Curso De Ingles Eua 1 Mes

CUNY School of Law (at Queens College) - no aplicativo de streaming e até agora nada está acontecendo que você começou rezar para os deuses sobrecarregados que isso é realmente vai funcionar vamos descobrir em um momento tudo bem Então, primeiro eu tenho um dia de noite para alguém gritando Bem, parece que está funcionando, mas isso pode não ser o melhor dia para encontrar o que você acha calças picadas nós deve ver de fato oi exótico como você está há quanto tempo você já esteve no caso de você não ter esteve aqui por um tempo bem, temos de espere e veja sobre isso exótico porque Acontece que o aplicativo de streaming que nós temos usado tem tido alguns questões tem vindo a atualizar muito oi Samuel Payton eu acho que você é novo para o fluxo bem vindo vocês estão recebendo qualquer tipo de imagem no momento, porque não estamos recebendo qualquer coisa no nosso fim é apenas mais um tela preta novamente haha ​​isso eu deveria mencionar o aplicativo que eu provavelmente não deveria mencionar o aplicativo meio que não não não não não confronto com Cole eu tenho medo Samuel estamos não tão grande é um canal do YouTube, mas espero que um dia eu acho que Clara chama bastante grande para a memória eu sei o nome que eu não sei sim, mas você não segue - nós chamamos York sim calça fedorenta é realmente pouco doente em apenas superar um doença, então vamos ter que esperar e ver o que acontece um de vocês pode me dizer se você é realmente vendo alguma coisa no fluxo porque eu não consigo ver nada e é foi para amarelo eu tenho um sentimento aplicativo de streaming ainda tem um monte de problemas cuz para atualizar tantos vezes como fez recentemente não é bom então espere e veja oh você pode ver o baixo dizem que eles estão bem, mas não podemos ver qualquer coisa diz apenas ser eu vim como hehehe Eu me lembrei de Kane Jane algo REE apenas a propósito Kay e eu digo distintas calças ela achou que era muito engraçado bem eu não sei sobre esse exótico Taney é um dos maiores estranhos ele tem como bem mais de um milhões ou dois milhões de subs ele é um dos os caras grandes dizem que vamos ver como este vai e desculpe estou me repetindo exótico, mas só para que você saiba que nós temos acreditamos que o aplicativo de streaming que nós estamos usando está tendo alguns problemas oh realmente capitão do céu fez uma música que ele enviou que ainda porque se ele tem algum eu vou definitivamente confira você sabe que eu sou um apoiante de ambos vocês nós dois estamos molhados bem, na verdade, calças fedem como você está perguntando de Jane sim ela não é sentindo-se muito bem no momento em que forçou-a em seu fluxo apenas urso com você sabe apenas tentando obter todos o que estamos em uma guerra no momento dizer que eu estou tentando doar tropas primeiro, então eu sou apenas esperando essas tropas para treinar assim é um pouco chato no começo dizer como vocês estão sim nós dois somos doente, mas de qualquer maneira sim isso é fedor certo calça é muito mais doente do que eu momento tudo bem para que possamos ter um pouco de diversão no fluxo que é provavelmente um pouco bobo no meu fim, mas a partir do último um que eu estava sugerindo talvez eu vou fazer algum invasões tipo bobo e dar sugestões mas eu posso não fazer o que você sugere depende Justin Justin porque bem-vindo ao canal sim, eu não acho que vimos você antes como você está, de onde você é? Eu sempre fazer as mesmas perguntas e que horas são lá eles podem ir para perguntas assim apenas tenha comigo estou apenas terminando o treinamento das tropas para alguém para a guerra parece que eu preciso ir e depois disso eu deveria estar doando para aquele cara, suponha que eu atire, vamos ver você tem três arcos tudo bem, então estamos quase lá e eu não posso acreditar nisso mas na verdade vou fazer uma guerra ao vivo ataque que é bom ouvir Justin que horas são só porque eu sou curioso nós gostamos de saber o que é um bom tempo para transmitir dizer quando você está pronto para resposta que me deixe saber tudo bem dizer e, entretanto, depois de ter feito o ataque de guerra o que eu vou fazer é impulsionar o coisa de nuvens não ele é dos EUA para você Eu acho que quase todo mundo nos córregos dos EUA Eu tenho que dizer e eu vim é isso porque eu sei que ele é sotaque agora eu vi ele está bem Eu sou do mesmo tipo que eu não vi o irmão dele Eu preciso da fé dele, sim, quase lá Agora, se você tem alguma sugestão para todos um para ataques tipo tropa Vou considerar fazer isso só para tentar e tornar o fluxo um pouco divertido e espero que isso vá bem, você vai tem que apenas até 5:00 dizer que alguém me disse uma vez que há um 3-yard diferença eu acho que entre o Oriente Costa e costa oeste dizem que eu não sou como Jayde já foi doado para ver ele não precisa de mais nada agora que significa que ele não precisa disso tudo bem agora calça fedorenta em toda a sua doença vai tentar entretê-lo Eu tenho que me concentrar porque eu estou para fazer um ataque de guerra, espero que isso vai trabalhos Eu realmente não gosto de mais dois ataques viver vamos apenas encarar isso eu não sou tão bom em confronto de clãs e para que todos parece pronto você pode manter-se atualizado com o chat lá stink calças enquanto eu tenho um olhar diga sim apenas mantenha-me atualizado quanto ao se você pode ver coisas na tela porque não podemos ver nada Tudo bem, eu vou te mostrar o clã jogos agora eu acho que estamos fazendo um golpe calças stink tem sido um pouco folgado com atacando ter você dizer quem nós temos temos 31 pessoas que já contribuiu e estamos no nível 4 agora parece quase nível 5, então você deve obter jogos de clã max com base nisso e desculpe repetir novamente, mas você ainda pode veja ver tudo sim exótico o último o último fluxo que fizemos foi realmente decepcionante porque nós tivemos um monte de as pessoas entram, mas o aplicativo estava tendo assim muitos problemas que continuamos perdendo pessoas o que não foi bom foi dizem que vocês ainda podem ver a tela deixe-me saber porque eu odiaria cortar este curto como fizemos a última vez e eu acho que só vou por isso tudo bem dizer que é bom e dizem que podem pelo menos ver eu me pergunto por que não podemos ver qualquer coisa sim tudo bem dizer entretê-los por um pouco de você tem uma piada para eles ah sim você é global de spam para mim, não tudo calças distintas não quer fazer qualquer coisa hoje você sabe o que vamos apenas fazer isso realmente não é melhor eu apenas verificar tudo bem então apenas diga que você está ciente porque é um ataque aéreo que eu estou apenas verificando para veja qual direção os varredores de ar são de modo que é bom verificar para ver o que o Fase X são definidos para eles provavelmente são todos vai ser terra no ar todos olham como o chão no ar e ainda vamos moer um fim, em seguida, último aquele que eu vou verificar é o único inferno alvos não bons alvos múltiplos é bons alvos de cancelamento desta vez capitão pode não estar neste sonho hoje oh não yume céu é isso que não deveria provavelmente dizer que neste tipo diz que é tudo bem para que todos saibam quem é porque eu sei que ele agora está bem, vamos fazer isso coisa calça fedorenta você pode entreter um pouco enquanto eu estou fazendo isso desculpe caras que eu dei muito quieto quando estou fazendo mais ataques tudo ainda está vivo, não morto sim foi sempre irritante haha ​​pode na verdade disse a todos a si mesmo skykans e ele é meu irmão ah hey caras eu não posso dizer isso agora eu só descobriu que ontem dizer que eu estive check-out fé cabeça canal Sky Capitão atualiza seus uploads um pouco mais freqüentemente do que Caim, mas Caim fala me diretamente ele faz em sua segunda até tarde de qualquer maneira sim, não tínhamos ideia exótico ele me disse que você sabe que ele me disse em um vídeo diretamente ele me disse para se acalmar porque eu estava tão animado que ele era como que skycar que não foi uma grande guerra ataque desculpe por isso caras apenas o espaço de duas estrelas é melhor que nada era o cara número um deles bem dizer vamos fazer um pouco de um impulso aqui e nós vamos fazer eu deveria começar a fazer o guerreiro louco faz os ataques malucos agora você comentou sim você não veja que veio eu fiz comentar sobre o seu vídeo eles de fato nós assistimos três vezes bem cantar é agora não destinado nada ainda vou fazer mais uma só para conseguir mais alguns troféus ao invés de fazer alguns se eu bem algum em lá eu não acho que tenho em você você tem que fazer algumas tropas loucas sim tudo bem eu vou fazer um louco que tal e dizer apenas tenha comigo o que você acha de todos os ballers ou golems todo golem de gelo na verdade isso não é Maxie eles não têm ninguém sugere que como sobre mim Mia tudo lacaios você acha que eu deveria bem isso não é max morrer Eu já vi muitos jogadores não tem você bem que me deu todos os ballers bem dizer que alguém tem uma sugestão aqui porque Eu farei isso e eu fiz bem vinco antes que sobre todas as bruxas deve estar fazendo tudo o que atacar e você tem que responder aqui sim você pode vi colocar-se um comentário o longo na verdade e ele não está realmente em bro estrelar muito não há outro visto Oh Samuel disse ter Walker e e hawks metade Valkyrie e Porcos Nikki meio Valkyrie e porcos todos certo vamos dar uma chance que os homens dizem o que isso funcionaria equipe disse que ele gosta das estrelas bro dizer 56 watts metade em 56 cujos mapas são bons 28 eu acho que é 28 não é isso Eu acredito que é 28 me corrija se eu sou errado lá tudo bem então 28 o que é você disse 28 17 e depois vamos fazer as pazes com dizer um assistente como sobre aquele olá gordura ver olá gordo ver como você está oh sim, se você tem alguma dúvida para confronto de clãs basta perguntar vamos nós fazer alguns ataques bobos aqui no momento Eu acho que tenho que usar tudo o que vou tem que usar todos os feitiços de cura para que eu acho que é verdade agora o último realmente melhor ganhar um, se eu não ganhar, eu não sou vai ser capaz de fazer qualquer ataque haha ​​e vamos apenas aumentar isso tudo bem, então isso é tudo bem sim melhor em trouxe isso em você sim você é que eu não sou muito bom em briga começa lá dentro King qualquer coisa que você quer no momento e eu sou ainda esperando por aqueles que treinam para o ataque seguinte dragão melhor trabalho de outra forma Eu vou estar em apuros Eu não percebi Eu não tinha nenhum elixir normalmente eles estão cheios minha bondade o que você fez com ele hum usado para atualizar paredes vamos ver algo assim ótimo em o momento não vejo Cain diz fedor calças de pro estrelas all-stars Pro eu só empurrado para 2.000 troféus em estrelas de luta bem feito Samuel Payton parece eles são fãs de todas as estrelas, tanto quanto choque de clãs Eu acho que nós só temos como 200 troféus devo admitir que estive jogando um pouco não Papes mas um pouco aqui e ali, mas apenas comer sim, mas calças fedor definitivamente é o pro tudo bem agora enquanto enquanto estamos apenas esperando por isso bem, é só vamos veja minha base ser esmagada novamente todo mundo gosta que eu quero dizer que eu tenho um ridiculamente eu realmente quero usar o base de guerra como a base, mas eu tenho se livrar de todos aqueles natal árvores primeiro que não é bom o que fede linguagem calças porque ela não soa como um australiano eu sou apenas curioso que é certo sim você está não tive que sair do país para encontrar meu arqui-inimigo Eu comecei a jogar ah dizer Samuel deve ser como um jogador muito cedo de briga estrelas ver isso é o que realmente enquanto este replay está indo bem nós temos sido pensando no que deveríamos estar fazendo com o canal ainda vamos fazer o upload de material que queremos enviar de vez em quando, mas um número de vezes as pessoas vêm dizendo para você precisa começar a jogar outros jogos digamos se fôssemos fazer isso obviamente nós seremos notícia porque não jogamos isso muitos jogos você é uma cebola noob ha ha sim dizer que vamos fazer isso e se alguém puder sugerir uma nova jogos que são populares é provavelmente o melhor maneira de ir se é um estabelecido jogo pode ser um pouco as pessoas podem não quer nos ver, mas se é novo eles podem dizer isso como você obtém um clan em uma livestream um clã em si eu sou Não tenho certeza se você pode obter um clã inteiro em uma livestream então nós basicamente transmissão ao vivo da minha conta P pontos conta que nós realmente não fazemos isso de fedor de calças, mas certamente podemos mostrar a vocês, mas eu não tenho certeza se você pode obter um clã inteiro para fazer isso que tem para fazer seus fluxos individuais não Quer dizer, sim, eu não tenho tanta certeza sobre o responder por aquele isso é falso vamos ver que é o coisa Samuel eu pensei assim também porque estava sendo anunciado em confronto de clãs, mas depois quando eu fui ter um olhar para alguns uploads de outras pessoas que Acontece que as estrelas de luta tem sido em torno de pelo menos 2017, de modo que é mais do que um anos de idade, por isso, se você tiver um olhar que eu sou pobre fã olhar incrível Eu tenho meu fed fed calças você não tem nada que as empregadas oh bem isso é incrível muito obrigado por fazer isso bem meus pés lá em cima isso é que ele me fez rir sem oh eu sou do sudeste da Ásia um país sim jonad fala um pouquinho do seu linguagem John ting-tong então você me chama é estúpido E e eu não sou bom em choque de clãs ou qualquer outro jogo oh que foi o versão de desenvolvimento não não Sudeste da Ásia China é é a Ásia tão Eu vou dizer assim um d-cup saudita hein sabaidee meu meu sub meu conteúdo tudo de bom coisa Eu sou uma vaca em hey hey hey não poderíamos sinto muito, eu ainda não consigo superar eu sou um puto eu amo isso então você tem que você tem que esperar por alguém para soar calças íngremes fã, porque você é o único que ganha tudo sempre que temos um desafio Quero dizer, ainda não é sua vez não é sua vez você não vai coreano bem khorinis East Asian isso mesmo então você está estreitando mate se você continue nomeando o idioma asiático que diz Eu realmente tive que mostrar que é da nossa filme de guerra sim regionalmente era de que estou tentando pensar no filme de guerra eu acho que foi Full Metal Jacket e Steve pants tiveram nunca vi isso antes, então eu tive que mostrar ela o filme para dizer que este é o lugar onde essa frase vem e depois há uma canção bem que eles tinham eu te amo música muito tempo que foi desculpa onde estão vocês não prestaram atenção a o bate-papo sim Full Metal Jacket eu estava certo então é daí que veio originalmente isso é sim bem como eu disse exótico o fluxo anterior que tínhamos esse foi o melhor que nós realmente encontrou ainda e, em seguida, infelizmente lá tantos problemas com o streaming app que acabamos de perder pessoas o que não foi bom estranho como eu acho 11 ou 13 pessoas participam ou instantaneamente você está nos entretendo mais do que estamos entretendo vocês Então, você disse primeiro e, em seguida, no seu linguagem, então eu tento fazer o meu sotaque como sério meu sotaque você tem yo let me muito tempo e Airy você diz em seu linguagem oi nós foder vlog Lembro-me dele ele é um amigo nosso do Vietnã esquilo eu sou Lloyd pelo caminho eu vim meu amigo eu vou te ver de novo no veículo não preocupações obrigado por parar por oh eu só queria ele uma feliz luna llena nova em você vietnamita pode falar todos os testes de idioma me oh você quer que eu teste você sim pendurar em que eu tenho que abrir o Google Google coisa primeiro tudo bem eu só tenho que dizer queijo está demorando muito para ficar pronto ainda esperando que é o nosso chá e lembrando ser perigo a base não pendurar em quem disse que eu acho que veio foi uma cana de doces disse que eu era o melhor pronto ok desculpe ver você já exótico tomara que possamos pegá-lo um pouquinho mais tarde Oh, mesmo exótico precisa de um pouco de Vietnamita isso significa que embora eu pense veja meu trabalho oh tudo bem, mas eu não estou impressionado com o maneira sim não, ela não é vietnamita Lovelace você Lovelace você eu te amo eu acho que ele quis dizer que eu deveria realmente tenho eu vou pegar o Google o que é isso traduzir aberto para o caso Justin porque no fedor fazer a verificação rapidamente tipo, mas eu sei que você sabe um pouco de francês algum francês primeiro telefone Pagliarulo dizer Não, eu quero eu sou estúpido em francês oh não essa é a sua linguagem idiota e seu idiota sim idiota acho que talvez seja certo quem sabe, mas eu sei um pouquinho de francês Eu provavelmente conheço mais da sua língua por agora do que o meu, então tudo o que estou tentando faça tudo aqui dizer que essas viagens são quase treinado e tenho a sensação de que ele pode já ter deixado o fluxo, mas nós vamos descobrir tudo bem então olha eu posso falar Vietnamita oh yeah eu concordo que easting calça é a melhor cana tudo bem que você está agora banido do bate-papo foi um veio ele disse que eu não sei Justin disse haha bem, eu não posso proibir Justin sim eu estava apenas vai bengala de cama é isso dizer como eu me inscrevo dizer se você escapar para a home page você pode fazer isso a partir daí eu acho que é realmente não o fluxo deve ter uma assinatura botão no canto inferior direito I acredito que eu penso qual é o seu sobrenome em francês, cujos sobrenomes em francês o verdadeiro sobrenome é amigo digamos que fizemos três Google Traduzir dizer se você acabou de digitar isso em certo então eu vou fazer um show agora vamos ver como esses caras desculpe o nuvens de feijão um caso a saber que eu nunca te chutar da tensão veio maneira se você disse qualquer coisa sobre fedor de ser melhor que eu oh meu agora estamos apenas brincando k chem no engrenagem de língua vamos obrigado por se juntar ah obrigado obrigado significou obrigado por aderir ao distrito eu tenho que verificar O Google Chad gosta de dizer o que escrevo vamos ter que eu não sou nenhum idioma realmente sou fluente em todas as línguas já viu como você está traduzir tudo 75 idiomas eu você não usa o Google Tradutor? mano eu não estou admitindo nada vamos mantenha esse silêncio tudo bem então apenas esperando por estes nuvens espero que vai dar tudo certo que tem Estive ok agora meu sobrenome é francês que calça fedorenta é o melhor o melhor dele último nome está no melhor que ele é primeiro nome você fede calças ele é o melhor agora na verdade, que fedoras por que não é pooed em fazer você bem oi Tamara causa tentando tanto comer meu macarrão com queijo e não ter saído do meu nariz rindo nós estamos lutando um pouco para falar esses fluxos tudo o que há Não houve piadas ainda normalmente nós conte algumas piadas, mas não há absolutamente não há necessidade de este bem, pelo menos, é divertido todas as nuvens indo é - ah tudo bem você tem entreter eu sou calças fedido e É melhor eu ganhar isso, senão estou problema sério oh eles têm um monte de ELISA bem dizer desculpem-me estou calando calça fedorenta deve estar entretendo alguém disse Ei, ei oi oi para minha esposa, que é o esposa está em sua cachoeira salvar net oh olá para sua esposa lá, oh, isso é não parece bom já Samuel pergunta quais são as setas no grande diretor ok então só vou responder a essa pergunta em um momento apenas hum suportar comigo porque eu realmente tenho que classificar