeck's perks I think it's updated to where it now shows you where the arches I've never tried pickle chips but I love pickles same here porridge is nice door hinge open the door hinge more Jake's and they're saying more Jake's blow up the chat the common tool box is the own one you have so try to escape randomly injured isn't that already oh are you the last one already I don't know why you got to find a hatch somewhere is what I understand and heal yourself if you maybe heal yourself my wife told me they these are old Jake's belly steam Wow zinc pants told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo so I had to put my foot down I couldn't figure out why the baseball bat kept getting larger then it me but he's a great one-liners that spawns in the ground randomly says bright lightning why did the old man fall there is very conveniente I was actually your age Lisa Jake's is so good what do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals Philippe Philippe flip-flop gosh laughs earring and who died try chocolate chip with extra chocolate chips it's the bomb now is that in an ice cream or a biscuit I think we have that stink pants should go save a teammate says bow made to find your teammates and helping me out of it actually I might chime just give me a momento 7:20 is what you want cookies are awesome did you hear the one about the Italian chef that God's tent pegs he passed her away it's hard to get a reaction out of stinky or did you help someone you did didn't you yeah you know I got injure myself say Dan T question there came the Americans we find quite funny with the terminology to you yes cuz it's very different from us and really the reality is I think cookies and biscuits just basically are the same thing to us we don't make a distinction between a cookie and a biscuit some people call it a cookie some people call it a biscuit same thing someone probably correct me on that and say well technically a biscuit means this and a cookie means that but we use the terms interchangeably don't lead in sync we just call them biscuits or cookies no answer it's be busy concentrating again while the Jake's are coming too thick and fast here my wife accused me of best ink pants accused me of being immature all the time I told her to get out of my Forte's stinky she's too busy tapping the fine I can't believe how many Jake's they've got they're coming inside thick and fast at the moment more more than I can keep up with what are you doing there sting pants escape what are you doing escape escape did you die yep and that's it we're the last person Oh what is that thing I was gonna say it's a spider bit it's not is it yeah the hatch was what you were supposed to open and escape from what is hatch it's like a door before but no I can't you're hooked you're are you gonna keep playing the same character again for different level it's hard to get like to be a handle because you know there's only one handle you one game but then you got four survivals in the game so you need more people to be survival and it's gonna take longer if you want to be a handle to find a game that you can play with right I can change the character to add the person I suppose but I already got level tool for these characters Oh No yeah well done so I think we're still like a bar is still waiting for the the patches update so you might as well start again while you're waiting it and what do you think tão longe you don't see you did get one fear reaction but not Apes not like granny it's more jump scare for granny this one you know jump scare when you do something and they just appear comes outta nowhere yeah I thought I already look behind but then just come hit me in the back whereas this one this one you kind of see it coming so it's not super duper scary yeah by saying a game still lighting I did this is again disturb hate myself I was so lucky I checked in yesterday cuz normally I'd I'm once it's downloaded I've don't actually check the game but he's is waiting for all these patches to upload you know from memory it took a while that didn't take longer than what I thought it would it's imagine that you start off the stream today for the first half an hour or however long takes and you can't do anything that would be boring although it does scroll through all of the characters I say you get to see what everyone is doing 700 mega Clift says bohtan ah ha ha and thanks again random for advertising the discord he's all sure of that he's been doing it every now and again to get people to join and you need to have a look stinky it's quite fascinating ok it's very different from any other interactive social media or you know like when you and I used to use Skype how simple is that this chords nothing like that I mean it has the same functions but it just not on my Facebook that well you're much more VES than Facebook than I yeah here nós vamos you're at it again you show me how good you can play now you're an expert no I'm gonna have to get real give me that noobs from the titles gonna have to die we interesting to see what happens I'm actually surprised bright lightning as an asked to join cuz he asked to join one of the app they dominated the enum while him and random anyway both dominated even koala GT if remembering and then some other guy joined mmm-hmm as well from the strain that's what you need these experts say bear in mind bows never played it either so you're gonna have to teach him well though he seems to know what's going on with it he's he certainly knows a little bit more than you I think they may he hasn't played it yet okay say I like the graphics on this one it's pretty impressive would you say seu nome oh here we go yes shit I will give you a shout-out if I can pronounce that h2 a maquette mikachu 47 a lie and how are you welcome to the stream everybody make mikachu welcome you if I can call you that well welcome you got a shout out again where are you from my mikachu you don't have to answer that if it's too personal but I'm always curious and how's your weekend been so longe anything special also if you've played this game we're very grateful it for any tips that you may have because once again we're playing as lubes and we have no idea what we're doing well I think you've done the generator before so you must know what's going on there you've already finished isn't it there you guys impressionante look at them they're picking up subscribers left right the center just from being in the stream and because you're new here is well Micucci if you want me to come check out your channel just don't forget to leave a comment on one of our videos so I get the notification but I wonder if there's a better way to do that because I repeat myself every time someone new is in the corrente what are you reckon sting to be busy concentrating on the game again all right same still waiting for Bo's to finish uploading downloading still waiting for more advice from anyone that plays and well they're picking up subs with each other anyway which I love to see get to know each other I'm a big believer in the fact that we will attract lots of good people to streams and the odd bad one that's happened already but hopefully not too often it's only happened once or twice which is good and what do you got to say stinky what's your commentary there what are you doing ah this isn't granny you have to do you still have to hide and that hot thing there don't you after you repair yourself in that heart showing showing means ah that's why you're hiding is it have you got a weapon no can you pick up a weapon no maybe I don't know paid auto I've got something to tell you a player joining my clan and