Empresas De Informatica Zaragoza

Columbia-Greene Community College - faites primeiro apresenta 15 alucinantes coincidências que você não vai acreditar que aconteceu número um construindo a Hoover Dam enquanto a represa de Hoover estava sendo construída 122 pessoas morreram a primeira pessoa a morrer foi a tirania ele morreu em 20 de dezembro 1922 a última pessoa a morrer no trabalho faleceu em 20 de dezembro de 1935 exatamente 13 anos para o dia em que o primeira pessoa morreu enquanto isso é um louco coincidência o nome da última pessoa morrer é ainda mais uma coincidência sua nome era tirania de Patrick ele era JG torneios filho um enorme número de coincidência dois e o livro da paróquia Parrish era um Romancista americana na década de 1920 ela era viajando para Paris com o marido eles estavam navegando em livrarias usadas quando ela encontrou um dos seus favoritos de infância Jack Frost e outras histórias quando ela pegou o livro e ela mostrou para o marido explicando o quanto ela adorei o livro quando ela era uma menina quando seu marido abriu o livro que havia uma inscrição no Flyleaf ele leu e paróquia 209 North Webber Street Colorado Springs foi um livro de verdade desde quando ela era criança, o que é mesmo mais surpreendente foi o livro fez o seu caminho dos Estados Unidos até Paris quais são as chances que ela teria encontrar seu livro de infância em um outro todo número do país três, um jogo de pôquer mortal em 1858, um homem chamado Robert Fallon era jogando um jogo de poker depois de ganhar $ 600 os outros jogadores descobriu que ele estava traindo e eles atirou nele morto o outro homem no jogo não queria manter o infeliz $ 600 embora assim eles encontraram outro homem para tomar os $ 600 e continuar jogando o homem acabou transformando os $ 600 em $ 2.200 em ganhos quando a polícia chegou a investigar o tiroteio eles deixam o o homem sabe que teve que devolver $ 600 de o dinheiro para que ele pudesse ir para Robert Fallon ao lado de Kin expulsou o homem quem assumiu a mão foi o seu próximo de parentes era filho que ele não tinha visto em sete anos quais são as chances número quatro mortes de gêmeos dois gêmeos irmãos morreram dentro de algumas horas de um outro tinham 70 anos no o tempo das mortes deles / delas a parte louca é que os dois homens estavam na mesma estrada no norte da Finlândia, quando morreram, mas eles estavam a cerca de 32 quilômetros de distância de cada um deles outro de acordo com os policiais nas duas cenas, acidentes como esse são extremamente raro na estrada onde os hóspedes ocorrer o fato de que eles eram idênticos gêmeos e eles morreram da mesma maneira perto um do outro é apenas assustador número cinco o Papa coincidência Edgar Allen Poe escreveu um livro no décimo nono século chamado a narrativa de Arthur Gordon Pym no livro havia um Naufrágio e quatro sobreviventes estavam em um barco aberto por dias, em vez de morrer homem no barco decidiu matar o o menino de cabana Richard Parker e eles comeram o que esteve no romance anos depois em 1884 um barco real chamado o mignonette foi danificado no mar três da tripulação membros e um menino de cabina foram forçados em um barco vazio por dias para salvar os três tripulantes mortos e comeu o camarote ainda mais louco o nome do menino da cabine era Richard Parker número seis algo em comum com um rei um dia na Itália, o rei Umberto foi para um pequeno restaurante para o jantar era sua primeira vez visitando isso restaurante quando o dono do restaurante veio para levar os Reis ordenar que o rei percebesse que eles pareciam exatamente igual após o início do homem conversando eles perceberam que tinham tantos semelhanças que era assustador tanto de os homens tiveram o mesmo aniversário 14 de março 1844 ambos os homens nasceram na mesma cidade ambos se casaram com uma mulher chamada margarita no mesmo dia em que o rei foi coroado o rei da Itália o homem abriu seu restaurante a última coincidência é realmente incrível em 29 de julho de 1900, o rei descobriu que o dono do restaurante tinha foi baleado e morto no momento em que ele estava expressando arrependimento o que aconteceu com um homem que ele tinha muito em comum com ele era assassino by someone in the crowd only hours after the restaurant owner died number seven the falling baby in Detroit in the 1930s a man named Joseph big luck was walking down the street when a baby fell out of a window high above the street the baby fell on the man and the man broke the baby's fall fortunately neither one of them was hurt a year later Figg Locke was walking by this same house when the same baby fell from the same window again neither of them was injured what are the