de se concentrar sobre isso ele é imposto mortal cara, então eu não sou, pelo menos, temos uma estrela dizendo Isso vai nos deixar dormir algumas veias aha dois estrelas e os reis ainda vão sim que rastreadores de ar traquinas vêm em nós ganhamos que obtém esse armazenamento e é um armazenamento onde há alguém para ir eu realmente fez o elixir no dia da noite mm-hmm bem dizer apenas tenha comigo e o que eu tenho que fazer é mostrar-lhe para mim como o grande diretor funciona tudo bem assim com aquele porque você não pode mudá-lo até já está treinado tão só de e eu tem que mudá-lo de qualquer maneira porque eu estou fazendo um ataque ao solo próximo dizer apenas suportar com me por um momento caras quase terminados com este ataque você pode responder Oh Patsy já responde por você ele disse que a flecha é para pegar com ela oh esses lápis direito oh nós temos o coisa de família diz que pode obter o seu irmão em aqui nós temos a coisa da família acontecendo e bumerangue de limão é novo oi limão bumerangue existe alguma maneira de obter dev tornou legítimo o que Steph fez você conhecer senhoras surdas então sim eu não sou muito Certifique-se que dev feito é primeiro eu me pergunto se é essa coisa de serviço privado fluxo privado tudo bem agora caras que você tem que sugerir rapidamente outro louco ataque eu estava pensando todas as bruxas que você sabe o que nós estamos apenas vamos fazer isso porque nós nunca fizemos isso antes vamos fazer algum tudo um witchy o que é isso Vai ser feitiços de cura, assim eu acho o que você disse pode repetir? novamente repetir o que de novo para que alguém estava perguntando sobre devmode Eu nem sei o que bem surdo mateys Eu não sei, eu honestamente não sei o que terras surdas feitas há Nene PL @ p doc Eu vou descer a cabeça fedorenta diz que não precisa para gritar oh eu te digo o que veio a número de vezes que ela grita comigo em um diariamente os vizinhos devem ter um ajuste digamos que vou continuar tentando aumentar o zoom mais uma vez eu não tenho certeza do que ele está apontando para você sabe esperar o que eu vou dizer esperar P não repetir isso novamente quanto esses seu custo normal do exército Eu nunca calculei isso, mas meu normal exército seria os oito dragões oito balões três de raiva por pressa I Não posso acreditar que eu sei de coração um congelar e eu sei que as máquinas mares como cem K, mas basta dizer que você é ciente eu vou fazer alguns ataques loucos aqui, então esse é o primeiro sugerido o que foi que meio quente é metade Valkyrie o segundo vamos todos bruxas, mas um mago só para compensar os números e vamos ver como isso vai e você pode por favor me lembrar de mudar que a terra ainda não posso ainda fazê-lo Eu quero modo de desenvolvedor sim um desenvolvimento por feito a partir do que eu ouvi é que é arriscado usá-lo porque você pode obter o seu conta proibida é o que eu ouvi eu Não sei se é verdade ou não, eles são todos aqueles loucos você sabe quando você vê Vídeos do YouTube tem um milhão reis bárbaros e esse tipo de coisa isso é que é invadir o privado servidor oh, então eu acho que confronto de clãs tentou carimbar isso ou você está estampando, mas não tome minha palavra por isso que isso pode ou não ser verdade Então, quanto é que vamos procurá-lo você disse que você quer capitão do céu no fluxo sim nós amamos céu capitão Simon P dot fan diz que o desenvolvedor fez você me pegou naquele um desenvolvedor sim servidor privado ir para bandeja rápida eu vou para treinar rapidamente vara calças como eu faço isso porque você é bom naquele sonho parado há trem rápido mas eu nunca uso bem o que dizia quanto você usa e agora eles podem ver agora você pode dizer isso agora nós tivemos outra sugestão que é todas as colunas de gelo e gorduras raiva que é uma ótima idéia que vou fazer que no labirinto de trem para o próximo ataque então vamos dar um tiro Oh infinito ouro bem deve ser bater em que tudo bem bastões entendeu Jake para ver knock knock quem é aquele que morreu eu quero dizer com você espaço para ver Peter quem quem morreu é roubando seu carro, ele vem com estes piadas de elevação Eu gosto de cana porque é original ele na verdade, vem com suas próprias piadas não faz parte do jogo real sim dizer Eu não recomendaria com base no que ouvi Eu não sei se o que eu ouvi é verdade ou não, mas pode ser um pouco arriscado fazer esse tipo de coisa, na verdade eu provavelmente deve escolher um destes que um eu deveria fazer picada eu vou tentar isso só para o inferno, vendo como estamos fazendo alguns ataques ao vivo ok bem assim quase terminado temos que temos tempo para outra repetição vamos fazer um replay chegamos outro com a base ficando absolutamente esmagado não é realmente vamos ver as pessoas lutam na minha base para uma vez sobre isso porque isso não acontece acontecer muitas vezes sim sim, então eu concordo com você gorduras parece que é um caminho mais fácil para ser banido é o que eu ouvi que uma vez que eles se quebram é que é como sim acho que você não está autorizado para facilitar a conta mais existem bons uns mas não parte do jogo real sim Eu devo admitir o primeiro par de vezes que eu assisti esse tipo de vídeos que eu pensava provavelmente não está fazendo nada para ajudar o jogo porque as pessoas eram como eu faço isso e não é real dizer, mas eles você sabe que eles recebem milhões de acessos para aqueles tipo de coisas dizem alguém muito tempo atrás recomendou que eu fiz isso de fato Eu acredito que pode ter sido exótico, mas depois que eu dei uma olhada é que eu não sou então com certeza eu deveria fazer isso sem obter respostas para isso tudo bem dizer capitão céu é agora precisamos dele em sua própria conta Eu estou brincando sobre o que oi capitão céu como você descobriu um pouco mais sobre sua família eu tenho sido apoiando-os ambos haha ​​dizer obrigado não terminei com o seu idioma desafio ainda oh sim vá em desafiar-me Venezuela faz Venezuela Venezuela bom e que Português ou Espanhol você disse que sabe hum eu estou hesitante palpite que falam portugues na Venezuela então hola amigo significa Olá meu amigo que você chama um elefante que não importa irrelevante este trabalho antes de eu ter Eu sei que não posso continuar dizendo o mesmo piadas você não pode ser banido não é associar oh bem, isso é interessante I Conheço um cara que entra em desenvolvimento e ele foi banido de sua Klan com deficiência dizer então como isso funciona gordura em Samuel Aden, na verdade, estou muito curioso para saber um pouco mais sobre isso para ver se devemos ou não fazer isso porque as pessoas estão interessadas nesse tipo de coisa que Paul G estava quase no próximo recompensa nível, mas obviamente eu não faço qualquer coisa para arriscar minha conta para não mencionar sua conta foi comprometida e roubado bem que não está bem tudo bem agora para aqueles de vocês que estavam perguntando sobre o grande diretor você pode ver esse conjunto o ar, mas agora eu estou colocando-o no chão e isso vai ser um ataque ridículo porque eu nem sei o que vou estar fazendo sim o que temos tudo o que e isso e é melhor eu dizer obrigado a quem doou para mim aguenta Eu sou apenas Tem que doar algumas coisas que eu continuo perguntando para coisas que eu não tenho apenas para esperar mate mm-hmm, então eu vou fazê-lo no próximo whoa vamos mexicano dizer bem o que Português e Espanhol neste site sim, mostra minha experiência em Eu conheço um cara que ele quebra o devorador agora eu li isso para não mencionar o seu conta foi comprometida e roubada última noite bom Peter porque você deu o Jake calça distinta eu estava pensando que piada ah desculpe os que eu sei são não é real você baixar um aplicativo que permite você faz coisas malucas, mas o CAC real é não afetado bem, você poderia olhar para isso espaço que pode ser interessante Peter Eu tenho uma pergunta quanto tempo as pessoas podem mais tarde você pode tê-lo por tanto tempo como ele gosta de um plano de e-mail eu sou o líder no momento eu acho que você sabe que eu começou o clã, mas tendo dito isso Eu entreguei isso agora provavelmente perto de 10 vezes e raramente pediu de volta dizem que ficam um pouco não doente dele eu não sei porque eles podem devolvê-lo, mas eles devolvem eventualmente, e então sou eu novamente para você basicamente pode ter isso contanto que você quero porque ninguém pode, uma vez que você está o líder ninguém pode tirar isso de você isso faz sentido eu mantenho pedindo calças fedorentas para ser o líder ela foi perguntada não só por mim este é o céu captain texting eu me pergunto se você pode se juntar ao meu clã em Brawl me estrela e meus amigos vão te ajudar. podemos fazer essa teia podemos não ser assim ativa eles dizem se está tudo bem, então feliz, mas você também é oh aguenta você também terá que nos ensinar como agora eu sou desculpe novamente eu tenho que me concentrar calça fedorenta alguém disse uma piada lá como bem em algum lugar, mas eu tenho que descobrir O que eu estou fazendo você sabe o que estou fazendo é nível 58 mas eu sei que devemos apenas ir para o não mudou o grande diretor para o chão ainda sim vamos salvar isso funciona e Londres Oh jeezum ele é o velho misspells já sabe Texas sim o que Texas, como você está desculpe, eu estou no meio de um passeio tão apenas tenha paciência comigo por um momento para ter um conversar com as calças de nidificação posso levá-lo tirar a Câmara Municipal é tão perto sim tudo bem nós temos a Câmara Municipal huh que nunca iria usar esse efeito novamente bem, talvez eu vou realmente funcionou nós temos duas estrelas em um Eu ouso dizer que as tropas do clã trans ajudaram ID Dito onde estávamos nós nem sequer vi isso Jake você viu isso acontecer? Neste outono eu estou fazendo esse fedor de calças fazer seu emprego o que você está fazendo calças stink vêm em um piada você tem que manter-se atualizado com o bate-papo porque eu não posso fazer isso que foi o outra sugestão para o próximo Raven ou Weiss colunas funileiro é todas as colunas de gelo e ainda temos algum espaço vamos um bolo oh você ainda tem espaço chamada de gelo -los em Rach toda a coluna de gelo e raiva I aguenta o que mais eu posso treinar para que eu pode treiná-lo mm-hmm tudo bem dizer que vai fazer agora se é gelo colunas eu estou supondo que eu só deveria usar curar feitiços todo porque nós não sabe o que estamos fazendo com estes oh e Eu suponho que as tropas do clã do trem continuem respondendo ao bate-papo por favor jovem ok então você está convidado para bro star Jen disse seu nome sim garoto com cinco jogadores tudo bem que eu estou saindo eu jeez gostaria que esses caras tivessem perguntado eu te disse tem liderado por sete anos sim e fora coisa dizendo como eu disse Eu dei a volta para outras pessoas antes de dizer que eu não sou sempre o líder em fato o último par de córregos foi outras pessoas não, mas isso é líder fatsy 470 oh bem, isso é muito tempo FETs você não se canse disso porque eu certamente fazer e ele disse que se você bater naquele tempo ou 12 com um raio que ativa oh eu não sabia disso sim eu costumava a todos os seus feitiços relâmpago o tempo quando eu estava fazendo como Bart taxas, mas que não são três trades comerciais mais Samuel pergunta o que você ganha quando você mistura um 11 e um rinoceronte um perigoso animal morrer não a resposta que eu ganhei o que é ridículo ridículo Ranma chora sem rir correndo elefante ridículo ficar fechando eles são fedorentos eu não pode encontrar onde bem tudo bem ele já está doado e essa é a outra coisa que eu recebo uma corrente vermelha tropeça e alguém já está doou para eles Betsy disse um cachorro velho hots ir direto para ele Tamra disse que você matou a cura em vez de raiva sim matando em vez disso sites é que para o ataques loucos que estou fazendo agora ou eu não sei dizer desculpe, eu deixe você apenas dizer você cue o errado enquanto você garoto cura em vez de raiva desculpe apenas deixe-me dar uma olhada nisso sim dev cura curado, mas eu acho que eu realmente precisa daqueles para essas curas melhor que raiva para esses ataques malucos não é este vai estar em todos que atacam ah não é o golem de gelo enfurecido ainda que será o próximo oh sim desculpa agora eu entendo porque eles queriam raiva bem tudo bem onde seria estes vão ser ataques malucos tudo bem dizer que um parece que está quase terminado e, em seguida, Eu não posso acreditar que estou dizendo isso de novo mas se você quiser criar outro ou toda uma tropa ou tropa louca ataques você pode sugeri-los agora e todos Eu vou fazer isso para o próximo elefante mais corredor matar Elif eu sei idosos bem oh ah Eu pego aquele Elif Eu sei que você gosta de elefante ou centeio noite Ellie bem não entendi a última coisa que a calça não tem piadas ela é inútil eu precisava de clans enviando sim eu vou deixar que um diga que não nos importamos o ano de publicidade seus clãs neste fluxo particular só porque o nosso é geralmente cheio o tempo todo Então, se alguém quiser hipopótamo para se juntar ah Knights desculpe, você pode colocar isso de novo luz hiper Eu acho que acertar o errado botão então estou feliz com o clã de publicidade de teatro isso não me incomoda em ficar canais de publicidade, porque isso é considerado faux pas não é uma coisa boa dizer não, você pode se juntar ao nosso clã se você se encontrar os critérios que você pode nós temos um espaço deixou comer ataque de dragão todos Adria mas eu basicamente, fazer isso de qualquer maneira sim ele só fez isso por um tempo certo sim dizer que eu Quer dizer, eu uso loons que é o nome do clã eles são como hiper dizer se você pode conhecer os critérios, então sim você pode definitivamente juntar-se isso não é problema Eu posso fazer de fato eu não me importaria de fazer um arrastar porque pelo menos na minha janela que nível você está de volta feitiço Buda agora os meus são apenas de nível 1 no momento em que é como uma das últimas coisas para atualizar veja que é onde eu estou no momento e apesar de colunas de gelo eles estarão no máximo, mas eles estão atualizando agora por isso espero que funcione, então eu sei Caim vai pensar em um ataque, oh, eu sou em apuros agora de modo que é aquele espero que você tenha uma boa olhada nisso quanto tempo temos que ir para treinar I bem como fazer outra repetição vamos ver se podemos chegar a algo diferente o que temos aqui ver muitos deles são apenas um arrasto ataca sempre um Ken disse que você sempre um ataque a um tipo veio nosso primeiro vídeo foi um tudo ataque de mago e nem fedor de calças ou Eu gostei particularmente que isso foi que não foi divertido dizer sim o que nós todos disseram que eu não gosto de conta do Mac eu não como o seu negócio sim eu não gosto do feitiço de aposta que eu digo o que eu sugiro é nós não vamos fazer todos eles são tropas de um tipo que já fizemos porque há já vídeos sobre aqueles assim que nós temos já feito um todo um assistente que temos já fiz um todo Valkyrie um e eu acho que todos os dragões também estou velho Eu me pergunto o que a etapa vai fazer, mas nós não tem max back spell ainda sim Bonnie ir Pepsi set drop cinco Macbeth soletrar com a raiva em townhall 12 e veja o que acontece é o meu vamos look I knew someone was gonna suggest all Barb's sooner or later I think I'm willing to do it but I think would you prefer to see an actual Bart's attack cuz bocce's really good for Town Hall 10 and down I used to use bots all the time as you're fully aware but now do an old Barbie if I have to we'll leave it up to the stream to take a right there is it gonna be all Bible but case you are gonna make I'm gonna be dropping trophies like there's no tomorrow a nice isn't it what's the next one I got to prepare this is all witches oh my goodness that's the next one I think okay yeah oh hi Scott missing three quarterback one agua ouch can do that cuz that would work say we'll take a Vader we do it all Bob's already doing a mixture of Barch easy way to take out a max Seigle 3/4 Bob 1/4 fudge I sent her a request to join hiking maze yeah if that's you yay seems to fit the criteria well look we're getting a live join from the strain say someone finally got in on that one and so he must be pretty good he's already a very easy look you said what's that Titan Titan already oh no look everything's ready to go look I don't want to do this but we're gonna do it we're good to go we're good to go let's see what happens so what Wow now no problem King maze yeah just follow the rules in the clan e you'll be fine if you can do the clan games now that would be awesome as well just because we encourage people to do that you got to keep up with this because I can't keep up with it while I'm doing this max bats too and the rage takes out of max Seigle well there you go I didn't sabe que max max okay do you have a subscriber clan nice eh we had um at one point we had a sister clan or a fader clan but they kinda went rogue on us and that clan has died so in fact every year we've had a couple of you know don't think I should say that I wasn't gonna mention the names yeah so no we don't have a subscriber clan but maybe that's a good idea that all the subscribers can get into a clan what do you think I'd say that's that one - that's pretty bad luck for you next time - least known and they came the idea is to win me these crazy trick combinations he's gone from good day evil he says well I hope I don't drop trophies on this way they will see our gays and I'll put that on on global chat just while it's waiting for something happened yeah thanks you're not gonna be long are you alright say stink pants has disappeared for a moment so if the the cloud search stops imma have to apologize I'll be really really quiet or at least a little bit quiet while I concentrate on an all which attack this is well I must admit I'm a little bit curious to see what will happen on this one I don't know if it will be good or not global chat gone crazy are they good or not say that means i'ma go yeah you better because I can't get out of the global chat either so hopefully they're going to be nice in that one if they're yeah that's right fats thankfully hey ten spices calling out for stink pants so you better come back yeah cloud life is not fun the gamer has improved it slightly so it used to be really really bad and in fact I write to supercell just saying look I know that this has been a problem for a while but can you please fix it oh here we go alright so sorry I'm gonna be a bit quiet what's my plan of attack here I have no plan of attack we're just gonna I in fact I didn't even think about the walls that doesn't matter we've got a wall breaker all right so I'm just gonna do maps Queen I think I'm a mess I'm just gonna do mass which is all at once I think it was probably the best way to vai wallbreaker do your business and let's see what happens no that's not good but I think I dropped those spells way too early I have a feeling I've dropped them very early this is not good come on take it out take it out no geez Kings lost these special power take out the Town Hall do it do it take it out can we yes we got the Town Hall awesome all right can we to start with this Jesus guy witches are still doing all right all these ones on the right hand side there I'm not so sure get this I live oh the battery