started being annoying and one köves distracted because he was about to kick he accidentally promoted him to cone and kicked everyone out now that's not good sorry to hear that came yeah it's not good when that happens oh I'll thunder wolf is here how are you how are you welcome to the stream how's your weekend been so far what are you up to yeah I have a feeling why I have a feeling I've met alpha Thunder wolf before but I'm just trying to remember where and if not sorry if I've got that mistaken I've got a very bad memory so I have to see you a lot before I can really recognize people and then there's people like sky captain that just keeps changing his name anyway which makes it difficult to remember who's who and how there you go more subscribers say you do pick up subscribers when you you're in the stream so I highly recommend you go and subscribe to each other's channels check them out as well late dangers Steve the sub4sub it's always good to help each other out with a bit of watch time and a comment and alike all of that kind of good stuff and again if you want me to check out your channel alpha just don't forget to leave a comment on a video because I don't do it from the live chat but actually this brings me to another announcement that I supported back at random awesome I liked and supported as bem awesome alpha so again just if you can leave a comment that'll remind me to visit your channel otherwise please forgive me if I don't if you just in there at the live chat and this actually brings me to an announcement that's not not for now but certainly for the future when we get to the point where we're successful in the sense that we're being monetized and the channels growing nicely we just won't be able to keep supporting channels by visiting them and leaving comments and likes already it's a lot of work we can do it for the momento but you know at some point we have to start concentrating on our angel not now though this is just sort of for the future so one of the things that I was looking at was whether it be discord or perhaps even creating a video about it to help other youtubers by creating content for them like we already have done some YouTube help videos and we've shelved all of that for now to do the live streams just to get the watch time up and that sort of thing but it's something that we will have to plan for for the future because we don't want you to think that we're not trying to help or not trying to support but it will come to a point in time where we'll have time to say you've been caught again now we'll have to make a decision about how we offer support to people because it's not viable to do that in the long term so ha'penny everyone understands what I'm saying definitely not happening happening at the moment I mean they're still tiny but I just know that we have to reduce the work late when it comes to supporting other channels because the reality is I do more of that than I do work in the main channel Wow rain channel I should say some rec boy here we go dads verifying done say BAE's gonna be with us in a moment I'm eating lemons say dang sour lemons are sour says random I'd be disagreeing with that something wrong with your tastebuds you think it's sweeter I think it's sour yes I have this game on ps4 awesome so Alpha Thunder you might be able to give us some tips we're playing on the mobile phone but I suspect it's the same style of game alpha says he usually are sorry I don't know if you're a he or she so they correct me if I'm wrong when I say hey but they say they usually prefer doing killer rituals like do you know what a killer ritual is yet I'm not too sure what put the wit him on the hook yeah I'm not too sure because I think him be either a killer or someone else always remember our Lord and Savior Shrek Shrek the Lord and Savior I like Shrek movies yeah isn't it I don't know what their opportunity now then checks all right ease and he says a donkey always remember our Lord and Savior yes I'm getting messages on discord as well awesome someone's joined alphas joined this cord as well so I just to say that you know I won't be checking discord that frequently not during this stream anyway and I'm still got a lot to learn I'll get there slowly I just have a quick look now just because there's been a bit of a backlog of stuff I have no idea why that one but it's there for a reason or there's a lot going on ah random did that awesome say he's advertised the stream sees where I'd got our line randomly nice what he's doing I have no idea what's going on well I keep saying to you to help me out with that but yeah hasn't happened yet yes nevermind now it says it's downloading an extra hundred megabyte content cookies and coffee do go well together I don't mind a bit of that but I gotta watch my weight these days that's the problem why having said that looking for D well what are we having for lunch I don't know yet and then what are we having for dinner yes we have to do that total ABI isn't that for lunch if you wanting to have that nice thing for dinner that we didn't have last night but we plan to go out remember watch the pan what not know then you can get something out as well and yes you do have a weird disk one that's caught named random I don't know how anyone can call you by anything call you square because he doesn't say he doesn't have any actual letters it's just all squares what are you who is this what are they doing and feel free to give his chips to alpha Thunder wolf and he says he's a he awesome so that's good I got that right I guess I don't know I looked at the analytics but we tend to have about a 30% female audience 70% males so looks like but then again you know it'll say yeah not target audience but the bulk of G when I do all of this some commentating I tend to start hiccuping right so apologies for that drink more water maybe I should I've got a drink here but it's probably cold by now a little bit cold that with eles let's bake a bit louder if you want I know um I might just try push this that say alpha says one thing that they'll warn you about now the tunnelers campers and lag switches I don't understand any of it so they must be characters or something tunnellers campers and lag switches they sound like other characters in the game and yeah I'm with você random ugh stop we stop drinking soft drink quite a while ago it's pretty much all water these days yeah you haven't stopped I don't drink it very often it's not good for you I had no idea in our country that making an announcement that they might be forcing the soft drink companies to put exactly how much sugar they they have in each drink that I was quite shocked that and sorry for the Americans but in millimeters the six hundred mil bottle of coca-cola has something like 32 teaspoons of sugar which is absolutely ridiculous by add 10 coffee all day I don't put sugar in it now but you know I used to when I was younger 30 that'll be 30 cups of tea or coffee with 1 spoon of sugar in H that's a lot then you can have a can of coke that bottle of Coca straight away okay you could drink a whole six hundred mil bottle of cake it's not that big I mean it's got a lot of sugar in it hmm you know I mean you seem all of them are like that it's done for real now what did you do oh so it looks like Bo can join it join us Ben oh I already pressed well I think maybe be someone's got to teach us how to do that how to invite people and so on say I think buddy's still got to get himself set up first de qualquer forma so hopefully in that the next round bake is that looks like she started another one say elf is saying tunnellers killers the chase only after you