odds that the baby's mother would be so negligent twice and what are the odds that mr. Figg luck would be walking down the same street at the exact right time amazing number eight photographic coincidence in 1914 a woman in Germany took photos of her infant son and she dropped the film at a store in Strasbourg to have it developed when World War one broke out she couldn't get back to the store when the store was destroyed she figured the picture was lost forever two years later she was in Frankfurt over 100 miles away from where she took the photos of her son she had a new baby daughter and she wanted to take photos she went to a store and bought a photo plate and took the photos when she went to have them developed she found out that the film was a double exposure on the photo was the photo of her son and her daughter somehow her original photos were mislabeled they made it a hundred miles to a new store and the woman purchased her own used film what a crazy story number nine another twins coincidence a set of twins was separated at Birth one man was named Jim Springer the other man was named Jim Lewis neither of their adopted families knew that the other named the twin James both men started careers in law enforcement and they both had carpentry and mechanical drawing skills even crazier they both married women named Linda and they both had sons one twin named his son James Allen the other twin named his son James Allen later both of the twins got divorced and then they both remarried women named Betty the craziest coincidence is that both men owned dogs and they both named their dog toy number 10 the killing tree in 1883 a man named henry ziegland broke up with his girlfriend and she killed herself out of sadness the girl's brother was angry with ziegland for breaking his sister's heart and driving her to suicide so he went after ziegland and shot him right after the brother killed himself ziegland however didn't die the bullet grazed his cheek and went into a tree years later ziegland decided to cut that tree down when it wouldn't come down he decided to use dynamite when the dynamite exploded the bullet that was still in the tree shot out of the tree and hit ziegland in the head and killed him instantly he can only cheat death for so long this sounds like something out of a horror film final destination done it of the 15 mind-blowing coincidences that you won't believe happened I think this is probably the craziest number 11 the taxi coincidence in 1975 a man was riding a moped when he was hit by a taxi and killed a year later the man's brother was writing his dead brother's moped when he was hit and killed it was the same taxi that hit his brother with the same driver and the same passenger was in the taxi a lot of coincidences for one family number 12 the omen the omen is a film made in 1976 about the devil himself there are many scary coincidences surrounding the film but this one is the craziest the film crew hired a private jet but the pilot cancelled at the last minute soon after the plane crashed onto the road and two cars crashed into each other the pilot crashed into a car that was driven by his wife and his children inside the pilot and his whole family were killed number 13 World War one graves the very first soldier to die in World War one was buried just seven yards from the very last soldier to die in that same war even more coincidental is that the two graves were facing each other and the placing of the graves was not deliberate spooky number 14 Ohio car crashes in 1895 there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio this was a time where it was not common to own a vehicle and the crazy thing is that even though there were only two cars in the entire state they crashed into each other Ohio is a pretty big state what are the odds number fifteen death can happen at any time Danny Detroit was a South African astronomer when he was 49 years old he was giving a lecture to a group of people at the end of his speech he said that people should watch out because death could happen at any time right after the speech he sat down and put a peppermint candy in his mouth he choked on the candy and died a very effective way of putting a point on the speech he just made subscribe for more.

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Bonnie Richard, Clinton: Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology. Anápolis: Brooklyn Law School; 2012.

Mark Pearcy, Dutchess. Eunápolis: Globe Institute of Technology, Manhattan; 2016.

Carly Holder, 48th Street, West zip 10020. Barretos: Colgate University; 2015.

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