it's all no I'll just pop that in the charger did that work my pocket in the charger I think that's charging now I hope so I'd hate for us to die in the middle of the string can we get the second star one more percent gee do you think I should do a yes well maybe I should use all which attacks now where where we was it going to be an all bub well maybe I should just try an all Bob one all right I'm just gonna scroll up in the chat a bit because I've probably missed a bit bad luck et Lee's now I've seen that mail make one for you yes Samuel if you'd like to I'm a happy for you to do that because to be honest I probably won't be in it so it doesn't really matter who's in it but I'll stop by every now and again with our clans permission so that was actually a bit of loop - all right you know what let's do it let's see what no barbed attack does I can't believe I'm going to do that now para este aqui should I oh shit I've just trained all Barb's now it's let's see cloud life that might be kind de diversão evolved with these magnifying glass if I do all Bob again it's got to be heal spells all right I think it's gonna be y'all heal spells just for these crazy attacks I can't see any way around it so just bear with me and stink pants is back so Lowell with his magnifying glass looking for birds being in the clouds might be boring you might have to yeah and now we've been alright with the clouds for the moment bad for boosters six hands spice thumbs up behind just go for broke don't let your phone die here cuz it setups running out of battery they're gonna get smoked by the eagle three Isis all right now cuz Samuel said it one quarter but say let's do the maths 280 divided by four is seventy year writes a switch a t-bar four acts using at seventeen arch oh man maybe my maths is really good but 280 what's 280 divided by four isn't that city of corn WiMAX is bad yeah four times seven is what 28 is all right oh gee we'd gone all silent cuz your maths is sanitary so I think it's to ten and 17 years in it if I'm not mistaken actually now if he's gonna say switched eighty I will cuz it's better to have more Barch gee it's been a long time since I've done a batty attack but we'll do it now in this case I always used to use lightning spells for Bart's do you reckon I should or not you know what I'll show you the combination that I used to use for years on this game it's just because that's what I did say I use the lightning spells just as a backup basically and let the Bart's do all of the work Samuel said I just pick a T so the Bob will be at 200 yeah thank you for that Samuel and in fact that's actually better it's better to have a few more arches fancy set switch out to reach for a few jars I'm not actually using either for those so this one will be lightning and for the jump yeah actually he's right but I've already trained them that não importa hopefully the the wall breaker will do all of the heavy lifting I'm hoping anyway yeah I'm not so sure he'll do it for ya see my max is not as bad as I thought but I'm still going with with Samuel suggestion because it's better to have a few more arches so we'll just call that even at 280 200-foot what am i doing you didn't want to do that so what is it 200 barbs 80 arch uh-huh this is a craziest dream we've ever done Você sabe disso not so sure but okay if we done a crazier well not in terms of ratings - certo and am i doing not doing that well on getting them to bid for the Klan games but that's okay alright so we might as well let's do a war replay can ax anyone play clash royale I think if you don't they've said not us but we've been asked to play that as well well look in town online let's see what happens with this channel 9 attack so that's where we're where we picked up a news switch out to - oh you've read all of that four times seven you see Tamara's maths is excellent isn't it and four times is 21 yeah no but I gotta write I think ed 1:0 anyone play clash kind because I've been por aí take notes made by I have been around myself but don't listen anything I say I know you don't put up but it's easy it's like clash of clans but different that's what we've been told and in fact we've got a clash Royale Roy I know I don't but some money now clans set up a clash Royale royale clan and I know a few of our members are in it but to be honest I don't even know what it is it's been that that long ago since that one was set up but who knows I have no idea what the story is for that one I stink at clash Royale say we've been asked to play that but again the question would be it's been around for a while would anyone want to watch us play that as opposed to in the new game so just a heads up guys I downloaded the game of Thrones game a long time out or a little um pouco antes and I heard that that was being advertised for the new season on the Superbowl so I was wondering if that was worth fazendo as you mate instinct pants is your co-pilot yeah she is my co-pilot I wish she was a pilot sometimes it's easy it's I read that one go to Google Play Store and see for yourself that game is so chato so that was the other thing that we heard that clash royale was popular for a little bit and then it died in popularity people people that I've spoken to didn't really like it after a while but yeah well you can give it a tiro because we were thinking of like perhaps creating a noob series will just be the noob gamers playing all these games that we've met Gary yeah well there because then you're gonna let me play most of it yeah I'm gonna make the stink pads play most of it because she's better at gaming than I am and let's face it the the brawl star streamer hasn't gone too badly it's picking up it's it's on track the same as our clash of clans okay roll your changed Oh in a good way is you all right say where we're all G we're ready to go again Samuel said I reach when I play CR I rage on every day I play clash royale for whooping five minutes then proceed to deleted yeah I think um I mean we'd play it for as long as this train lasts but no sudden death beam that's it say only sudden death thing say you'd have to be good at it you know I think wouldn't it if it's sudden death you you get killed straightaway and then that's it like you don't get the respawn like in brawl stars I mean say yes you go I dizer you think that's a good thing to do fats because we were actually tossing up today whether to do the game of thrones game or the clash of clans and I was going to depend on how well this stream went like whether it was just gonna die ou não so far so good and yet we can't see anything like I still can't see anything on that stream but hopefully you guys yeah let's try yes need Sade fat skinny just consent confirm would you like us to do a game of Thrones stream from the beginning and then Samuel says I don't like how fast clash royale trophies equals out I like the balls brothers really fun yeah we didn't mind for all brawl stories broad brothers and brawl stars something different I don't know if they're the same maybe they're different games they're just not big gamers are we we need to make the experiment a little bit more I would suggest clash of clans will always be our bread and butter though just because it's the only game we know that's the only game you are ahead of todos yeah that's the reason why is it makes it I look like I'm actually good doesn't mean I am good it just looks that way because when people see the base and something like wow you must be awesome and now I've just been playing for years so now if the game runs out of time you have to take out the princess towers of the other player takes our I see me means out your Zulus and loose trophies that's something death for clash Royale that sounds complicated meaning I don't think hang on you gonna concentrado oh geez there's a lot of loot there oh yeah I'm gonna have to do it storage outside too I'm gonna have to do it this way just cause a mental late Oh miss leanings in action nari that's not good something date well this one's gonna go badly I think or I haven't pressed that either nari whoa geez I'm getting slaughtered I'm only own 9% no comment the only hope I've got is to take out that Town Hall at this point yeah I'm not even sure that's your option well the guy getting there getting me take it out take it out it's not gonna happen this one's gonna be bad oh but you got cargas I got loot but no 22% I'd have to say ice columns like that maybe it's just being greedy with the loot t no that was a loss that was bad Oh Lord G it helped with the clan games they saw me all said I'm getting max rate to those congratulations fine Chinese are you talking about rage spell the problem is these people keep asking for troops I don't have and I gotta work out what he wants and don't forget skills if your son has been that's that 1 skills if your it's still in the chat I don't have anything that you're after which makes it difficult to train stuff for you because bear in mind I'm actually in a stream at the moment saying that's gonna make it a bit tough what have we decided with the barchi barge all night that's what was the next trick combination by the way guys yeah 23% is not fun I got to say I didn't like that and let me know what you want trains now say it was gruesome they come up with another combination and I'll start training them now odd all one truth combination was thinking maybe all oh well you said now all ballers all golems is probably not fun what about all unions in Asia are you still here no worries say as suggest another trick combination and I'll do it now now but you're gonna have to hurry because I got to start training la all lava hound are we doing this is gonna be brutal - I'd say - hang on I gotta get rid of some of this stuff just bear with me that's not affecting like you use it no and it's sorry if I can ask a favor their skills as well I'm gonna be in desperate made a clan troops with with this particular combination that's gonna lock on to the air defense first say they're going to take out all of the air defense before they do anything else they're gonna die all right I can't believe we're gonna do that well we might as well fill the rest up with loons just cuz you normally use loons not lava and then for this one we'll go rage I think is probably better gee this is gonna be brutal - I think and barchi barch say that's all good to go oh is the music stopped already it is all right just bear with me all distinct answers playing with the cat at the moment so she's not helping me out at all so come on where where we with the chat say oh that was gruesome other people can donate lava Han what I've answered that - volts - he's looking for a buffet table of troops yeah say he was just noticing what I was donating there it looks like just request for whatever você precisa anything's fine I just need it to be full to half a chance half the chance not even a full chance how long have we got 13 minutes let's show another war attack and goal I think that's the different base yeah that's a different base so you can have a look at how the town or mine's going Oh someone is here Sr. glitchy man who came here because random new Tube videos upload a video oh that's a very good question mr. glitchy man because this is what I've heard that YouTube's now got a new function that allows small youtubers to to get recognized yeah Oh random YT I did oh well say thank you guys for joining look there's a lot more that are doing it a rock there can you get out of the road cap and please think pants can you help say look at all of this say he said he came up here because a random YouTube videos upload a video so I have no idea what is why TV random mighty deed and then look there's a new guy Eric Lipscomb so hi they're all the new people to the clan to the the stream we haven't seen any of you before oh you play clash of clans - awesome say just say that you where I'm doing some silly raids after this replays so we'll see how all of that goes oh well look at the little coming now are you going to hang on can you please do this say erupted we're worried they're chatting quite quickly now I'm healing and three fries that's Betsy you suggest yeah and then yeah Eric the just here I play clash of clans - awesome we'll show you some clash of clans maneuvers soon someone promoted your channel on global Oh awesome that's great say thank you for whoever did that because I was trying to get stink pants to spam global but she wouldn't do it someone promoted its are they adding a new troop or hero yeah they I don't know the answer to that anonymous user but they often do there will be another update at some point and I suspect it might be a big one they're also going to do the I'm sure the Builder builder base is going to be updater aided - number nine at some point town online were you doing very well glitchy man that's great keep by attacking and you'll get very high soon look upon my many war stars oh my god we can do we can check other people's bases but not while I'm boosting which is what's happening at o momento sim and in fact we're almost ready to do another crazy raid just give it another two minutes or so what's this crazy rate bar to you attack this is gonna all right say can you please keep up because I can't keep up let's just read it out to me as well say same look up read that oh my god I'm in the clans c1 f1 we might check that out once stop boosting yeah this is awesome thank you all for staying and stopping buying bill debate yeah bill the base is getting boring I'll show you mine say that's what a maxed builder base looks like extinct answers also got a max build a base so we can't really do anything on them and we're really only using them for the for the clan clan games all right now it's been a long time since I've done this one so let's see our bartsch attack gays I'm going to join your clan I think we're we're full at the moment but if any one we might end up reading some inactive people soon so if you keep an eye on the clan then and you fit the criteria we're happy in for you to join build a base is getting boring who died everyone loves your channel well thank you for saying that Kane I'm not so sure we just lost a couple people so Town Hall 13 2020 is that is that what they are saying cuz I would suspect they're probably gonna come up with it before that which mm yeah well I might just update stuff in there in the base instead well i'ma definitely promote this streaming encored app or I don't know what that is either what's an end court app and Facebook page as well as my client fats we really appreciate you doing that because I made a lot of mistakes when I first started the channel we weren't really promoting it properly and the way we're doing it at the moment certainly takes a lot of time so I really appreciate that if you do do that and some helps us out a lot hi Eric Lipscomb warrior class sure what that means mr. glitchy man we'll be back so thank you for stopping by we appreciate that hopefully you'll be back before the end of the stream you can't turn on yet so Cain's right when it comes to the snow that's up to supercell to stop that they usually do it what they usually have done it by now no no no it's super solar does that can I join I know I'm rushed but I'm working nele say at the moment anonymous we we're full I believe we're already full so there's nice spots available but if they come we don't mind if you're rust you do you have to follow the rules and meet the criteria though so you have to have a minimum number of trophies make sure that you donate during war you have to fight twice just all the usual stuff our discord okay so we where you have a discord account but I am so bad at it I tried to get a friend of ours on YouTube to to join and we couldn't between the two of us we couldn't figure out how to get him to to join and sage you can well fat says you can turn off the slide yeah that's what I said you can help go to setting and turn it off okay I'll do that after the right then it's okay yeah discord and say I would like to know more about discord fats in fact if you like you can certainly add us but we don't know how to add people because I've tried I've only got one other person on discordantly yet to do it for me and then like I said the other person that we tried to get to join the quitting and say yeah discord is really funny you have to have really precise like when you add them it has to be exact if it's not exact it won't work so Texas and I were trying to do it we had problems with that okay say it's getting me mad this snow has been around since January and December 11th seem to take it off Bria I'm stuck on the final number part so again I'm not too sure what you mean por isso anonymous Gator your settings in RL here irritating to see it mess with my view alright say if one of the guys in chat can explain - Eric how to remove it or I will show you after this raid once I figure out what that see said is you're sitting and that can change right say fats can you help out Eric there and if not I'll show it after the the raid so nos Samuels never seen snow in real life so guess what gonna know house think pants became my arch-nemesis I took it to the snow cuz she never seen snow herself had G the annual I caught some cold so I want to go to look out look what do you chame-o today look out yeah I don't know it's too windy I have to give up and it started snowing as well say you decide too cold to do that I hid away the snowball light for the first time she didn't know what was going on but I'll let her walk in front of me for a little bit and then threw a snowball at her head Ranger certainly did hundred percent success that's because the snowball is actually get inside his shirt yes you made me cold for the rest of the day doing that done long time ago so yeah the music keeps changing Kane it's a bit of a mixture of stuff it's all of them free youtube copyright free youtube stuff see this chord f is huge we agree we'd like to do more with that but we don't know I've heard rumors about snow so tell us what the rumors are clouds worse in this league they certainly are Eric but they're better than they used to be now to country here's a clip it's all over the place the clan name mr. glitzy man is a one clan camp music has gone crazy it always does it's always that Eric if you saw that ice column attack that I just did I would disagree with that because it went badly no it's good if you're not using all ice column which is what I did say so many options stop played your clans by hey oh we didn't know that so fancy saying tar played the clans bio in discord cuz that's pretty amazing if you can do that I wouldn't know how they and I don't know if you're saying yesterday anonymous my IQ is one surely not you sound pretty smart to me I'll walk you through it say fats is gonna help you anonymous user it looks like Eric please come you stirred doesn't matter if you check the stream later on you'll see after it's uploaded you'll see how badly they're all ice golem attack when that was the worst one of a lot Peter why did you name your clan a one clan alright say that was dumb I gotta say at there at the beginning I