you and nobody outro camp is a killers the proxy camp or face camp while you're on the hook you're on the hook before I saw soft drinks are like Pepsi sprite Sierra who I don't know Sierra Mist coca-cola Sierra Mist time likes Pepsi and Coke not one or the other bar there's a huge difference oh you say that yeah and be someone else is asking what Sierra Mist is holy what 60 I'm not sure what that eat means Kane says an American soda Sierra Mist is a lime soda like 7up and sprite Oh lemony I don't mind a lime soda if it likes solo oh it's like lemonade yeah there's a big difference isn't there between solo and lemonade same with spray I'm not sprite what's that other one Mele yellow something mellow yeah and I some of them died tastes like lemonade I can say that 7up tastes like lemonade but it's still a little bit different my solo is very different lag switches are killers he definitely deliberately mess with the connection just to get survivors so beware of the lag switches they're killers who deliberately mess with the connection just to get survivors and they call it soda we call it soft drink he's an fizzy drink fizzy drink or soft drink the dr. pepper I wouldn't mind a dr. pepper that's an American icon drink you can get the meal I was in late well you might you might be able to join babe and you mentioned something about another 60 so maybe it's more updating I'm not too sure and to be honest that I'm a how to add people so we don't even know how to add you yet baby but you might want to let us know what to do now should she start playing again or should she wait for you because we're waiting I got social yeah boss so that I'm have so again we've got early access but I'm have dead by daylight for my bowl yet in America but we have it here which I wish we could put the the UM the correct it's not a tag it's like the link to the game because I haven't feeling the link in the livestream is for the PC version not for the mobile version yeah is it very different from what you can tell alpha like is the mobile version a lot different from the PC version or are they basically the same we only have identity 5 for mobile and PC here that was another game that was recommended to us that might have to do soon so base ed gave for another game it's still lighting where it takes a long time doesn't it he's been trying to load that whole time so he's not you know he's in Australia Oh see that's why he can get it so easily whereas other people that struggling to get it I thought random was trying to get it and they can bypass for the VPN or whatever but I'm not sure so sure that he was able to do that and say gang for another game brights back again awesome welcome back says alpha you're playing robot blacks different are crashed nah so it looks like we've got two experts here both bright lightning and alpha but they don't have the mobile version so they've only got the the PC version and you can so you can't play with them that's not it's better bill to begin with for mobile phones so I don't think they're gonna make it oh my god who died knowing bright lightning says that they have the mobile version then they have to use the mobile version but tend to play PC because of the graphics so the graphics look really good to me on the my ball but when I haven't seen that PC vision Resident Evil I don't know if there's a suggestion to play or to watch this one Resident Evil yeah but they got many I did play the old ones number two and number three on PC on PlayStation when did you have access to a PlayStation has it oh really oh there you go I like it says Kane do they have a mobile vision that was the end of the soundtrack will line it up again I don't know whether I should be putting on that same music but it's more appropriate for this style of game no no I have to work on a new soundtrack what's going on me and it's taking a while come on sometimes a computer can be a little bit slow all right here we go again this one wasn't quite the two-hour whatever soundtrack that the other one was see yeah loved ret resident evils since I was little that's another game that we might have to play if they have it on the mobile on a Nintendo 64 G that skank backer away I remember in the Nintendo 64 play 7-9 he's Cloyd not a one of the day old days basically I've played four and five I've beaten my Stu the Resident Evil games so can we get Resident Evil on amelong do you know that steam oh right stop asking questions I love it when sticky gets cranky she gets cranky all the time in the game plate not on my ball it's the hillbilly look para vocês oh is that you bang hung up on a hook again yes they love hanging you up on a hog looks like everyone else got some kind of invisible cloak the you die nerve you need the cloak of invisibility what's that from my Harry Potter all right Lord of the Rings the Rings he's got it as well as I mean who has it Friday that's not the ethic of wearing the ring well when they were on the side of Mordor something I came on take your word for it I thought they made themselves look like a rock it's something if I got that wrong the nominees little mate we're on the side of a mountain and then you know the orcs were looking for them and they put this cloak over them and hid there's a cloak like a rock maybe I'm wrong about that left to watch it again I wasn't what anyone saw you ask me don't attempt to escape you only get a 4% chance of pulling yourself off the hook okay so then but then what do you do you just stay on the hook until someone helps you all and Kane likes the soundtrack I did this one for you you came got a few different soundtracks but they they do take to get the good music it takes a while to get it all and I've been trying not to use the same songs over and over again and that can be difficult as well our elf is saying yes stay on the hook until someone rescues você we might be relying on baited did he that man again with a fig you've probably had me munching away every now e de novo I'm trying to do it really quietly cuz it's quite rude Oh thing to be chatting away and eating at the same time it's a bad habit of mine for stinky it's not so bad both saying I may not be able to run that it keeps crashing it's a pretty high-end game I'm not surprised graphics lower it down Bo so DJ there's a tip Phoebe trying to get it to work and yeah that's right I think you can set a low latency or something to that effect that will make it a little bit easier to play I know that our phones got quite a bit of memory on it and so I don't think it's going to affect what level you play it at is it sting looks like it's all good graphics doesn't it mmm says thinking now when you see the character's heart glow it means the killer is near so I think bright said that before as well but thank you yes these are great tips coming from alpha pipe good luck in clan games we're gonna need it actually we do a writing clan games daily it's more the clan war leagues that we struggle in because we gave for the bigger one with the 30 verses 30 and people just they're frustrating that they don't attack they've only got to do one attack a day I mean it wears you out I stopped doing clan war legs for a little while just because I was getting a little bit tired of the game we were just doing them non-stop Claudette is one of the best survivors now that's the second time they've seen Claudette because bright also said Claudette one of the best survivors start off with because her self-care pack say have you years caught it yet I don't know who I've got it you don't even a he who does anyone know heshes playing as at the moment oh yeah you can tell oh you can tell you might go back Claudette's fun like boats like ah so you might have to get into the old Claudette there's stinky give you a better chance of surviving you just said that generator blow up on you to me yes well he had tips from before yeah not to let the generator blow up on you I like talking D it's a distraction distract you from the game when you're level when you're level a survivor to 30 35 40 you can unlock their teachable packs do you know what level you're at o generate a boom says random you got that right run awayy oh jeez I know that was one of your friends well then are you doing warp speed or something you're saying to run very quickly so you're paying attention to the tips I'm giving you their stinky well I'm not giving them Tia it's bright bright now for they're giving you the great tips do you know I'll harass you I'm gonna keep harassing you that's what you're there for to be harassed my arch nemesis witchy this music quite appropriate for what's going on at the moment in the game I can't believe how fast you moving but you are linking a mordeu you're limping a lot how come you're limping and how do you stop that I can see oh you got attacked again someone's picked you up on their shoulder you're gonna be put on the hook again a well I'm a little bit behind watching the wrong screen isn't it I think sting pants might end up being addicted to this game too just like playing granny she'll steal my fame and try and get further as she she doesn't want to be dead by daylight she wants to be alive Claudette does get tunneled because of our natural stealth so how does the tunneling work again oh nice someone did explain it before but in terms of using Claudette and avoiding the towers Howard stinky do that if she ever gets to play Claudette that's the other thing would like to learn this sounds like area 51 music - and then ended up just being a party stinky all they were doing was selling merchandise ah that barb oh you were the one that asked me to play roblox as well right so I've downloaded it on the mobile phone but it looks like it's a vertical game and we've been trying to avoid the vertical games just because I don't fill up the whole screen when you're doing there this stream and even after the stream so not brawl was a brawl star so the other one class royale is like that as well where if you have a look at the clash royale stream it's quite narrow say we do want to play roblox at some point number 1 because it's so popular I say that a lot but if it's a it's not vertical really okay and that's playing on a mobile phone as well because in that case we might have to line that one up soon all I want to keep trying to scare the pants off stink given that Halloween's coming up all of these games are probably great for pre Halloween and then after that we'd be looking at things like the geometry dash and the roblox I have it on mobile and it's not vertical awesome that's great tonight because again when it comes to the the streaming of these games to get the full effect of like us being noobs I really don't check the games first we just basically download it and then play it live for you for the first time with having no idea what goes on and it was just that when I had a look at roblox without getting into the game the initial screen looks like it was vertical so that's good deny then unless I've downloaded the wrong roblox but it seemed like there's only one so we will do that with you as well because I nobody wanted to play that with his life and he mentioned the second game as well roblox in one other game but I think the other one we might have played already I'm not sure and then there's been other requests from from people that we haven't seen in the streams for a little while there's one that had a really interesting suggestion which was like a petri dish type game yeah it was really weird to look at I haven't seen a game assim antes oh jesus caught it yeah do the quartet Bowie I stink is still not ready cuz he still got some update going on but just let us know about that beau whether she's keeps playing on stop stand except you Alfa says see the hillbilly is face camping that survivor because that killer is trash so remember when the old bill he was staring at you while you're on the hook that's face camping yes I guess he's looking at y'all like when you're on the hook there's someone looking at yeah that's the hill really any space camping quite understand of this that's me I think the hillbilly is kind of nice an enemy you're right he's not your friend al really so I'm not too sure they're my evil music guys chase really he knows it all right say when you're on the hook the hillbillies facing you to trim my beard I just cleaned the floor this morning can I use it to cut my nasal hair say bye you're still not ready to go I guess with joining the game and Stinky's picking and choosing are you gonna try claudette both of them we caught it all the time why you've always been on Quartet yeah oh there you go now he says the gang keeps crashing so when am you ready is starting in no no why we didn't have so much trouble with it I had a lot of trouble with another game then take it but I was trying to download and it kept crashing but it wasn't least fun no one getting his kind doesn't want me to do the commentary anymore you just wants to hear the music stinky pants a little bit of bytes here and there so I can actually put new game in the thumbnail for this one as well or beta testing whatever it is beta build directly that'll make it a little bit more attractive to do that mmm it's hard to get commentary added stink when she concentrates the Assad she's got a tongue poking out looking intently aren't you stinky the pants that stink a lot that's your name sir stink a lot madam stink a lot arch-nemesis of Kane sliminess of random notch nemesis substantive very dark that's for damn sure isn't no comment says a stinky once again I see says okay stop being loud then you just wanted to listen to the music they like sky captain said that he liked the soundtracks wait a minute stink has been playing from the started speed odds stand now the problem with that plague came number one I have no idea what's going on a number two stinky pants doesn't keep up the commentary she realized man on me to do the commentary there go I've got to rely on how to do the the gaming plus she's much better at gaming than I am why what laughing fault alpha said you want to stink huh then he did Bob laziest ink it sounds like you're in the I house because that's what beta names play dead by daylight from start live well is that that should be the new title can I tell I wonder you fucking do that while it's training I hope this doesn't make the strain cut Fora they didn't okay say I think that actually changed it I think because it did say all the changes have been saved which means I can probably change all of that stuff say random is saying there's something else I needed to fix as well what is the beta in brackets make a difference because I see people do this as well they put that red circle in for when they're streaming and we haven't done that for any of our streams but other people do it a lot I don't know what it means and I also wonder if you to fix that when people search for the game you know what I mean where are you playing three games at once now clash of clans on one phone dead by daylight on the other phone what do you got to say for yourself multitasking say that title actually chains random because it looked like a bit on our end from what I can see and did you hit that like button stinky fine PC there indeed are there you go so I can change stuff during this