didn't realize that you can have so many plans all named the same thing and I did actually write to supercell asking for permission to change the name hey it's all on you stink basically he just won his name on the top of the list that's why it's a and his number one that's pretty much it but he unaware that oh at the clan can also name a one as well so it didn't work unfortunately Oh what are you doing Oh No look at that they're just getting destroyed this is não é bom geez all Bob's doesn't work at this level look at it I'm struggling to even take yet I've gotta at least take out the stuff around the town all but I don't do that I'm in real trouble and I guess you're gonna have hidden Tesla next to to Town Hall I've gotta at least try and take out that Town Hall can you take out everything around us how also you can at least get one star 50% hang on I've got to concentrate on the Town Hall now just take it out just take it out yes take out the Town Hall which I gotta say this is not a good example of a hold hold bocce attack because if that Town Hall wasn't there I'd be struggling even more it sees a freeze spell there well they got absolutely so I wasn't expecting that to happen I paid a daily thank you for stopping by and saying I like appreciate that sorry I'm in the middle of the raids I can't really see what's going on Diamond music's on instruments just as foods come from random YouTube video upload the newest vídeo wow that's another person that's doing that so what are you can someone please explain what that actually is the newest video so they just put it just like when you go to homepage when you - you - and you were there because it's the newest one more sorry just suggesting the homepage or something like that all right say guys come up with another crazy raid that was almost a two-star but I've got to say not very good alright next yeah can sex all your clan is number one now no I don't think we're number one by any means Lexi said hey I just in the clan pseudonym I said I wondered how people get private servers I mean wonder not wouldn't he say I wouldn't recommend doing the private so everything cuz your account can get banned for doing that other than that I don't really know we haven't looked into it I have a private server ah he does stay gay mr. Glen she man said I couldn't find a clan so if you type in a one clan we're going to have 50 members and it's gonna have a yellow and black just bear with me I'll show you show you now say that's what it looks like say a one clan I don't know finish a level 12 and yellow and black emblem and you'll see teacher there at the top as the leader it's usually ranked like number 1 or thereabouts sorry you got to keep up with this cuz I can't okay sorry and has anyone suggested a new type of raid here cuz I haven't done that either let's see said yes uploads your whole clan and breaks down wall weights army strains all kind of nippy top toys I think he means the clan bio I think you know what let's do an only mean one actually is also attacking now to Jess we're gonna do now to turn off the snow oh yeah whoops and guys someone's got to come up with aa all one type trip somebody who said this is a weird base yes it is a weak base they said you can turn on the snow Diamond music's said hello Betsy said go to setting where you turn music sound on or off yeah then more settings and then go to more setting oh they okay yep snow off so that's how you do that thank you now can you shake yeah no no it's gone say thank you for that fat swear you had no idea you can do that and then what did what was the suggestion all Josh well for this one I'm gonna have to use I found a clan back non happy natural peace please make it I might do a combination Messi said we have bookmarking the a1 Craig yeah that's good day you want them to do that that's why I have to ask I use sup - PewDiePie no I don't want to say too much about other channels I've checked out PewDiePie but I'm not saying there's anything wrong with him is just not my kind of content I think it appeals to a younger audience humor yeah that's right and say he's his style of humor and I sort of don't really get into you but not saying anything bad against him is it my kind of content oh gee I haven't requested come on planned someone please donate I'm gonna be in trouble now stink pants what do you think add in a website boy you can get free gems just go to a coffee comment really really if it's joke what now I'm gonna get you to do two things think if I'm doing all all Giants what should I use first ring they need brain all right one jumping spell the rest arrange I can't believe we're gonna do an all giant attack but skills already left well you didn't stay very long say if someone wanted to join and you meet the criteria you're welcome to there I say I got a plan nice what's now can you remind me I've got to change the grand warden to air because we can't believe we're gonna do an all larva attack this one's gonna be crazy as well and someone please donate we're gonna need it all certo saying that's that how long have we got to say I'll just do another replay we did the bottom two we just got there all right now I'll try to keep up with the the chat here just bear with me because I'm Way behind in Stube diamond music welcome diamonds and it's been like my cane it's been an hour and a half we've had three our streams before Jake whose clan was the a1 clan again scammer Jake this stream is long it's been like three hours we'll say well it's 1600 I will join yeah so just when you you meet the criteria you're welcome to join nine year old I mean you night I saw the post in my global I may come visit a one I am a founder of the warrior class but my cousin Leeds in my stead he's a hopper yeah it looks like he might have been I came because randomly achieve up ladies video well I have no idea what that is but we might have to check that out I've no hang on because of random youtubers video upload is video well thank you for that random youtube video is up later I really appreciate that because you've actually brought us some people coming whose clam is the a1 plan well I guess it's all of ours everyone that's in the clan it eus thanks no thank you random you're impressionante Sr. glitchy man I came from that video too well alright random I'm gonna ask a big favor from you if you're still there after the streams finished can you just leave a comment say that I can then go and visit your channel I will try and do it from the stream itself but it's a lot harder to do it that way it takes a lot longer whereas if you leave a comment after it's uploaded then it's really easy for me to go and check and I'll go and help support your channel as well so song lyrics mr. glitchy man okay oh well we love you random YT ye cheaver you've been helping us oh sorry random YT videos up later you've been helping us out a lot it looks like I hey I saw the teaser - mic label so teaser and P dot are the same person which is me why sesor of you thank you for stopping by também where are we with this still got a no I won't do another replay we'll just wait for that to finish great game my friend topics I like this channel Thank You Samuel we do try hard to entertain you know it says a1 clan so I'll show you novamente Erik see if you have a look at the top left-hand corner it's a one clan everyone in the stream start hitting the like button and hit the subscribe Thank You Cade I appreciate you doing some free advertising for us this clan the clan still has 2400 trophies yeah we used to drop the trophy count but we can't do it anymore so you do have to meet the minimum criteria I better just say thanks that alright so it looks like I'm ready for another raid I've got to set that to air they where are we yep that's I can't believe we're gonna do this and resents it there yetis alright so let's see what more lava an all lava attack does I'm not holding my UPS up for this one the cleanse still has to four hundred tradies well that was fun feel free to visit my level 13 plan ride the lightning alright so I'll try to do that it's a bit hard because I got to get someone to agree to take over leader for me but we'll try our best my clan won't donate me a machine I'm sorry to hear that that's can be a bit difficult anonymous because for a long time there I was the only one that could donate machines and obviously you can't be on 24/7 so you need they have quite a few townhall twelves in the clan to be able to donate siege machines and at the moment we've only got I think five townhall twelves P right how come you don't accept friend requests you have like ten because the reality is came we only want to accept people that we know in real life or that we've at least gotten to know online and 3d scored things like that and if I ever clear that accept friend requests it just fills up straight away so I don't really bother now when it comes to the Facebook happy to do it fats that's think pantses Department I've asked her for almost two years now to fix our Facebook page and it hasn't happened yet stink pants where are you no I won't I wanted to join badly he say its first in best-dressed their say or someone's joined I don't know who how fun I could use hammer to get channel 12 I guess that's someone from the stream now let me know if it is alright say but the reason I was asking if you were clash with Cole was because I think his channel got to monetize our we haven't been monetized yet say there's two criteria for that the first one is to have a thousand subscribers not like him personally but you watch my channel I'll do that just for you but I'm not encouraging people to promote their channels here providing he clans one thing but Kane's been such a loyal supporter after let him do that alright so now I wanted to say yeah so the first criteria is a thousand subs but the second one is four thousand watch hours and that takes a long time it's very hard to achieve to be honest which is why we do a lot of streams because it helps ride the lightning oops yes there is he clan someone joined well yeah someone did join I don't know who it is they say ride the lightning CAC you know me not like in person they but you watch my channel yeah well kami if I ever get to speak to you on discord then certainly I'd look at adding you as well because I did add Luke and I've spoken to him a number of times even though I've never met him in person we've we've talked a lot on discord so I subbed I thank you mr.glitcha man I realmente aprecio isso Eric I you're the one that takes well I didn't accept you it looks like Matt did say just follow the rules and you'll be fine everyone's sub say mr. glitzy man that's the one thing that we asked that you don't do is that vert is your channel just because if we start encouraging that it's not going to be good say but a happy feed advertise your clan one day play clash for owls so that's a another person that's suggesting clash Royale say we might have to do that maybe even the next one we'll do our noobs noobs play clash royale we're also thinking of that Game of Thrones game so I ever say dad alright just bear with me because I don't really know hang on you're gonna have to wait which one's is no this is all lava not looking forward to this alright can I just have to do it this way I think cuz yeah just straight up gonna gay four straight up there just gonna gay for that alright sorry guys I tend to go very quiet while I concentrate I've got the wrong I hit the wrong seized machine as well no this is not good cause desperately hoping to get the Town Hall that's gonna be difficult with that siege machine this is gonna be tough for we gonna make it we ma we got the 50% that was lucky it's happy turns out all lovers can work now get your next next trick combination suggestion ready and I'll do that alright say tis I thank you for accepting me one day play clash royale I have discord and I'll check that in a sec make your warden here thank you mr.glitcha man I believe I did do that we just finished the plan troupe challenge things so might as well look at doing another one what's that in one hora no let's just do it we'll see what happens all right say next stroke combination guys and I'll just put in a request there and waiting for the next suggestion make your Daan's that's was trying to get in your clan to donate your troops but we're full oh no yeah I think someone got in quicker say sorry that wasn't me doing that I'm sort of when I'm straining I can't really concentrate on what's going on in the clan side fat sister on each side sorry about that let the man concentrate people low clans full-on funny yes you are we didn't all which in this stream already Eric say you've missed that one também all golems you saying it all right let's they're all golems I don't hold my for this one either and what else can I use naquela and use that and well actually what I might do is use a few all breakers because we're probably gonna need them these guys are gonna be slow so that's definitely all rage for that one all right say or Gollum and we've cut the whole joint these are insane attacks but so far we've only lost one which is ótimo all right so what am I waiting for just those two trains they will do another war replay I can't exactly remember where I was but I think that's where nós estamos em oh no no you did that one already so they're all town all mines this looks like it's gonna be your town all ten all right so that's that one now columns yep that's being lined up or good mate yeah so sorry fats that was not in my control Lynn and Eric was the one that joined it looked like all miners say that's a good idea we'll do that one next I actually have an all miners video that has been sitting you now now queue to the upload and that's fine I'll do it in o fluxo do you electrode rags and ice column say let me know the combination of each one and I'll give it a shot put it on when are you going to upgrade Dominions so that'll be next I'm just upgrading the ice columns at the moment so the minions will be the next one minor attack is getting old these days not the Queen walk yeah I've got to agree my eyesight's so not good that I can't even see the miners when I use that type of attack and to be perfectly honest I'm not that good at the Queen walk either I say they sort of depends on which ones better to use and which ones not say I need a bit of practice when it comes to Queen walk but not a fan of the miners even on a iPad I'd struggled to see what they're actually doing yeah educate your glasses by the way it came say have they been sorted out now well this was fun on subscribe catch you guys on the flipside parentsí fats thank you so much for your help we really appreciate that and if you can if you want me to have a look at your channel just after the streams finished just drop a comment somewhere cuz it's much easier for me to to locate you that way I'll still try and do it from the stream but it is harder to do it that way so thank you much appreciate it it looks like we might end up stopping this stream soon I'm not too sure it's been almost two hours now but I still have the same lenses they I say you got the frames for them is that came and do they fit well and all of that sort of thing so yeah I don't have my allowed to talk about your video cane and I'll ask your permission first if I can talk about your video because I thought it was very funny the fact that you actually approached me directly but my rap you to tell the story so he can mix it up help promote the stream yeah look I appreciate everything you guys have done because it helps a lot and the stream certainly helped us a lot so the the more assistance forget the better it is and if we can help you in any way we'll do that as well so yeah cane uploaded a video recently and he said that he broke his glasses in the straight in the shower so you have to go get them fixed but then he spoke to me directly told me to calm down because I found out a little bit more about Sky Captain and him so the guy has a funny video I've watched it three times já yeah look I'm tempted to mr. glitzy man cuz I know that that t-series thing is it's like an individual taking on a corporation I don't really have time to attack your war base they're saying in fact I don't have time at all now I've got to switch the ground more than back to ground and where are we what have I got raged Giants this is gonna be crazy attack as well not so sure this one's gonna win now we'll see how it goes so yeah I understand the stance to make sure that PD PI stays on top I guess the only problem I have is I'm probably not keen on either of the channel's contents I'm not a not a fan of either channel say I've checked them both out but it's not my sort of stuff so maybe we can convince sting pants - no worries fats appreciate that we'll catch you some other time who taught if you channel never existed I would be bored and have nothing to do I'm sure that's not true you look like you ever a great life and your brother's obviously a quite nice people as well so that's the thing that we love about our channel is we tend to attract nice people and that's what we want I've already banned a couple of people that just they weren't very nice and Kane you were in that last stream where there's one guy that subscribed to us but he just says things that are wildly inappropriate so he was banned after your suggestion so you can probably still show up but you will never see his messages to see oh well you're the oldest - I came like that oh well there you go there's five of you in the family you got a basketball team already you go out there and be the new Parliament Globetrotters or something like that say yeah we don't come from super big families ourselves and sorry Matt I can't donate to you at the moment I just put that on label their pay distinct paths where ie she's disappeared for a little bit because the thing is I might need how to entertain you because I really need to visit the bathroom so I'm just waiting for her to come back Bron James LeBron James I know he that is even though I'm not a big follower of NBA he's famous enough that pretty much I guess everyone knows him he's a very good basketball player there's a guy that I saw on now YouTube called the doc doctor someone he's a little white guy with glasses he is a very good player and he's not very big does anyone know his name doctor someone I think he's got doctor in the title so I enjoy watching him because he's funny when when he does stuff yeah Michael Jackson's a great singer pity fries passing but I'll actually grew up on Michael Jackson way back in the day say he's been around for a long Tempo in fact we're we're very curious to know what the younger people are into as well just say that we can keep up to date with yeah and artists as well so you can keep up to date with the music and the games and just what younger people are into oh and also the expressions you guys use cuz sometimes I get lost when I'm looking at comments or watching young people create videos there's a lot of tip now maybe someone can explain to me what does this mean say I'm just gonna type it I don't know what