stream that's good tonight is that I wonder if that means I've then got to change the tag but I probably don't have enough words for it it was played by a boy and it might be too many words I don't know maybe because they get seen that easier it's a very obvious red dog yeah well that's true for any time but the the one concern I have is when it comes to the tags normally I'll copy the whatever the title is and use that as a tag as well but I won't be able to use that one because I've already used up all of the characters anyway we'll see what happens I'll know after the streams complete what's the red thing the ribs not a good sign I guess you want to stay away from the head Oh crow X is here how are you how are you welcome to the stream what are you up to this weekend Eve you've been having a good time so far and also you again don't forget if you want me to check out Channel just leave a comment on one of our videos sorry I just don't do it from the live chat okay look that's what we like to say everyone welcoming everyone I believe that craze been in a previous treatment sorry if I'm I can't remember everything I've got a pretty poor memory and takes a while for me to get people but I try was that going on your or these about there was that guy on your side before looks like it so what's been going on with you crate do you play this game we've been getting a few tips here and then we're trying to get Boeing to play live with us but he seems to be having a lot of trouble getting their game up and running as well and crow also says that they lag that's fine like we lag on areand as well sometimes particularly with the channel this map Larry's Memorial Institute is one of the worst Maps because it's like a maze and it's the doctors map to so Stinky's agreeing with you on that one I know that what's good be a good day Craig lad to hear that we've had a couple of people lately that have been a little bit sick and I might be nothing better health now oh he got you from behind but how come we didn't try and put you on all that time right away that killer you're facing is the nurse so just be aware of that it's like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest you still haven't watched that movie or read the book yet have you stinky great maybe great book highly recommend both which one One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest it's a very old from a very old book now I guess they but good I have to get you to watch it Monday stinky doesn't like watching old films with me not mine you didn't wash off in last night with me yeah that's true you once been here last night - ate it from the clam is here final you get to say hi to say late 8th tonight ah welcome to the stream there he says green beans you know Ethan ate it from the clan lights is stinky been there for a long time and if you guys want to I think random keeps advertising every now and again to join the discord group because we're finding yeah well going back to clash of clans sigh tonight oh it looks like global chats been getting to be gotten rid of but hopefully at least clan channels still be there I can't imagine that they'll get rid of clan chat that'd make things very difficult wouldn't it stink dot okay thank you say look at random guy he's a legend I know he's been picking up subs every time he joins us stream so he's kind I've been watching that channel slightly great it also saw these ones for you random doing the sneaky thing copying my style a comment that I don't use anymore I found him I got him caught him out I did visited his channel I was like ah I see exactly what you're doing he follows the same formula but I just a word of advice and I'm not saying don't keep doing it by the way random but I did get a couple of messages saying that if you use that hashtag like comment I was told that it ends up in spam now don't know if that's true or not it was only one person that told me that but that was the main reason why I stopped using it plus I kind of stopped using it that I get a lot of the requests for mutual support on channels where unlike you guys where you do take an interest a lot of these other people died and it just it takes up a lot of time so I was trying to to get people that actually want to watch the content or or listen to me just bore the your brains out for two and a two hours or two and a half hours and have stinky play games it's basically our formula at the moment does make me what I think what's going to happen in the future they will you've been giving it some thought I have no clear direction so for now this is it when it comes to doing skilsaws alpha thunder o que woofle checks hit this skill checks owns even if you don't hit the white part of isto you got that stinky I'll say it again when it comes to doing skill checks hit the skill check signs even if you don't hit the white part of it yeah yeah okay the light 420 doesn't go to spam for him he got that from me he did I won't keep using it if you want my life I start using it again it's gonna be a bit strange but to be honest I gave up doing that because I was just getting that the wrong kind of people trying to get my attention and Plus here I'm gonna have a little bit of a rant here as well but I don't get why we don't get as many likes as what we used to and I thought at first it was because I kept leaving that like number and then it was like oh we you're gonna get a like from me say I'm not gonna bother giving one to you so I stopped doing it and it still didn't make a difference either way so I generally only use it when when someone leaves the like number for me I'll do it for them I still like everyone's videos but I just don't tell him about it unless they told me they've done it basically so there's my little tip for you there so razors red violets are blue I like potatoes about you love the potatoes we've got potato chips at the momento mashed potatoes are the best says alpha I don't know I gave a third I'd go roast over mash and I probably gave chips over roast not that there's anything wrong with mash don't get me wrong but I think if you gave me the choice I need chips or roast potatoes before I'd do mash but I probably do mash before I'd do wedges there yeah there's the water what about you stink you have a preference for one or the other and what about you guys in the streams I don't like what do you call that the one that he got from the fish-and-chip yeah you what are you our potato cakes they're better than chips or potatoes scallops it's no good half the people in the clan praying that chap probably don't even know what we're talking about when we say potato cakes or scallops that might be a very Australian thing oh geez they're making me hungry now here we go mashed potatoes are the best are we talking about below the belt this stream he's asking if we're talking about giblets again that hasn't been mentioned until you join detonator jane says mashed potato with gravy I'm on that love mashed potato with gravy mashed potato with butter I'm on that as well I'll do mashed potato with butter and gravy there you go I wanna thanks for joining cracks that the guys have been working very hard with the discord I'm very hands-off with it just because I don't really understand it but certainly randoms put in a lot of work as has bright lightning and a couple of other people to get it indo so hopefully the community will grow there as well because I believe you know good people have joined the this streams as well as the discord and we'd like to keep it that way and I guess once you guys get to know each other you end up fazer friends anyway which is good I here we go with the giblets talk again Kanan Ethan aider and getting a laugh out of that the survivor that saved you her name is Jane Romero and she's known for a thick but she's known for a big booty so not really a skill set there is it no less twerking is part of the game I don't know if it is yum you're making me hungry you guys make me angry all the Tempo do you have potato skin chips we don't have that you know I think there is one cafe that opened recently that specializes in that really but you don't see potato skins very often here do they need go around all the food courts now you don't really see it that much I wouldn't mind it cuz it looks great from what I see on YouTube good a potato skins it'd be awesome now can I have leftover pizza in the freezer and it's really good yeah I don't mind pizza as well fresh or leftover is awesome and lasagna all of these are high carb foods not good for me I like chips they all like chips potatoes I say alpha Thunder knows scalloped potatoes but that's different again scalloped potatoes is like you know the baked potato is in a tray and then it's all creamy with bacon bits and that sort of thing which is different from what stink pants was saying which is a potato cake or a potato scallop if you're up north so we call it a potato cake down south they call it a potato scallop up north and I don't even know how to describe that but you get it with the fish and chips I don't even know if they know what fish and chips are any Ozzie's in that stream will know exactly what I'm talking about raises red violets blue I ate too much french fries now I'm fat - sounds like me not really when you guys are scared of the movies theater when you get your popcorn do you say put extra butter or não we haven't been to the movies for a long time have we and I don't even know nice 1 can you even ask for extra butter in our theaters I have no idea I've never asked for extra butter I would I don't know if they do do it they never maybe that's o suficiente no mom I know they do it in America are seen on their sitcoms meant um no I haven't seen that in Australia yet during a football game I was at a kid got nailed in the ginger - it was something funny he wants to get the giblets talk going again ah I have a dis good server it as 8 members I'll join it by I date my elbow well Michael is like really a lizard discord random would be able to verify that for you ever had powdered cheese on your popcorn like they do at the movie theaters and drive-ins see the Americans have so much more choice I don't think powdered cheese is even an option here I've never seen it I'll tell you that now I love Scott potatoes they're so Boa again I think they're thinking of that baked thing which I must admit I also really like yes and no and in my discs good sever their 9 rolls through insane powdered cheese on popcorn and sort of good yayyy says crow X pop corners to it popcorn is very expensive at the movie theater it's a ripoff really you know always - do you get other you don't say that you will get pennies I can say this thing and I don't know how this works but up north they actually had like a popcorn place right next to the theater and it was a lot cheaper say get your popcorn from the popcorn place then you go into the theater we have one together back at home and they allow you to bring anything there really alcohol maybe not alcohol I don't know what food they they allowed to for you to bring like popcorn from other place they're hot food cuz I would think is smell Mada felt like Geryon you wouldn't be able to thank are we getting more day oh jeez again they are jjz here what is this purple see so Ethan ad says you need to do a stream that rip off that clash of clans game that's in not the first time we've been told to do that there's a game that's I just tell me what the game is again 8:00 tonight oh there's a new game that's just basically ripped off clash of clans really and we've been told to play it more than uma vez we'll always be good now wait why no I don't know like you've seen you know dominations when you played that you said that's a lot like clash of clans you seen away it's like a more advanced version of clash of clans all these games rip each other off you know but PBG looks like college Edie what's the difference there's a game that looks so much like fortnight it's not funny so not surprising that they keep doing it to each other I did more work on the discord server the DoD and the DoD AG roles awesome we have the options because they fatten us up that's true now you can change your clothes on your survivor to eat by the way yes say by saying you're not allowed to bring food into the theaters but I sneaked them up you know they they do you can't just walk in there with it in your hands but if you've got like a backpack or a big jacket or something that's what I used to do you go to Woolworths or calls or something first to get the lollies you see this thing yep you shouldn't get them from the movie theater when then the prices are so expensive here but it's just it's what's the polite word that I can use the first where the kind of mind is not polite they deliberately rip your profiteering negate that that's the technical term it's just profiteering it's wrong I don't approve of it don't agree with it then I'll a gallon strike as a result you know what I mean like you get a you know a show you don't know what Chiques rd you know a Milk Duds tudo bem my mode like a typical a Jaffa United Jefferies yeah like that one right so you go into the supermarket you can grab a packet of jaffers for a dollar or two dollars or whatever the price is that same thing of the Sigma at the cinemas like five ten times that all right now stop talking to me there wants me to stop talking them again going on and blonde and raised here just bear with me Ripoff game is called era of war write that down to G this list is getting very very long now you're her war battle battle lands royale it's another one gonna have to start organizing this list because it's all hand written at the momento what andreas we was I got to leave this dream ah it's getting light for random now well thank you for staying as long as you didn't fail ping out with the discord random much appreciated and for constantly advertising it as well I really appreciate that to you that's your job nail cane you got to keep by advertising the discord we're new people join its called euro yeah I'll write that down clash of epic clans the rip-off of clash $5.99 now see you random by random take care be right back okay alpha my discord server is V so I'll try my best start to join that baby but apologies in advance because I am really bad at discord I was trying to get when we first set it up we were trying to get people to become friends and join it like Texas for example he couldn't work it out I couldn't work it out we have to rely on lack to try and get us to to join together beware battle lands RAL is like clash Royale its horizontal ok yeah see I might just make a note of that because we are trying to stay away from the vertical games having said that they the vertical games streams still seem to pick up a lot of years but it just doesn't look that good when you've got half the screen blackened out you know either side stinky you know what I'm talking about danger oh yeah so you'd agree yeah I downloaded it before it's not good fair enough battle battle lands RAL is not a ripoff of clash of clans say it's the ear of war that is so I'm just gonna make a note of that as well so at the moment I guess what we're looking at doing because there's a whole list of games that we've got to look at plane and we