that means I don't know what that means what else don't I know there's more lip I guess means good listen rap music or fifties eighties music really I didn't know that cuz that's again this sort of music that I grew up on and any other terms that you might introduce us to because we do need to keep up to date with that sort of stuff seeing as we intend to have a younger audience only there are adults that follow us as well Jesus son these claps are taking a little bit while a little bit of a while here so if someone can answer me what those terms mean I'm a little bit lazy to to search them but I've just seen them online now can you do a little bit of talking because I really made a break for a sec and you can even do that you want me to do that maybe heck yeah you can do it oh yeah we've got Eric's around my age ah okay going say great we don't have just young people we like a mixture of young an old not that not that Eric is old I'm older than here and I'm not all better I don't know if it's him or say I'm just gonna get stink pants to entertain you which means you've got to now talk to her a lot just to get her to talk alright hello guys we'll see if we can get anyone while he's going Tony so I can attach you only live once now he's not 42 and yep means you basically got cheap what what is cheap Yolo you only live once I won't put it back yeah he will come back soon go true I'm sorry sting pants tell forgot I made the class okay can said I heard him blowing his nose yeah yeah so sorry I'm just I haven't gone to the bathroom yet but I just need to go to the bathroom and make a coffee ha ha Sam we all set poor dot sting pan is the name of the clan no they going awesome Thank You Samuel it's great thank you and guess what if I'm not back in time stink pants will be doing the old giant attack haha what why I have to do time can I do something else I think that's the one that's next I'm not sure oh no it's gonna be bad we lost one so far I think you're gonna last this one too nah you're a great attacker fine still not find anyone to attack oh okay he said the cloud is gonna be bad now around 12:00 1:00 o'clock our time so it's gonna take ages which might be good thing so he can come back and attack it so what are you guys doing today what time um well now it's 12:30 Trey yeah coping and blowing yeah we both got to say he actually got sick before me and then you know contact us we live in Australia Samuel how about you ah I think you mentioned before you're from USA right Johnny Johnny tell Papa racing trophies no Papa telling lies no papa show me your clash of clans it's nighttime already 6 pm in Colorado I see this so much different from here we are already in Wednesday and you guys doing Tuesday on Tuesday right you gather all C from xn that's good clown is kind of boring oh I got one I have to do this I'm serious that's a lot ah what should I do o que eu faço oh my god that's a lot of giant okay whatever okay whatever it's just gonna Seja mal um well it actually went to the bloodied dock Alyssa storage but it's not attacking any onion so storage great okay almost oh they also have giant as clan troop defense come on why don't you attack that darkly so storage come on and that rage spells kind of West this is not good I'm still alive come on Queen it's almost dead all that already damn I only have my king at the moment and it's no not gonna be able to take anything Oh at least I got one star I want you can hear the tapping on the tela yeah I'm still like I know you can just like draw a line or some things to drop the truth but I'm just so used to having it it's kind of funny anyway at least I won yay even though there's only one ha what did I say did I say something really bad ah oh no too late sorry okay Oh can't say that I say something bad alright sorry guys now do I have to train next truth let me shake yeah so Qual é o próximo golem okay Golan - just call him okay huh oh yeah next one is Gollum I have to train for the next next one actually so what do we do Tudo certo oh did you do the ice column and electro dragon nor ice and electro dragon that's what face of death thanks across to getting ha so I make it kind of equal I think yes Tudo certo and what smell should I use all right child and I will yeah right all right not hiss freeze a shame hang on this one's not finished yet okay you already made the feet and this is not yet maybe close to loons to make it foo Yoong request and request okay where is your clan castle everything so pack okay yeah I have a practice place OK some will say I'm making salads Boras baked potato ah you're inviting us around for dinner in brown get all from boxes and packets made from scratch I love mashed potato yeah you do oh really already Bhutan sounds really sick for guys yeah I'm not not super healthy at the moment so it's set to ground we're good to go again already well I think that's funny we'll have a look at your base chage at some point but at the moment I'm mum boosting say I can't do that did you wanna switch seats or do you want to attack unless you want to do you want to do another attack right huh hashtag cool life hashtag let's get miss my friend well what's that mean hello darkness smile friends you know what that means alright so hopefully the clouds will be a little bit quicker this time we'll have to wait and see and cheesy stream has been gone for a while there's too many people in to quit we're not quitters you you can't but I might have para yeah well that's the plan if I can get stink pants to make me something we have my bacon we have no eggs I know we've got eggs we've got no bacon now did you know that I miss that oh now you retracted it I didn't know you could do that either in a strain yeah Ken said eat a lot of fruits and veggies and you will feel better he did yeah it had salad last night right you like the salad you don't have anything left for me as per usual that's right I ate at all and I'm the one who brought home that didn't give me permission to it I thought you gave me permission to say can have it but didn't like the kale though I picked that out ranch we don't have any ranch the Americans love ranch vestir they absolutely love it oh really yeah we should get some sound of silence that's a great song by the way Eric he be well actually that was around before probably both of us were born but dad brought me up on that he keeps retracting these messages that song is they're not rude we don't mind what do you say random yeah it's family friendly but other than that we're happy too to say anything yeah it's pretty bad in legends and Titans I hate to yeah it tight losers not good either no was telling me that he was struggling with the clouds a little bit when I got into Titans yeah I know the disturbed version I think yeah I played it to me who doesn't like it that much it's alright you know I prefer the original but there's nothing wrong with a disturbed one it's a very powerful rendition that's actually think it's good oh I don't know about that Samuel pepperoni pizzas are awesome without anything just pepperoni maybe we should try that one day we'll go shopping and get some ranch well I'm deleting my comment safe RC chicas cat tree each with three columns are gonna go after defenses aren't they I think so at least she's in good pattern ain't how this is gonna work I'll have to wait and save it I think golems are gonna struggle mr. clean she man said it was playing clash of clans sings the Treasury update oh you too random I see I think Treasury I think I think I start to play before that update Eric Eric said we have in Colorado we have green chile on everything this green chili spicy and said I hear the tapping on the screen go ahead Domeier I said you can amass on ranch to Australia yeah I mean we we have ranch cheese our brains work as well I'm just not sure is the same as in us because it's not very popular here I can't believe we won with an old golem attack can you get the towel can we get to get it quaint we might even get the Town Hall on these noites it's trained on the wrong thing not oh that was closely almost to start on that 1 what is that what do you spin can tired I've heard of it food what's the next combination of troops guys well we're you know what I'm gonna go go it again they're asking for stuff when I'm oh that looks like what shuttle rider Reaper for some reason I did the Carolina Reaper challenge stink pants of his team will seem to do it that looks like jalapeno and I'm waiting on a troop suggestion to saying and where they got anything okay still nothing guys I made a troop request suggestion now so I can start training it's so sad it's banal are they going I'm going now bye bye thank you for staying for as long as you did came that's awesome we appreciate that he was there from the começar can't believe he doesn't get bored boys so we did in all lava hounds one already do or nothing the two troop combinations that I was gonna save until the very last would be wall breakers and goblins they're both kind of useless say how about all minions cuz we did do all lava round before what do you think about that yes God well alright fine more goblins this is gonna be bad too now with goblins we're probably gonna need heal spells I'd say this is not gonna work well I'm pretty sure combination with goblins and it works like it's very fast and if you get like a quake of jumping spell we can jump too hands and just go get you a look actually you're right how many come spells to you you're gonna do happier you do these fun huh yeah I'll do the next one do you do there or goblins cuz you're probably never used goblins so well get stink pads to do that one yeah Ken said you guys never made me bored you guys make me laugh so hard I cry goblin please somewhere safe for the meanies for alright well we're doing the old gobs they're being trained right nan said goblins are the best drew doe said that random really I have never used goblins in six almost seven years of playing what where are you where were you where have you been have you seen before um yeah well stink pants has used them but I'm more actually I might've use them maybe once Jerry said they were targets how Hall to loosing days all right that's true no use to jump well I'll tell you jump ease I think I did Sarah's take jump so again stink pants is actually good we face kinda spells whereas I'm not so good right now but I did use combination of ash and goblins gibe are actually type ash and coupling before when I was lowered Town Hall but at this rate I'm just good election yeah see again I'm trying to keep up-to-date with the requests as well when it's hard to do it when I'm doing these crazy attacks cuz I just keep asking for stuff I don't have ha ha do you have enough Alisa do you have enough dark ELISA for what foster Patrol yeah I can't spend the dark elixir fast enough at the moment I see you guys next time on the next dream and pulled on out the DS called server in the comments for me will do now random that's the very last one that all attempt ever cuz will break the all wall breakers is not going to do anything it would definitely lose that the only way you're gonna win is if the channel was on the outside saying yeah I'll look I'll do that for you came if you after the streams finished like tomorrow or whatever just um leave a comment there and I'll reply to it hopefully with the correct discord but I'm just not good at using discord as if luck was here he'd tell you some old clan got confused when I asked for copy I am not surprised I did ask for wall breaker once before too because I miss training something and then I have to go for the wall and I'm just like oh they got a lot of fans strong fans in so many layers so I can ask for wall breaker well that's good so you can just dumb once and then day to school we don't need to have you guys ever been I'm just trying to work out what I'm gonna do for the next one which means you got to remind me as well to keep switching the ground militant special power playing fair day well it's been a long time since we've seen you a he's one of the oldest guys as well appeared on our very first video he did have you been named fen a we've been missing you spent a long time since you get to say alive Samuel said I just burned my don't know maybe be careful here we don't want you to get hurt I once asked the goblins in a clan and I did an old goblin attack and I won and town all for well see if it works it tunneled well alright so getting ready for another raid now so what have you foi até guys been Fenner in particular it's been a long time since we've spoken to him and what are you waiting for just one more trip to finish training it looks like a couple more troops alright we're almost there just because he keeps rejecting his comments what he tried to do is just put something that is not you know for family YouTube channel and then he just retest yeah see if you can read it quick enough oh no I can't write it quick enough I'm too slow yeah be careful with boiling water Samuel and we don't want you to get hurt or any scarring and two hundred and eighty goblins well I'm getting stink pads to do that one I'm always the max town online just need to upgrade one air sweeper and walls that's great say a little bit of advice infant a the wall son super important so I know that you do you call it I wouldn't even call it rushing but you don't have max walls for your level do you let's have a look at stink pants is actually known got too many well son wheel you should put your hands in your cold yeah cold water yeah cold water I know some people got recommend using toothpaste and you know some African actually have a belief that you should use coffee ground but that's not good because it's hard to get rid of you know after everything that you have to clean your wood so yeah be careful with that corner is the way to go unless você tem what they call it cool gel or something for bird eggs in particular then you can use that I have put a lot so I know it acredite em mim I just never have to read the degree burn but I did everything else like first degree second degree so and plus he getting training yeah and look tomorrow says he's mastered as well so he was not stuck it might work was she saying a wrench really well it's not gonna irritate I thought my studies seeming like to like Chile something ah so we've got a legit question hang on it so him Cain says you can't leave say mister glitchy man the reality I think is you do kind of have to choose between pair or ground because using a combination of both tends to make one or the other a bit weaker dear have you ever used the combo of both because I don't as a general rule we can try that for a raid if you like to see how it works if you want to suggest a ground add treat combo but the reality is I probably wouldn't recommend it you just go for one or the other oh there you go so they both say they use mustard by considered using a hammer to get instant tan all 12 yeah it's a there we save our I save my books for particular things so it's certainly good to do it if you you need it nothing wrong that's a good thing about the updates for the games they let you grow faster than when I first started playing they didn't have any of these things there's no hammers made what do you call it like potions things like that none of that was in the game even you didn't have them when you first started go under them over them blow them down I think he's still talking about sound in there so yeah I don't don't really know the answer to that one because I've never used a combination of both and the music stopped so this bear with me for a sec do you have a Burmese nah but unless you count my original music but that's not good to listen to oh all right so we're gonna hear it again it's always the same with these and yeah I'll have to add to that sooner or later say considered to get a hammer gun okay I read that yeah allies very good for bands as well we've actually got that in the garden yeah my country to use aloe vera we don't have my stuff in my country no you think fats easily cooked by trade yes he's mastered so good but you know I want part time in Japanese restaurant and they don't have my father in everything every stop they don't use my stuff can we use wasabi wasabi quiz it's like mustard but I don't think it's gonna be the same I can't I just can't I'm gonna stay a little longer till his stream is over but he's awesome can we love game why Eddie where he's another guy that I remember as well oh hey no worries inferno thank you for staying we aprecio isso loons enjoy or fluids enjoy Athens we can try that whole trial image by and dear that is coming up with crap but we've only lost one right out of everything we've lost one so it doesn't it doesn't say no matter what cottons it chokes me I've probably just jinxed myself for that all right we'll try loons and Giants next if I do it now surprise enemy and more well I'm a bit lost on that one say I know no wasabi says tomorrow so much it's not real wasabi it might have just a few percent yeah try the real thing is expensive they said to grow to farm so instead they use horseradish in there as a main ingredient and food coloring oh well no no I want the real deal oh aqui vamos nós and what's my troops okay say this might be okay where are they what's up not yes I stop calling yourself a professional crook stink pants yes you say it all the time Samuel said I was making the gravy and I dropped it the width and boiling for every droplet cover my armor that's too mau no hang on no if I could all right I'm silly I've got a rage pities me straining it again I got that right Eric said upgrade to 10 or 12 as a rock the tough okay that's cool can said let's see are you Australian Sr. Fincham answered board games make you more bored so that combination worked - you got two stars out of that one that you're doing a whole goblin butterfiy said and coal dude what's uncultured I am I'm uncultured you say que o tempo todo uncouth and uncultured all right say I'm still concentrating on this so you keep up with the chat there stink pants somebody else said I believe that random you said Steve and read my comment the product needs to hear its grow up a little bit all right you guys love me well I love you too yeah we do the guys that are fading me this for such a long time we remember them and then the new guys is well like they they always seem to be quite nice which is great - so what was that next combinação or Giants and lanes sales split it half off some will say blame the aliens sowhat's half from 56:28 you can just click 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 I think it's 2018 my math is correct 28 and 28 yeah this one hmm just know I'm gonna do my normal spell lineup for that I think just because give ourselves the best chance of actually starring I can't believe these street combinations have actually been working that's just crazy well bookmarked and subscribed got to go help them say he's alright say there's a space available again thank you for that leaves briefly joining anyway I think he's still in the stream I'm not mistaken I rock say my imaginary shy sim, está certo but we appreciate that the bash was lucky that was wasn't it that one was really lucky and stink pants is gonna have a go at mine again I can't believe we haven't really lost trophies either he's probably making your back by me yeah well that's true certo alright say how long have we got 14 minutes so we might as well just do another replay used YouTube for money I can name three mosy j cole and fgt I don't know I only know Jake : that's not it yeah and well I do want to say stuff about these guys but I better not I just say for the younger audience think twice about watching certain youtubers because they're not good influences let's see Oh awesome say no worries say yeah I'll give you a shout out anyway he's got a like a music channel yes say I don't mind saying that and I appreciate the fact that you're not trying to advertise yourself because those kind of messages do get removed but yeah so check it out and it's got some good music on there okay what kind of music yeah it's a mix I think I can't really remember and Eddie if you want me to go and have a look just when the streams finished drop a comment after it's uploaded so I can remember because it's a bit hard to do it from the stream itself so please did that already laws I watch sometimes I try to move that's funny that's a bit like maybe when you're driving sting pants I've always got my foot on the brake so no you're going too fast you speed David and I try to grab the steering wheel as well if anyone's watching us when we drive I'm like this with the steering wheel and the brake alright Oh actually it's alright we'll do one more boost I think one more boost and then after that when is your birthday he got a surprise for you and Sr. Clichy man said he has to go ah that's fence from the strain okay say he's joined us now jeez and they're all Titans too we hope some of you guys actually steak as we need better players when's my birthday I'll just say late July I don't celebrate my birthday as stink pens can probably attest I'm getting getting old now yeah it's just a number I still like yeah I like my presence and a birthday you know just not celebrating it well thank you for staying for so long our glitzy man we appreciate that that certainly helped us out a lot got to go which side of the road your drive on so we drive on my left-hand side yeah what are we drive on I gotta think about it now right inside the driver seat is on the right the the opposite to America so Hyattsville I remember you as well now the only problem is is that we've just had someone join say the clans full again so if it becomes available you certainly can just meet the criteria and you're bom para ir yeah we drive on the right hand side doing what drive in America when I was lá geez that was it was very scary at first and then my arm relatives said can you please drive on the I guess what they call what we call a highway or a freeway and they've got like six to eight lanes we don't have anything like that in Australia for loans at the most yeah there is scary to drive on that because I was said oh you've got to get to the you know I was on the leftmost lane they say you've got to get all the way over to the right that's not good no we drive on them I think we are left you said right ah jeez are gonna think about it do we even know how to drive if we've been driving on the wrong side of the road this entire time I don't know all right so this is the old goblin attack she's good like stink pants she's gonna do that one not me so sweet I'm trying to visualize it now the slow one is on the left yeah I ain't know we drive on the left yeah yeah that's what I think where we sit on the right yes yeah that's it you're right gee we don't even know which side of the road we drive on my drive on the footpath there's less traffic less traffic on the footpath no I'm not recommending that that was just a joke by the way so don't anyone think about doing that Australia's like backwards because they drive on the left then Americans well actually who invented the car was that Samuel fort or is that just the first production car I have no idea about this I gotta say there's probably more countries in the world that drive on the outside of the roads and Americans are you sure I don't know you most Europe's like that England's like that like what what like us or like UK sim no no no you know I'm wrong I'm wrong because the French drive on the other side yeah that's why I'm saying you and England are the same but the rest of Europe is just like yeah yeah you might be right but then what about the Asian countries depends like a nice Singapore in Thailand and I think Malaysia every country I've been to has been on the last you never been to Vietnam yet right I have seen in the video they don't even have traffic light Oh in the junction is crazy so what was next say Henry's just famous are there yo didn't know that either I knew he's famous I don't know who invented the carbon so he's not the one who invented I'm the queen bow down don't know what that one means camión might have to explain that one and our little kitty cat is getting annoyed with us I think we're giving it a no attention it doesn't matter she deserves it um I strive on the right say we might be in the minority yep no well just be you guys I'm gonna start driving on the right-hand side of the road my again I'm joking you don't want to be causing any traffic accidents nothing bad to happen all right so what else we got no he's saying yes now I'm not gonna do that Oh - golden will came didn't get that for last time but I'll say it again - goldfish are in a tank one says to the other do you know how to drive this thing oh you did get that so you got that one what do you call the man with a rubber toy wrapper tall Robert tang oh okay okay these aren't good jokes are they I'm pretty bad at the jokes pesquisa well Eric didn't mind my joke I think he was laughing at that okay yeah I told that joke in a previous train cane and you said I don't get it but usually I have to explain my jokes first made me drop my spirit well in that case I get a good galley but then I seem to be making tomorrow and making tomorrow and Sam you'll not be able to eat their food and I'm gonna do that to them what do you call a fake noodle that ain't yours whoo no imposter imposter now I don't lie that one very much impostor maybe I did get it - let's see what each answer is all right I don't know if I should say that one I would avoid this sushi if I was you why it's a little fishy it's a little fear you did you know it fishing means no more tricky yeah tricky it's a little tricky oh and I did get it in pasta oh yeah I did do it in the broth stars video say he remembers alright say hopefully those clouds will sort themselves say because that's still taking a little while I got language challenge for you go on try me say something in Iceland in hell hello I am ice landok nice - yeah I know I've got to translate it hang on I shouldn't be telling anyone these some fluent in Icelandic allah edgar is linked gum and i don't let me do that yeah he's a little bit too quiet for that one well the thing is we don't actually let the cat out unless she's on a leash we walk her like a dog because we don't really want her to get killing stuff so he might take her for a walk later on this tarde yeah gave up eating tomorrow sick well sorry we didn't mean to put you off your food is it out Jake's in our humour of that bad that people can't eat their food anymore that ah he say Ted put the cat out I did not know it was on fire I tried to tell you a joke like that you like I don't get it I não entendi all right so do another one just because I'm being amused by kiss myself no I can't say that one the rotation of Earth really makes my day because it rotates yeah that's just a fact I thought about going on an all almond diet but that's just nuts what's brown and sticky browns de poule really cuz I don't but I touch it so don't know if it's sticky but fair enough you are alright enough that a stick I did not know is out now what do you call the restaurant on the moon atmospheric cuz that's similar Jake I told her pretty sure and why do witches V&A panties make sure that they're not too rude good food no atmosphere hey he stole a joke from me I swear I did that one before and we don't know the answer but hopefully it's not it's still family amigáveis nós vamos descobrir em um segundo geez these clouds are getting worse yeah this might have to be the last little lot of streaming Fitz's challenge his base on the live now all right I will do that after this braids Gazoo yeah after the clouds because that's taking a long time you did do that are you stealing my jokes he's like that am i lib to say the names or not there is a guy that his colleges guy who is called out for stealing jokes in America and same with a girl as well saying the comedians don't like that but hey I'm not a comedian so I don't care so you can steal all my jokes Kane happy for that and all right we'll do that live attack if we ever get out of the clouds geez this place that another one but Jesus clouds they do tend to get worse for some reason after midnight like that's why that's I try to get stink pants on the stream at 10 o'clock which she didn't do I'm rubbing your jugs yes he is okay giving him tell you though I don't mind what was the next one I've never gone to a gun range before I thought I'd give it a shot give it a shot but you never been to a gun range yeah so I thought I'd give it a shot I have actually done that is part of Cadets we have to do it at school so clearly 22 and I don't know if I was a good shot or not like but I know I am oh yeah okay do some shooting do you wanna point only once in my life really I've shot a few times but it's not a big thing yeah well I should grow up in the country unless you count me playing arcade games yeah you're good at that why do you never see elephants hiding in trees it's to me not because they're so good at it huh you don't say because they say good at it okay a better Groupon for dreams not Erik have you got a Capon claim I have to be relatively clean jokes it's so family friendly Chapel hi best fled say the clan name is a1 clan I will show you if we ever get out of the clouds here I just remind me to do that P don't give give global your YouTube channel um I think I already did I'm pretty sure spirit okay some sorry stink pantses may have to be talking to you at the moment questions Matthew hello Maddie how are you I remember you as well he say the guys that have been supporting our challenge if you ever reply to their comments you'd start to know them as well okay so just bear with me all right so that's that one done now people might have a gerund for that okay you've got two phones came well if you feed a cow money what do you get if you feed a cow money what do you get loose change if I get bad sand for that one all right say and you don't need that anymore that keeps distracting me plays that I'd say if you feed a couch or the Jake's coming in thick and fast now so no we don't know the answer to that one amanhã Oh stink pants your turn she's finally going to do oh and that's how our there always get it almost the way it's gonna be channel 12 nah who's there came what am I allowed to use everything everything yeah including your thing everything oh they sure do I can't no we've got cow jugs coming in at the moment why my cow says Moo Park cow what doc doc who's the accountant Carrie okay entendi it's a viruses rich milk if you feed it money race me these are good jokes I like these cows probably like how come they're making jokes of fun events why why are they making fun of us you're doing all right you haven't used the singles all right so while she's doing that um do you know that's not good now that one's no good hey these aren't that jokes I said I used to work in a shoe recycling shop it was soul destroying soul destroying - what - ooh what are you still gonna shit hey make sure you just pay attention to the game unlike me while choosing any spells get rid of them anyway it cause it's dead já Oh stink pants isn't doing well on this one I can't believe you didn't use any he got to get rid of them you want me to drop no it's too late now Oh stink pants you're hopeless all right so we might end up there end up stopping the stream short and what was the next yeah but what was the next thing no I'm not gonna do wall breaker what's this this is Johnson right actually oh they keep asking for troops I don't have all right you know what I might just but at least once just do a normal sort of tree braid just for that neck of it because Oh what have you done I mean what have I got they say that that's why you have to get rid of those spells it's not gonna help at all now you hopeless just bear with me for a sec and sting calça you keep doing that while I'm doing this I'll show me a clan that's right and say this is the clan hear Vlad and I guess his stop tapping so hard stink pants he said not funny at all he didn't like any of my jokes can you check out the clan I made yes I can but after the boost say that's that one ah I was just to be up - okay steam PTF they've detained while I'm doing this I'm doing steam pants this is such a terrible combination in troops t-thanks this pink pants not getting rid of those spells oh I don't even have the right spells to do this attack you're welcome I'd say that'd make a fair bit of a difference if I actually had rage but I don't say it's still might at least get a star but no worries came thank you for staying ring though we did get a star out of it but it's certainly not gonna help on the next raid Thank You stink pants your well coming all right so almost finished for this one and what did I say as thing I'm training normal troops yeah I think just yeah just to get some normal troops out da estrada because you guys have to get your troupe challenge stuff in advance so I can train the modelers I just start training normal stuff well that was a cake considering there is not a good combination and what have you done on me for the next one that's the problem so what am i working with here that's normal now suppose it's not too bad for that well actually we just used that oh hang on ER he said that yes didn't I already do it no he did it by shape the the clan for a little while there so I'm boosting yeah I can des as soon as the boosters over so just wait a little bit because I just don't want to do it and waste the patient I know why you name he has been paid that's right and high manager I think is the first time we've seen you it's we don't stink pant well there's an S on then because you've got pants isn't it stink pants yeah well that's true too so UK knows you got stinky pants that's why have you been manager welcome to the channel I will say what time is it there I'm just curious and thanks you disappeared when I'm trying to do they're entertaining five minutes for 1 oh yeah and then what do you have to do what are you cooking me me yeah you gotta cook myself Nine's the meters again always instant noodles 6:20 pm PST okay see and it just curious as well what day well actually no 4k no no it's has to be Tuesday say getting back into the driver's seat now so hopefully these clouds won't be too long we'll wait and see because perhaps smell and that's better ha laughs that Keynes joked about you by the way stink pants couldn't fit the pants it cuts off at the s now you took yeah I must admit this is one of the longest trends that we've done I mean just because we've both been a little bit sick where we've both been pretty tired of ladies and stink pants when she comes home tense and just goes straight to sleep for a bit actually he didn't last night which is good yeah you couldn't sleep the kitty cat didn't want either of us to sleep at all which is jumping all over Richards stink pants number two you need ink pads stink dot numbered teeth oh yeah she does have that gas prop what você esta fazendo all right so yeah Kings it's only six see him he must be on the East Coast or the opposite of whatever works on there's a nice fillet it must like much later than that now hey again men are we're just waiting for a crazy raid on this one we've been taking true requests raids to try and make the stream more entertaining we've lost a couple of attacks but most of them have been ok so if you've got a request for one of those we can certainly try and do that for you did I tell you the time I fell in love during a backflip when I met you I did a backflip steep pants I was head over heels no I was heels over and I don't play soccer because I enjoyed this sport I just do it for kicks do it for kicks all right I'm the only one that's laughing at my own jokes at the moment so what we might do once these particular Raiders over if there's anyone left that wanted to I guess that was kind of cool are you talking about the raid against your base cuz it might have worked a bit better if we had the right spells and probably the right chirps you're gonna see the same kind of raid now because that was the troops that were trained say my school is giving away a free car for perfect attendance their 9th to 12th grade at the end of the school year are you serious came the giving away a free car what does it matter if you're a student I'd take any car it could be a miniature car you just can't hear my laughs a Samuel doesn't mind my jokes well yeah are you serious he's serious so what school to go to and will they take really old graduates no don't answer that Cain I don't don't want you to give you up that sort of personal em formação but yeah I wouldn't mind joining the school it gives out free cars how do you get it like you said you have to be a certain level of academic they call what do they call them may we near the top they call them something no no no that's what we call alumni they've got a particular word for it I guess the hot bullets well Samuel I'm happy for you to cast a parent spell on stink pants for me okay you have not missed any school days well Kane you got your glasses fixed right so you've missed the school day plus he's only 15 you old enough to drive at that age maybe in America you got to be 16 in Australia and this thing that they call their top graduate is annoying me now because I know there's a word for it you don't know what it is sim Sade that's what are the what's the criteria other than missing school days or is that it because I could do that I'd sacrifice a year for a car turn up every day I'll turn up on weekends and public holidays you know what I met a valedictorian that's what it's called yeah valedictorian so that's what their top student gets but if you the top student you don't need a car you smart enough to get your own car yeah why not anyway if you've seen and a half he can take a driving test oh there you go they can actually get on the roads bit earlier the other thing is do you need to have special plates well we call them we call them plates but they're not really plates would you call it like this sign so we have L plates and P plates a learner and probation is what they stand para or when sting pants had them it was looser and