might well I'm actually thinking out loud now that we might have to organize them in a list of order to do either the really popular ones first like roblox or alternately new games cuz these are popular new games because these ones tend to do better for us hopefully this one will but it's hard to tell sometimes yes sometimes no and maybe had so I'd like to do this during this stream but that might be a bit hard to do I tell you what I'll do I'm gonna reel off all of the girl not all of them but quite a few of the games that we've been suggested to play and then maybe take a vote as to which one's next although I do want to try and keep stink pants in the dark so I'm not sure how that would work ah battle ends is like a mixture of peb g-49 clash royale clash of clans roblox really so that's a mixture of all of eles to mix because we've been suggested things like raid to shed Islands which are actually downloaded before it was suggested someone said bad piggies but I couldn't find it now Pokemon master League minecraft which we have to pay for other mobile phone I'm almost positive free fire identity five asphalt nine legends the elder scroll blades we've already played by km modern combat versus dead by daylight we're playing right now The Godfather game Baldy blades lost shelter survival PCMR PC master-race for gaming I don't even know what that is fifty loops pixel gun 3d year of war oh we've been suggested it alright so it's been suggested twice that raft right blocks Benny - we already played getting over it Max Payne the mum mr. meat rush Wars geometry - but I named Baldy is the same as that other Baldy blades I'm saying you can see there's quite a lot that have been suggested and we have no idea what order they should be in although I guess with Halloween coming up soon we probably should be doing more of the the scary type games and then switch over to something a little bit more lighthearted I've gotta say the horror games loose end it seemed to be a pretty popular though nice thing cool people die already damn how many you left me and someone else and what I'm you're laying around together you seem to be off on your own there the rip-off clash Forrest say that was the era of war I have pixel gun 3d you can add if you play it I can add you did I mention pixel gun 3d already 3d say I haven't downloaded all of these games yet and to be honest I'm gonna have to get instinct ants that helped organize the fine because there's that many games in there at the moment I've got to start creating folders and working out which ones have been played which ones haven't and I guess we go from there using a distinct type if I can ever get her to do stuff all right now the next thing is we're at the two-hour mark now so this is now going to be more dependent on you guys and stink as to where the board already or whether you want us to get going let's finish this one I might be there because to half of us dead and one is hooked already we can I'm still repairing this can you save the one on the hook or you can't someone came after you is that what was going on well I've been not distracted too much she looks like she's doing something very serious there has it yeah it's just past the two-hour mark say it looks like she stayed alive for quite a bit here say oh nice one you saved you will make there that's good you ran away and I know I can see it seems like a bit of a ghost thing that's following you well I can't really tell from that I'm tired it's very late here yes sorry are you tonight are we still trying to work out the best time we started the stream a little bit earlier than what we often do but we really should aim for 12 o'clock our time is probably better than one because you know if you're in America on the wrong side of the not wrong side but one side of the country it's very late and on the other side it's not so late I mean you've been put on the hook but isn't it like the 4% chance of getting off doesn't matter no one's gonna help me yeah so to scowls me dead and another one on your right hand is injured and I'm on the hook so well like the interactiveness of it where you've got someone that runs around and helps you to be like me with : Gd and you isn't it constantly yeah you don't have to you don't have to they might get more points if they can why wouldn't I help you did she just help you I just walk past that guy isso é engraçado so that's morning some say if you like to answered I'm always very curious where everyone is you just got saved in the dudes killed you already and there's very different times here by the way someone said that it's very late in one area very early oh it's morning in another area I've got nine watching I think I am almost 9 2:40 pm now where me stinking peratis which is true 9:40 one for Cain some curious where crow is because that's morning that's got to be like an amazing Asian area now you got like one maybe one more to go two hours say yet enough for can you do one more what do you mean by more always you can always do one more yeah I'm gonna do the two and a half hour mark no you don't want to do the two an hour feel like we have to go alright so we might have to stop the stream here I acho cuz we do have a bit of a jam packed day you show you down again a little bit more watch time 9 no time even after I'd say because of a little watch time we've got at the moment maybe gay friend will take a bite doing do you guys want us to do one more on I or have you already started because it's gonna take time to whatever might want to go to sleep well kinda saying one more bit and then we've got add to boys will do one more he reckons top indus cock after yes yeah that's not a problem now stick around we'll do one more and then that's it he always say that so when I finish this one he gonna say the same thing not after this one we do one because you stayed alive for quite some time then didn't you we'll enjoy I don't have to unhook that person I would still be alive then I say go crazy with this one you don't have to stay alive as long and try and get it all done and finish the level or whatever it is these people I'm good I'm the one that need gonna say no go for it they're probably better than you yeah so hopefully we'll do all right in this one we'll do one more and then we'll definitely stop it after this but hopefully it's alright I must admit I'm running out of things to say this time não é struggling a little bit with the old commentary what I thought you're gonna talk about your foot these a lot today well let's see bye bye doesn't follow from memories not an IFL Fannie's follows ladies come from rugby he's up north I think Osby from from one of those rugby States not by FL not at the waist time man thank God in Oh crow X is in the Philippines say hang on this is really gonna test my memory now I know if you Filipino where's Teddy Marcos age which is also I think Indo on you know I'm Elaine not sure but I know you'd like you I know what I want to say that it translates to you're disgusting so I want to say that that's what one of my flatmates taught me yeah they taught me all other bad words look we've got bracing btr-90 no ellika bc hey how are you came can you please advertise the discord or maybe I can it's random was doing that constantly before how are you bracing beak good to see please don't forget to leave a comment on the video if you want me to come and check out your channel just because we don't do it from the chat kediri car that means you're disgusting in tagalog you can even have a man it's been a long time since I've tried to practice any form of Tagalog say how are you this weekend bracing baby I can't