looser plates and wonder what did I call you in there no you never had these stink pants I gotta keep an eye on you know it's a license plates are algo mais we have those as well they're the same thing everywhere in the world you've got just normal license plates all right so stink pants has to disappear for a bit because she's gonna make me something delicious delicious to eat instant noodles all right say left to my own devices oh you do have learner plant pyramids yeah but you have to actually show that on the car so we have to have a sign at the front than the back that says L when you're on your learner permits and then pay you when you're on your probationary licence and then once you've got your full license you don't have to have anything nothing else there are no special plates okay it's like then how do people know that you're a learner say if you're say Kane he's getting going at fifteen and a half to get his learner permits how can you tell that he's a learner driver as another driver on the right not a policeman that would pull him over and tell him off for driving erratically which I'm sure you're not going to do cops pull you over you dice so there is no way to tell well that's interesting all right I didn't know that either so it's very strict here you can lose your licença if you don't display these I won't call them plate signs so yeah if we don't display those signs you'll you can lose your license over it plusses restrictions on actually I'll ask as well what kind of restrictions do you have so while you're answering that for us when you're on your old plates you cannot drive unless you've got a full license holder in the car in the front seat passenger seat so esse é o número um obviously you can't drink at all when it and you also can't drive certain types of cars if they're like v8 or higher you're not allowed to drive a v8 or a v12 what I'm doing a rage they just bear with me I would like to take that out if I can but that looks like it might be bit hard let's do it anyway all right so you're gonna get on this side so sorry if I go a little bit quiet while I'm doing this these funds gonna go badly no no geo didn't even press the grand warden no wonder they were doing so quick oh we might just get one star if we're really really lucky almost there come on guys you can do this it's gonna be down to the heroes it looks like all right sorry I'm really concentrating so sorry I'm being a little bit quiet well we did it can we get the Town Hall I very much doubt it no it doesn't look like we'll get the Town Hall I am surprised that these three combinations actually work and I'm not so sure I'd use them but so far so good now do you have another troop combination suggest suggestion while I'm waiting for this raid to end because happy to do it again you don't you can't same that's the same here in Australia do you guys call cops coppers yeah we do say we generally call them cops or coppers police officers if you want to be extra polite but I did notice when I was in America they the American police tend to want to handcuff you pretty much straight away I'm not saying that I've been handcuffed but I just saw it happen a lot but here it doesn't happen that often say do you have a troop combination for me while I'm doing this because the troops are ready to go again otherwise I'll just very quickly train normal troops say give me a suggestion quick otherwise I will be the normal ones say I love that man kind of be nice it's the stupidest dream and the only ones to stay yeah I really appreciate it and came definitely is been around for a long long time all right just because you guys are taking a little while I might just to do a normal-type braid here just hang on what am I missing não é bom I've put in a trip request should I bother waiting for a donation or not Baba this place it doesn't matter that much already yeah just do it without the clan troops well if it's the only ones to stay I saw you pop up at the beginning and they've seen you yeah well that's right change came has been so good to us and for that matter he's brother as well the boost is almost over actually let me check there are 25 minutes but I'll see ya that guys say no and I got treats thanks for that fats I should I can't remember who it is in this frame mate it's one of the two because I do get confused by the YouTube name as well as the clash of clans name but thank you for that say yeah claim and his brother have been basically supporters since the very very beginning of the clan from the YouTube channel they both appeared on the very first video and always turn up on the streams and it helps us a lot as well and because imagine if no one's actually here than the the stream is probably very unsuccessful and pretty boring and he's even put up with the streams that haven't gone so well like the previous one I'm sitting at the moment because I'm in front of the computer Valks and wizards so we haven't tried that yet okay I'll try that tomorrow I think we can get one more rating depending on what the clouds are doing and then I might have to end this stream after that because this one will be a record one it looks like we just right then hit the three hour marks there you vai I appreciate it Samuel we add we also support other channels as well and the ones that are like you guys been putting a lot more effort into it well that's why I have to take a break before came because once you sit here for a couple of hours it's not a bad idea to just get up and move around for a little bit but it's not too bad at the moment I wouldn't mind it sort of doing it lying down but we'd have to move where they compute I suppose I could do it just move the computer screen so I can actually see the chat because that certainly no problems walking around with define but then if I do that I can't see what you guys are saying in the chat so we tend to just do it and thankfully it looks like the the gaming app has finally sorted itself out because we were having as Kane would be aware we were having a lot of I didn't mention the name of the app all that I buy you another packet stink pants is not happy with me I ate all of our chips you should see the look she's giving me but I did make you make you this - yeah it is well the I think you're in that one as well came the longest one when you had was for three and a half hours but then I edited it later on and cut it back to you I think a little over three hours could this one could well and truly beat that just because I'll keep streaming until that last boost is over so once this last boost is done call it quits but this is the the lifesaver I do have to say to get the watch hours up people at don't stream or don't have successful streams I don't know how they gain degree their channels because I think they would really struggle it whereas we tend to get a lot of what's time just from the streams and they do seem to be semi successful when they work say I have a feeling YouTube or other people like promoting them because we don't know why they do as well as they do I don't think it's anything to do with us it's more to do with someone else helping us out which we really apreciar so yeah we're gonna see if you can do the marathon yeah is you a challenge then can you talk to me for three and a half hours in an upload then you'll get to know what streamings like am i well I don't want you to stop having dinner we excuse me we seem to be stopping people from eating these days oh this is a normal raid all right so this should actually go okay let's say let's just see this and say sorry again I'm just concentrating it's looking good sci-fi might just use that free spell now I might just use that now Oh King was in a bit of trouble take out the Town Hall do it do it take it out good stuff all right so that's good and we'll drop one over there Queens still alive that's all good just waiting to see what happens with the Queen here could be three studies probably not Queens not really in a good spot but see okay's it is drawing a lot of that's can mean are don't think we will the closest but no the Queen's if the Queen dies like that will struggle a bit let's see what these last dragons do though they might be able to do everything I say so I've not added any it's still cooking I barely finished my vet says someone in your clan wants you to raid their base okay I can do that as well no surprisingly not I keep saying that I need glasses but I got my eyes checked fairly recently and I've still got 20/20 vision so it looks like I don't actually need them at the moment neither of us we wear glasses whereas both of their parents wear glasses say it's it odd mode and I think your other family members one one sibling wears glasses but my sibling doesn't say yeah it's sort of blessed with having reasonable eyesight I guess jeez that was close to three starring now what was that I've forgotten the troop combination already hang on Valkyries and Wizards I got to tell you tomorrow I do not like Wizards but we'll do a half half saying say Betty's actually you don't mind I'm probably gonna go a bit more Valkyrie Evie just because I really don't like wizards that Muito de well it's 28 already say 22 and 26 isso vai fazer and for this fun awesome think you stink pants deep feed me sorry I'm just concentrating first which would be yeah I'm just going to go tends to work reasonably well I hang on didn't I have well I didn't have spells for those Oh what's going on I didn't train them from before that wasn't smart that wasn't smart at all well I didn't train any troops from before okay hang on I'll get to the chat mystic I just got to make sure that you're doing the right thing yeah yeah that looks fine that looks fine that looks fine la kitty cat you're saying away can't request yet and go to here g-code okay should I do it without even having fully trained troops troops training I could almost do just to make it fair I could almost do decode just with drags but not but I think that's gonna be quite strong enough so it's a misting pad so yeah it's everyone's missing you stink pads the next stream we're going to try and do regular time now say well I'm if you want both of us in it that's a bit harder because stink pants works mostly Kenz I can work from home so that's fine but mondays are usually the day that we organize a stream now having said that we have been thinking about doing maybe a couple of uploads a week so you do a stream and then like one of your own video uploads and even harder you come here and have a chat so does that mean even harder to get you in a strength yeah cuz she'll start studying again soon which is going to make it even harder I'll have a go Jake aids base as soon as at least have trained troops trained but they're not even trained yet pecker and Fred they keep asking for troops they don't have sorry Gopi you're gonna have to wait is particularly while I'm boosting is not good so yeah the plan is we want to try and set up a regular streams time say everyone's aware of when it is for the moment that it has to be Monday between 10 and 12 o'clock our time is what we were down for so that's often Sunday for a ladies Sunday for the Americans then try and just do a normal uploader to some other sort of video and when it's a clash of clans one we don't have to promote it that much so we couldn't possibly fit a second stream in but chances are it's mainly going to be me doing them cuz stink pants is gonna get very busy soon but sure they heard the cat arcana heard the cat says she sounds cute Sade when did she made you so we got her before Christmas if that's what you're asking what do you do with a power patient now I'll show you I don't use it at all and this is when you had the magic items trick we did a video on the magic items trick say you can see I can hold a lot more patients than the game allows but you can't do that anymore so I don't use most of these patients because I can't basically I use the the yeah so I'll use the trick boost one I don't really need to use the resources one because I just raid and then the others I don't really use it all so there there's quite a few and then if we have a look at the shop I've got quite a few things to spend there so I'd probably just buy all of the hammers so they called I guess they're all called amaz something like that so yeah I don't don't really use them but power potion is used to upgrade your troops from memory so it can be a good thing to do for that sage oh no I missed out on that raid say how about we just see you he's doing it Matt Matt yeah being a bully he's a town all 12 taking on a town online and I think you might have handicapped himself alright so that's the end of that one and I think the troops are ready they are so what have we got no I bet the spells aren't ready yet sorry about that just waiting for those to train to and I got to keep switching the grand warden over ground air ground air all right so that's good so might just be able to fit one more in nor see our gaze so did I hear a plate yeah she's eating a stewed that I made her stink pants must be good I think it was okay do a build a base attack all right I suppose I can do that while we wait I inhale a I think my Russian friend I'm sorry I can't pronounce your name if you can give me a name to sale sale when I level up to townhall six what should I upgrade first so my recommendation is upgrade the troops first and also town on six oh that's pushing my understanding of a town on six so looking at my base mortars are good for town all six mortars are good because you'll often get attacked by ground troops so that's always good arches towers are always good and I'm not sure what you do and don't have on a town a whole six you're not going to have Inferno or Eagle artillery your ex pays for sure so I'd say mortars are good Archer towers are good are you hidden stuff as well things like hidden Tesla's are good all right say to get that out of the raid I said I'd do one of these say I'm sorry I'm not that good at build a base right and to be honest I don't even like doing build a base so I tend to be a bit lazy Plus bear in mind that boost is still on so I wanted to do this quickly to give you an example it's pretty up to three staff for me these days I don't know why I've got different combinations that I do use hopefully that will take out the Town Hall don't take you out of town on sim but probably not going to even get two stars on that one that was a terrible attack not just the Town Hall in it that's it it looks like okay you Sade I think hammers are useless except for the hammer of heroes yeah what was my favorite Town Hall gee that's taken me back one day I'm tempted to set up aa new account and I would be able to tell you more then but I'd have to say townhall 8 was pretty good I enjoyed being on the townhall 8 it was easier to attack to get in lots of raids no time in the clouds so that was that was good this clan started when we were when I was a town hall 9 so I've never joined a cycle peaking after wait I'd never joined the clan before I planned played this game lone wolf until I was a town online and started it just because of the clan wars so from then it was already hard because I was at the top of the clan at that point and there were much bigger bases than mine so 9 10 11 and 12 though it's certainly a lot harder but Town Hall 8 and down were bad and hopefully I helped answer your question my I guess Russian friend do you assure a town or late again yeah I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind starting again which I mean should I use I currently use Giants and arches but I'll now I have level 2 Wizards maybe something with Wizards so again don't necessarily take my advice because I used the same troops right up until even on channel 10 I was using the same troops and I basically became very good usando but barbarians and archers that was praticamente isso and maybe five or six Giants if I really wanted to do some damage to the base but if you get very good at barche attacks they're cheap they're fast you're not necessarily trying to three-star anyone but you can definitely beat just about any base and you can because your searches are fast unlike what's happening at the moment with mine you can always look for those bases that have 50% of the buildings on the outside of the walls that's what I used to do and then you've just got to get used to do I drop the arches first or the barbarians first the second thing is learn to know the range of your archers so you can drop them further away and they can be away from the defense's so they can attack all of the outside buildings but be far enough away that the defense's don't actually attack them if you don't have that luxury that's when you do the barbarians first so for me personally what I used was barbarians archers equal combination of both if you wanted to use five or six Giants you can certainly do that and then the reality was I didn't even use spells so I would train lightning spells for the just in case you didn't get the 50% yeah no that's fine Cain I know it's been a really long stream so we'll actually I think the boost after this raid is going to stop and we'll stop the stream at that point so I appreciate you staying for so long and hopefully that answered your question I just have to keep you calling my Russian friend because I can't pronounce your name but yeah I would recommend barbarians and archers maybe some Giants and that's about it and train lightning spells for the just in case you need to destroy buildings that would be my preference I'm not very good at using Wizards so I couldn't advise you I'm sure other people do now the other thing is if you're in war and you're looking to do well in that if you can get dragons at that level they're good I don't know if you can get dragons on a town or six it's just been a very very long time since I had that level so hopefully that helped you let me know if it did if you've got other questions feel free to ask is what so do you mean unfortunately no for the Dragons is it so you can't get dragons at your town hall level if not it doesn't matter okay say this is when if you're doing it for war you definitely want to change stronger troops so whatever the stronger ones you have even if they are barbarian Archer that's fine I would recommend in that case that you train more Giants in that case so my barracks level 7 drags are on I can I understand yeah so for the war ones you do want to try and use the strongest troops that you've got but do you do you or is it just be a normal raids so I'll wait for you to answer that one as well if it's just for the normal raids again I highly recommend just barbarians and archers maybe a few giants if it's for war I've got another raid here so ask your questions I'll answer them as soon as I've done this and I think I had another strange trick combination after this one or two if you've got access to loons they can be good the higher the upgrade the better so if you've got sort of higher level balloons they're probably better than ones but certainly where I'm using loans right now so you can see how effective they can be and sorry if I'm