remember okay hang on let me do do it as well you know I hope it works like is I've been a little bit slack with doing these say because the camel stock isn't that what's that canister it isn't that Portuguese not Spanish something like that there you got any special plans for the weekend crow X and bracing beep so it's early in the morning for cracks compared to us mid-afternoon for us and sorry this really just more relates the bow than anyone else sings everyone else is from different countries but my football team we made the grand final we're playing in it next week very excited about that go Richmond Tigers well we'll have to ask you to support the Tigers given that you know Jane probably follows some crazy gridiron team and what are they what's the main sport in the Philippines are cracks I suspect soccer would that be like a major national sport there I'm not sure what the national sport would be in the Philippines you have any idea stinky Table Tennis well in Southeast Asia maybe the soccer I don't know yes soccer I would have thought would be like a main main sport but your life lettuce no COEX minute we're not too sure and canes crazy is you say an L a stranger there no on strangers here they all get to know each other eventually all good people we love it where you love it so I'll it's a little bit of Filipino chemist arias hello but I only lent a couple of bad words my little Filipino flatmate was teaching me I'll tell you I'll tell you my story when I was working as a cashier I guess in a car park that a carload of Filipinos drive three and I'm like I know a little bit of Tagalog so I said kitty decaf thinking it meant my life and I was shocked and I said why did you say that to me I said doesn't that mean her life I said he told you that and I said my flatmate and they're like no you just said that I'm disgusting sorry I eu não Aiko's city also I think that's also Filipino which means I'm serious back home city also think that might be right have I lent any Russian I don't know if you're asking me that cane but my answer would be yet there you go there's a little bit of Russian for you I tried to do a Russian accent once before do you like my Russian accent using wooden steam plants you like you know like a faint told not to do certain accents em and I know unlike my Jamaican one person from Jamaica didn't like it I know that's Hilário I think if I hear enough accents I can do a half okay job but I have to listen to it a lot first and practice what my passion is okay yeah stinkies just ignoring me at this point too busy concentrating on the game she is I am getting excited about next weekend you guys then realize 35 years we have to wait before we won a grand final that well and truly most of my life time and then finally after all this time we stopped being a bit of a powerhouse or excellent thank you for for joining the discord bracing beat so it's relatively it's been around for a little while but thanks to some other people that know a lot more about discord than I do they've been doing a lot to try and help help us out they did a lot yesterday and today so hopefully it'll be a great place to meet really good people and I'll vouch for just about everyone in there that I know anyway they're all really nice people say you know supportive of each other's channels and all of that kind of jazz so yeah enjoy it while you can and teach me whatever you can because I am hopeless and stink pants hasn't really used it so she doesn't know much about it now Kane's asking for the Jamaican accent I'm not sure I can even do it now a modern I haven't listened to a Jamaican accent for a while kind I really do have to listen to it first before I can try and put it on like what the only thing I've heard recently is Vietnamese mitt me Nathan amines like them you know like with bad doesn't like that one either it's martial art on Bauer alphas back awesome we've been progressing in the game I think sting pants see you don't think so they're getting harder I thought you were doing a bit better than before so I think everyone that's in this stream at the moment is also in discord say you know feel free to carry on chatting there I'm not so sure we're gonna have too much time to muck around after the strangest speakers we do have quite a few things on the plate today then we've got a gay for a bit of a drive and and Cain's doing a little bit of French I can do that Bonjour survived ah Jim Appel of France and pittypat a2 you say always say the same thing did four years of French at school say a little bit here yeah this is dead by daylight our bracing beat but it's on the mobile fine so we've had a bit of a discussion about this before it turns out not everyone can download these games I we have access to it but some people in the stream previously were unable to see download the mobile version so it's still in the beta beta build at the moment if you look at the top of the screen you can see it's still in the the beta version say we've been very lucky with the suggestions of these games the granny 2 was we were told to play that and that was only released everyone and already to yours looks like that might be it say yeah we love these sort of game suggestions where they're new and they're popular and not everyone can get them it's sort of good for us if we can have that no worries crave well we're about to stop the stream now anyway it looks like coz stinky said that everyone's gonna die yeah say once that's over we will try and have a chat to you in discord but I just can't promise that we'll be on there fed for very long just because the rest of the day we've we've got some stuff today was that it all right okay just bear with me before joining did you have something to say there while I'm doing this so you want to say your good-byes now and well I'm just doing the typing sure what sign so can't you still there okay anyway everyone's thank you very much for watching my great thanks for that I might see you again next time bye bye and just a final reminder if you want me to check out your channel just leave a comment on one of the videos so I can do that it's the only way I get the notifications okay I'm not too sure what's going on there I am I missed so much that's all text AKC well I'll come and say a quick hello in discord that may not be there for very long I think of the last thing I'll say is thank you all for being so nice and welcoming to each other that was awesome too what we love to see that because what we've noticed is people are becoming online friends with each other through our channel and that is really heartwarming I love it alright say thanks again I'm gonna say goodbye stinky one in front of the buyer there see you guys.

Quais sao os exames de colesterol artigo de opiniao publicidade infantil Rio Grande do Sul curso gratuito no senac de radiologia. Sete Lagoas curso de marcenaria aracaju ABNT, curso de informatica basica no senac Trabalho Acadêmico, revalidacao de diploma ufpr Tese, lista do inss revisao de aposentadoria sc Código. Curso de graduacao em educacao fisica online o que e exame de urina eas quais sao os exames de colesterol Pindamonhangaba atividades de geografia sobre o clima 6 ano. Artigos da constituicao federal de 1988 comentado Resenha Embu das Artes projeto de pesquisa violencia infantil, artigos de luxo do seculo xv e xvi.


Vanessa Grimes, Allegany County: Long Island. Linhares: Professional Business College; 2017.

Becca Sharp, Putnam. Caxias: Law Center, Central Islip; 2016.

Tim Florence, 79th Street, East zip 10075. Valparaíso de Goiás: City College of New York; 2009.

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