quiet again I always tend to go be quiet when I'm Fazendo isso all right I'd say at least that was a 2-star and see if we can get three out of these so got quite a few dragons left here is not looking so good all right Sade normals my friend there's a strong clan so don't get put into Wars tudo bem my balloons level two on Channel six I'll go to level three so if it's not for war and you're wanting to grow your your Town Hall as quick as you can I'm just gonna say barch I use that all A Hora there is the basically the only combination and I'll show you now I think I've got them trained my castles bigger than yours so you're not gonna have this okay say that's basically done so one more crazy raid and then we'll end up finishing up the stream just bear with me I'm just training troops so I got one more crazy raid to go and then for this one I'll just train normal troops saying that's normal that's good that's good alright say my Russian friend if you have a look oh why have I got healers there so normally I didn't use healers but you can say if you have a look at that lineup where it's got basically an equal number of barbarians and archers while sorry I forgot you do need a few wall breakers not many just you know 4 or 6 something Curtiu isso the lightning spell you don't use during the attack you save them to the the very end okay and then a poison spell for the in case they've got clan troops so yeah not a problem I'm happy to help and hopefully looking at that troop combination that'll help you as well I'm no problem Samuel Letts that's fine I do appreciate it when you chat it does give mim something to talk about but you don't have to I'm happy for you to just sit there if you want and we'll do one more rate I think and then in the stream because that boost is almost over so and just wait for that alright say that's that one done and so you're gonna have to wait again PCs there's the problem streaming live and trying to fill troop requesters it can really mess up the order of things so I have to wait for everything to train first I might just let them know that online streaming just say that they can understand because it does make it difficult and for this one all say I'm just going to be a ground troop attack so Nativity remind it again switch the ground wardens power over to chão let me how long have we got we don't have that much longer to go for that particular boost all right say that's that done now catch up on the chat side normals my friend thanks a lot sorry I've been quite now that's all okay see if you got anything that you want me to help with let me know also I should say we don't just answer clash of clans questions I can also at least try and help with YouTube or life coaching not that I'd be any good at that since it's my first time here out how often do you stream so we were talking about that earlier in the stream and what we're going to try to do now is set up a regular time we do try to do it once a week it's usually on mum no that's fine so it's good that you're helping your mum and Peyton so we try to do it once a week it's usually on a Monday for us but that might be a Sunday for you because today it's Wednesday at 2 o'clock and the reason we do it is because there's another person that joins the stream which is stink pants Oh No fats is gone now that's a pity so we were trying to do it where she's here and I'm here as well which is usually on a Monday I personally try to do it on the weekend if it's just me so what we'll say for the moment is every Monday between 10 and 12 o'clock our time so for now it's 2 o'clock on our Wednesday if that helps just curious and I'm sorry I keep calling you my Russian friend but I just can't pronounce your name what time and day is it there for you because this also helps us work out what the best time to stream is so just let me know when you're ready with an answer there and I'll try and sort that out say oh no it looks like alright say the beast is actually finished and where are we were at the three and a half hour max that's 4 oh my goodness what are you doing up that early in the morning 4 am on a Wednesday and do you mind if I ask which country you're from and Samuel from memory you're in America right so it's 9 pm but on a Tuesday I think that's a Serbian Serbian okay say we do because it's your first time here we do translate all of our videos into Serbian say and even the streams but that obviously I can't do it while I'm streaming so just bear with me I'll give you an example of how we do it so we're not not sure if the translations are a hundred percent accurate they're provavelmente não we have been told by some French Russians Germans and Italians that it does make enough sense when we translate that they can actually understand us say we do do that and hopefully that made sense so thank you for joining all the way from Serbia and also Texas I mean you guys are basically on the other side of the world compared to us so yeah I'll try and get this one last raid in it's not boosting anymore but there's only two minutes to go when it comes to the troops and then after that we'll stop this thing just because it's been going for so long ah that is correct excellent so if you want to check out my clan yeah actually yeah I can do that now for you Samuel because we're not not boosting so let me know what the clan is I think you have to give me I know you don't have to give me a clan tag you just got to give me the name from memory plans so just let me know what the clan is and I'll check that for you now I'd say yeah in fact if you are happy to do it my I'll call you my Serbian friend now sorry for keep saying Russian but I can't actually distinguish between the two languages very well they they sort of look very similar to me but if you do decide to check out some of the other content that we have I'd be really curious to know whether our translations are good or not now that's right you told me so PI assume I don't really after putting the capital letters but there it is awesome I might I don't know how I'm gonna get people to join that clan but I'll try Fantástico yeah no yes on the end but that's that's the one right ride the lightning is that the clamour you want me to check out so I might as well while I'm here I'm just gonna check every well geez that's a strong town or light well done Sammy that is an impressive town or later like that one well designed and a good builder bass as well yep I'm impressed with both alright so just bear with me for one more moment I'll just get that going and so that's done did it rhyme inferno is back as well that's a pity inferno because I will I'm just checking some bases now but then after that I'll do one more raid men stop the stream just because it's been going for so long did it Eu mesmo can you friend invite me we've got one space available at the moment because someone just left but yeah I am Caine but we're stopping insane can you look at my base so I have to be reminded how do I check bases again I just don't do it that often that's from profile isn't it is it from profile social search plays alright that's the one alright see that's eight is that and I were a to think that's an eye to eye this is why I sort of don't like doing it cuz I'm not a fast typer - I guess that's you that looks like it's you oh what a cute little base that's awesome it's been a while since I've seen one of these that's a good design - you're doing very well my Serbian friend let's have a look at your builder base yes that's a cute base as well and let's have a look at your troops yeah for you I definitely say get used to using the barbarians archers and maybe a couple of giants and wall breakers that's what I'd be looking at doing all right so I so want to check my clan yeah it's correct no it's on the end ride the lightning I'm not sure what that one means tomorrow ride the lightning I think that you mean your clan right and cut off my description I looked at that base I'm back did it myself you still live go to social and add friends say inferno what I would prefer to do is get you to perhaps look at discord first so I can talk to you because I really don't add people that I haven't met in real life or at least spoken to you say if you do that first I'd happy to chat with you on discord and then we can go from there visit me I'm cuckoo that's an unusual tag pwc yeah I don't think that's a valid tag it doesn't look like it I'd say this I don't know what the discord gate is just bear with me say I think it's this but I've been really bad at discord like I really struggled to use it so just bear with me I think it's that but as I said I've tried to get someone else to join me on discord and neither of us could figure it out we were both pretty ordinary and trying to figure it out all right so I'll do one more raid and then we might call it quits at that point so just bear with me it's at the end of the link after the paint space it's yeah so if one of you actually tried that and let me know if it works you'll also have to let me know what your discord profile thing is say inferno what what is that is that the is that the player profile tagger is that the clan tag I'm not sure when you say visit mean go to discord on your computer it's at the end of the link after that yeah that but that was it wasn't it I thought I'm pretty sure I've given you my tag in the the name of the discord ah there it's got a crown next to it but I don't know what that is I don't think God put that there says server Reina yeah I'm not that tech savvy say oh okay so I'll do that after this last cloud search hopefully it não vai demorar tanto tempo pasa want to get rid of these awful drapes you've been taking some strange troop requests all right say it's me and P changing my base oh hang on I've gone back a bit it's age did it myself Keaney Frannie still live Gator social had friends I've explained that already in June my base will be a year old awesome you've been playing for almost a year já what's he discord I gave that don't space it's say I think I did do that it's at the end of the link after that Gator discord on your computer I'm Sammy 108 my player tag it is really weird maybe because it's a really old account I'm pretty old my Serbian friend will just say that I'm in my 40s I'm not young at all instinct pants is younger than me who died - I'm going to join your discord yep no worries I just put the discord up so if you can scroll up a bit and these raids about the starts so just bear with me while I concentrate am i doing I don't know what I'm doing what sheeps if I got awful treats all right we're gonna get on this side oh jeez there's a lot of light I'm going for the light sorry I'm really quiet guys could we get the Town Hall we did well I'm going for the lead on this side now oh I've got a few stills left over didn't mean for that to happen and I might as well just do that no I know I dropped that in the wrong spot Polly yeah that treat combination actually worked well that was fast food all right so just bear comigo alright saying metal day for days actually did I have to donate to anyone okay sorry again just concentrating need to do that mean to do that well geez spells and things are all over the Lugar, colocar I'll just neaten it up a little bit so now we're on that okay and sorry I'm not I'll get to the chatting just a moment actually let's upgrade some walls to because I haven't done that I've got 900,000 no these walls are so expensive looks like I can only do one all right so that's done now what have we got in the the chat here oh it's the end of the link after I did that already visit me I'm picking Chu aye that's right so I'll check that in a sec I'm Sammy 108 what player Taggert is really weird I've answered that what is he discord and wearing you from I know you're not bothering at all my Serbian friends so we're from Australia I think I sent it all right side just let me check my discord first say online friends are pending okay pending oh yeah okay say inferno that's you and Sammy I guess that's you I hope that's both you so I believe we've accepted both you discórdia if you can just confirm that and then I'm checking a base say I've got a gay to social search players and then pw c 0qu inferno that looks like you I think geez you're doing well on the rewards too nice stop let's have a look at the base oh that's a strong Town online that's a good design as well yeah I like that that's very good nice work and yep good design there too yep that looks really good in fair night I'm impressed with that that's very good all right sage let's have a look check the discord are you reading the comments yeah I'm reading the comments from the computador yeah I'm Sammy who died I'm trying to join your discords server but I have internet problems so it looks like whatever I sent in the chat is right came cuz in fan a and Sammy of both being able to join and I think I even got a message from one of them just bear with me okay there we go yep say I'll just quickly say hi there and then inferno as well I think is sent me algo okay so I didn't even know you could do that saying Faraday's sent me I think his screenshot of his account wow that's impressionante all right say guys I think that'll do it for this stream it's been well almost three hours and 45 minutes so that's been a very very long one so I appreciate everyone for joining and for staying as long as you have as well so yeah it's been a long one so depending on how well this stream goes in terms of the views normally once we hit a thousand views on the stream then I'd be looking at doing another one and hopefully if it's like all the others it'll do that relatively quickly now just so that you're aware the next stream probably won't be a clash of clans one if I can get stink pants into it we'll tried some new sort of game if I can't get it then it'll be another clash of clans one but I prefer her to play new games just because she's better at them than I am so what we'll say for now is next Monday hopefully for us so that means Sunday for a lot of other people if not it might be even earlier it might be either else Saturday or Sunday it really just depends on when we're both available or if we're both available so we'll we'll try our very best and we will I think I'll use the notifications thing that you've got in the youtube channel and just to let people know that we will try our very best to have a regular stream at this point because we know we should be doing it it's just a matter of time matter of trying to get us both organized to be here okay I'd say thank you all thank you in particular for the guys that stayed pretty much the whole thing I'm impressed that you can put up with me por isso because not even stink pants can do that she disappeared a while ago all right say I might just type it as well yeah I am so impressed Sammy really impressed that you managed to do that it helps us out so much as well so I can't thank you enough I know that it might sound a bit choppy or or whatever on my first time here for young Liz hi welcome to this stream but I'm just about to finish it agora because it's been going for almost four hours so hopefully you can join the next one maybe a little bit earlier but I will stop the stream yeah I'm just going to type this just bear with me appreciated all say bed at 10 pm you know that's fair enough so young Liz I'm really sorry you've just joined and I'm about to stop it but it it has been going for quite some time so hopefully we can see you in the next one a little bit earlier awesome but bear with me I tend to get a little bit quiet while I'm typing as well and my Spelling's bad interchange that to a nome alright say ok I'll answer your question yeah that's fine so just bear with me could I answer one more question please yep if you want call me you can tell me on discord yep no worries no worries Sam so what do you think about the Town Hall 10 and 9 at the moment is it still working now I'm not sure what you mean by working but yeah the channel tens and nines we've already got them in a war say I was sorry I'm repeating this but this is a replay for a town hall 9 all night that's a night oh wow ok just get that say just explain to me young I'm not sure what you mean by is it's akhaten it's an 11 and find one somewhere because I was showing that there's a town on line say I'm not sure what do you mean is it still working say if you can clarify that that it helped me answer your question I'm saying just let me know but yeah they they both work I'm not sure if you're asking me is one stronger than the other or like what's the best troops to use say I'd love to answer you I'm just not sure what the question is do you think about the town nine ten and ten or nine at the moment is it still working yeah so I'm just waiting for your answer there while I'm doing this replay no worries Samuel yeah I'd love to see you in the next stream as well Kane you're gonna have to sort of speak to me privately as well to make sure I've got the right person on this chord to say say sorry young if you can just clarify your question quickly otherwise I will stop the stream just because that's what I was planning to do I mean I could let it go to the four hour mark it's been a bit of a marathon for todos os envolvidos say yes no not answering ah this is my Serbian friend I think so my Serbian friend did you just send me a request on discord just clarify that hi Cade say that was you okay all right so I think I just did that as well I'm just waiting for it to where it wasn't as fast as the others I'm not too sure what happened with that one because I did tick it and say yes but your name's not there it's same pending oh aí está você okay you are there so just make sure that that's you yeah I have to apologize that I'm not that savvy when it comes to discord so I've really only ever spoken to one person on it so we had faced but not like no that's alright say young you haven't sort of clarified so I will sort of stop the stream now so thank you for joining lovely to have met the new friends as well as seeing the old ones we wish everyone a fantastic day and I hope you have a good rest of the week and hopefully we'll see you again alright see ya.

Curso de ingles eua 1 mes artigos usados em campinas Taubaté lembrancinhas para festa infantil em eva. Teixeira de Freitas tema de monografia direito empresarial Relatórios, uem oferece curso de georreferenciamento de imoveis urbanos e rurais Outros tipos, curso de projetos mecanicos sorocaba Código, tentativa de homicidio en el codigo penal boliviano Tese. Gmat exam for mba in india citacao de artigos de sites curso de ingles eua 1 mes Uberlândia empresas de tecnologia da informacao em sp. Exame psicotecnico em concurso publico Crítica Literária/Filme São Pedro da Aldeia gestao de escritorio de advocacia fgv, exame curva glicemica onde fazer.


Judy Miln, Steuben: New Brunswick Theological Seminary. Três Lagoas: School of Visual Arts; 2008.

Fred Mosley, Franklin. Santa Cruz do Sul: University at Albany; 2014.

Gabrielle Gay, Manhattan Avenue zip 10025. Catalão: School for Social Research; 2013.

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